After some reading, searching, head scratching, etc... I have stumbled upon some command strings that work for most advanced DirecTV receivers. I'm not sure how to implement this into a template but the one out there for the HR24 did not work for me at all. If someone would point me at an article explaning how to get these commands to work with LMCE I would gladly create a template for the HRXX and HXX (excluding the H20 series of course - no network port).
Commands can be sent by sending a simple HTTP line. such as a person would have to do is change the IP address to the correct one for their box and the STP would change to channel 202.
The following line is a template for the HTTP string. sends the "guide" command to the STP listed in the IP field.
The commands power, poweron, poweroff, format, pause, rew, replay, stop, advance, ffwd, record, play, guide, active, list, exit, back, menu, info, up, down, left, right, select, red, green, yellow, blue, chanup, chandown, prev,0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, dash, and enter can be substituted for the word guide.