On my system, to keep things straight-forward, I set up a new web orbiter for every device that uses one - no two devices share a single orbiter, if that makes sense.
Whether you are accessing the orbiter through a browser on a PC (for example), or using an android device running darrenmason's touch orbiter, the initial setup is the same - go through every step in the wiki carefully for each device you want an orbiter to be on. Be methodical.
You need to pay close attention to the listen ports in advanced for each orbiter; no two orbiters should have the same listen number, so remember to increment this value by one for every new orbiter you create. As you create new orbiters, keep checking back to ensure the settings have stuck.
For web browser orbiters, don't worry about the listen port, because you select which orbiter you want to use after you have logged in. However for the android touch orbiter, you will need to enter the listen port in the settings under "LMCE Port".
Don't forget your full regens, reloads, and patience