I have 2 zwave devices in my system:
1. Lamp module - HA-03WD
2. Motion detector - HSM100
I added the 2 devices and both are showing on the floorplan.
Issuing command to the lamp module (e.g. light ON/OFF) works correctly. The lamp responds and the events, which include reponse information (log levels 36,40,41)
are logged in the log file (see example below)
However, I can not see activity events from the motion detector.
Issuing commands to the motion sensor device, triggers a one line response in the log file, which is not clear for me (see the two examples below)
Physically pressing the blue button in the motion sensor, triggers a respond with log levels 36,40,41
I see the signature (0x1 0x4 0x1 0x13 0x1 0xe8) that fits the ZDP200 lamp signature in LinuxMCE wiki page:
http://wiki.linuxmce.org/index.php/ZWave_APITo simplify the logging I deleted the lamp device, but still seeing events with the signature "0x1 0x4 0x1 0x13 0x1 0xe8", which I thought indicate a lamp, so I'm confused here.
I am looking for help on the following 2 problems:
1. How to interpret the zwave log file.
2. How to log events from the motion sensor.
Details / examples
Lamp module example (works Ok)
avner@dcerouter:~/tmp1$ tail -f /var/log/pluto/37_ZWave.log
36 04/01/11 0:00:03.602 Received command for child <0xb690cb90>
36 04/01/11 0:00:03.602 ON RECEIVED FOR CHILD 2/0 <0xb690cb90>
40 04/01/11 0:00:03.614 Sending job 0x830dee8 (cb 207) - 0x1 0xa 0x0 0x13 0x2 0x3 0x20 0x1 0xff 0x5 0xcf 0xf3 (#\n#### #####) <0xb790eb90>
41 04/01/11 0:00:03.621 0x1 0x4 0x1 0x13 0x1 0xe8 (######) <0xb790eb90>
41 04/01/11 0:00:03.665 0x1 0x5 0x0 0x13 0xcf 0x0 0x26 (######&) <0xb790eb90>
Motion detector examples
Two examples of sending commands to the motion detector and the response.
1. Sending command "Set Polling State" to motion sensor (device 44)
/usr/pluto/bin/MessageSend localhost 0 44 1 966 2 "" 5 "" 220 "" 225 "" 239 ""
avner@dcerouter:~/tmp1$ tail -f /var/log/pluto/37_ZWave.log
36 03/31/11 23:57:25.726 Received command for child <0xb690cb90>
2. Sending command "WAKE UP" to motion sensor (device 44)
/usr/pluto/bin/MessageSend localhost 0 44 1 840 48 "" 239 ""
avner@dcerouter:~/tmp1$ tail -f /var/log/pluto/37_ZWave.log
36 04/01/11 0:07:32.881 Received command for child <0xb690cb90>
When physically pressing on the blue button in the motion sensor, I can see the following in the log file
41 04/02/11 20:15:37.811 0x1 0x14 0x0 0x49 0x84 0x3 0xe 0x4 0x21 0x1 0x60 0x31 0x70 0x84 0x85 0x80 0x72 0x77 0x86 0xef 0x20 0xe3 (###I####!#`1p###rw## #) <0xb796bb90>
36 04/02/11 20:15:37.812 FUNC_ID_ZW_APPLICATION_UPDATE:UPDATE_STATE_NODE_INFO_RECEIVED received from node 3 - <0xb796bb90>
36 04/02/11 20:15:37.812 GENERIC_TYPE_SENSOR_MULTILEVEL <0xb796bb90>
41 04/02/11 20:15:38.797 0x1 0x8 0x0 0x4 0x0 0x3 0x2 0x84 0x7 0x71 (#########q) <0xb796bb90>
36 04/02/11 20:15:38.798 FUNC_ID_APPLICATION_COMMAND_HANDLER: <0xb796bb90>
36 04/02/11 20:15:38.798 COMMAND_CLASS_WAKE_UP - <0xb796bb90>
36 04/02/11 20:15:38.798 Running wakeupHandler for node 3 <0xb796bb90>
36 04/02/11 20:15:38.798 Got unicast wakeup from node 3, doing WAKE_UP_NO_MORE_INFORMATION <0xb796bb90>
40 04/02/11 20:15:38.896 Sending job 0x86b5160 (cb 183) - 0x1 0x9 0x0 0x13 0x3 0x2 0x80 0x2 0x9c 0xb7 0x4d (##########M) <0xb796bb90>
41 04/02/11 20:15:38.903 0x1 0x4 0x1 0x13 0x1 0xe8 (######) <0xb796bb90>
41 04/02/11 20:15:38.923 0x1 0x5 0x0 0x13 0xb7 0x0 0x5e (######^) <0xb796bb90>
40 04/02/11 20:15:39.024 Sending job 0x86b5380 (cb 184) - 0x1 0x9 0x0 0x13 0x3 0x2 0x84 0x8 0x5 0xb8 0xd5 (###########) <0xb796bb90>
41 04/02/11 20:15:39.031 0x1 0x4 0x1 0x13 0x1 0xe8 (######) <0xb796bb90>
41 04/02/11 20:15:39.072 0x1 0x5 0x0 0x13 0xb8 0x0 0x51 (######Q) <0xb796bb90>