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Orbitor screen resolutuion on Flytouch 2

Started by magner, July 15, 2011, 10:59:38 PM

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I have purchased a fly touch 2 tablet to use as an orbiter. At the moment I am trying to set up the screen resolution. The resolution for the device according to this website is 1024 x 600

I have chosen the 1024 x 600 resolution from the admin page and done a full regen. 1024 seems to fit well. 600 is to big. I have tried to reduce the 600 to 550 as an experiment by going to the orbitor advance screen and entering 550 for screen height and save.
when I do a full regen the settings revert back to 600.

Is there a simple way of producing an orbiter screen template with a slightly reduced screen height resolution? 


Are you using the web orbiter or the android touch orbiter?

The android touch orbiter will scale whatever image it gets to the resolution of the device ( in its current orientation)



Sorry lame ass answer there....

Just downloaded apk file and installed it on my tablet. When I try to open application I get connection failed. The Wiki page informs that Ineed to set server IP. Where might I find this IP?

To set up my device, do I need to specify static IP inside ethernet configuration ?



It's the Core IP so:
Also download the APK from here
The one that was on the wiki was out of date (I've updated it now).


Quote from: magner on July 21, 2011, 11:23:39 PM
Sorry lame ass answer there....

Just downloaded apk file and installed it on my tablet. When I try to open application I get connection failed. The Wiki page informs that Ineed to set server IP. Where might I find this IP?

To set up my device, do I need to specify static IP inside ethernet configuration ?


Just in case there is any confusion, it's extremely important that you pay close attention to the listen port in the advanced settings for each web orbiter that you make. If you have created more than one, you have to manually change the listen port number (just add 1). Incidentally, this is the value that you must enter in the touch orbiter settings.

1004 RC :: looking good :: upgraded 01/04/2013
my setup :: [url=""][/url]



I have now downloaded the APK file from the link provided. Thanks for that.
I have set the IP address on my tablet to This is found under settings>ethernet configuration>IP address
I try to open application and still get connection failed.

Where abouts do I have to input the listen port 4 digit number into the tablet?



You need to have made a Generic Proxy Orbiter. If you don't know how then follow the "Setup" here:
It's been a while since I played with the Android orbiter configuration but if I memory serves right then you can skip the steps about skin and resolution as default should work fine. So I recommend skipping them until you get the app working and if things don't look right then go back and play around with them.

As you can see the Setup mentions the listening port and it's that which you're after.
More precisely you can find it here: Show device tree -> Core -> Generic Web Device -> Generic Proxy Orbiter


Hi thanks for the reply,

I am currently using android orbiter through my local web browser. I have set up a proxy orbiter, everything is working fine. Apart from the resolution which I've been informed sorts itself out when you use the APK file.

I have the APK application installed but get "connection failed". Part of my configuration is not setup correctly. Cant figure out what thou?



On my system, to keep things straight-forward, I set up a new web orbiter for every device that uses one - no two devices share a single orbiter, if that makes sense.

Whether you are accessing the orbiter through a browser on a PC (for example), or using an android device running darrenmason's touch orbiter, the initial setup is the same - go through every step in the wiki carefully for each device you want an orbiter to be on. Be methodical. You need to pay close attention to the listen ports in advanced for each orbiter; no two orbiters should have the same listen number, so remember to increment this value by one for every new orbiter you create. As you create new orbiters, keep checking back to ensure the settings have stuck.

For web browser orbiters, don't worry about the listen port, because you select which orbiter you want to use after you have logged in. However for the android touch orbiter, you will need to enter the listen port in the settings under "LMCE Port".

Don't forget your full regens, reloads, and patience :)

1004 RC :: looking good :: upgraded 01/04/2013
my setup :: [url=""][/url]


Alright Matt,

I've tried connecting the tablet straight to the network switch using a cat 5 cable. The network switch is connected to the internal NIC. When I specify an IP of I get a connection problem icon on my tablet. When the IP is not specified (left blank) tablet works fine.  

I have a 2nd MD connected to the switch so know everything is ok with the setup. Seems to be a problem between the switch and the tablet.

Regarding the orbiters I have created inside web-admin. I currently have 2 onscreen orbiters and 1 proxy orbiter setup. I will check tonight to make sure the 2nd on screen orbiter does not have the same port number as the proxy orbiter.

Reading from the Wiki for web orbiter 2.0 it states "if this Web Orbiter is not your first then you should increment this value by one" my question: is a web orbiter the same thing as an on screen orbiter?

just thinking out loud here. what are the chances of the 2nd MD (assuming the 2nd onscreen orbitor will be using the same port as 2nd MD) using the same port number (3641) as the proxy orbitor. Will discover this when I have a look tonight i suppose...



The listen port shenanigans (of having to manually change them) are only associated with the web orbiter as far as I know.

Onscreen orbiters don't have a listen port, so don't worry about that (somebody correct me if I'm wrong).

When you say "proxy orbiter", do you just mean "web orbiter"? I know there is a proxy orbiter involved, that's how it works I believe, but let's keep the terms the same or I get very confused (easily done).

If in doubt, delete any web orbiters you have made, reboot, and start over. Carefully.

Can I just check, where is your wireless access point connected? And how have you got it set up?


1004 RC :: looking good :: upgraded 01/04/2013
my setup :: [url=""][/url]


From the below web site: point  

Section 1.8 informs :

"A new Generic Proxy Orbiter will also be created automatically"

So I think a proxy orbitor and web orbitor is the same thing...

The web orbitor works just fine when used through through my internal LAN.

The WAP is connected to my 5 port switch which is connected to my internal network.

For testing purposes I have hooked my tablet straight into my 5 port lan bypassing the WAP. My tablet has an rj45 connnection so I have connected it to my switch using an ethernet cable. As I said before this all works when I dont activate static IP inside my tablet.

I dont think I need to delete the web orbitor as it works just fine through a browser. Seems to be a connection problem when I try to use the APK app.

After going through the instructions for installing android touch:

install apk

set the server IP (which is the Core IP - default:
Input this into tablet, static IP option

set the server port of your proxy orbiter.
core has automatiically given me a server port nuber of 3641

port number - it is set as part of the device data for the proxy orbiter (use linuxMCE admin).  
Is this the same as the server port number? where do I need to input this number?



Quote from: magner on August 04, 2011, 02:12:17 PM

Section 1.8 informs :

"A new Generic Proxy Orbiter will also be created automatically"

So I think a proxy orbitor and web orbitor is the same thing...

Ok, for the purposes of this conversation they are the same thing, but they are not really.

Quote from: magner on August 04, 2011, 02:12:17 PM
port number - it is set as part of the device data for the proxy orbiter (use linuxMCE admin).  
Is this the same as the server port number? where do I need to input this number?

In the touch orbiter settings, as I said in my first post.

If this doesn't work, then let us know what WAP you have and how it is set up.
1004 RC :: looking good :: upgraded 01/04/2013
my setup :: [url=""][/url]