I have an Asus M488TD-M/USB3 to which I have connected a Maxtor 80GB PATA drive. The PATA drive will have the OS installed to it. I'm going to be using SATA drives in a Linux RAID 5 config for the media storage. However, instead of starting from scratch, I'm going to take an existing RAID 5 set from a Fedora 12 box and drop it in my LinuxMCE Core server at a later date.
I downloaded LinuxMCE-8.10-23796-i386.iso, and burned the image to a DVD.
The Problem:
When I boot from the DVD, select "install LinuxMCE", and eventually get to the storage screen, the PATA drive is never displayed! Thus, I can't install LinuxMCE. I've double checked the BIOS settings, I've rebooted several times, and even run the install from a USB stick, but always with the same result - no PATA drive is found.
I thought maybe the drive was faulty or perhaps there was some other hardware problem. So, I downloaded the Fedora 14 Live iso, installed it onto a USB stick, booted off the stick, and viola, I could see the PATA drive. Whaaa?! I was even able to install the Live CD to the PATA drive. When I rebooted the machine, Fedora happily booted up and ran.
Lesson Learned:
I can only conclude something is fubared with the LinuxMCE installer. Why is my PATA drive not being detected? Should I download a newer build?