First things first, yes I have 2 NICs and no I didn't interrupt the install process at all. Could it be due to the fact that with 8.10 my machine didn't like the R8169 module, and I had to blacklist it?? Seems like there is some kind of problem with the DHCP3 server. The crazy thing is that when I first switched over to 1004, then I didn't have to change anything, and the system worked fine with both NICs, has done since around Oct/Nov last year. I've been away for a couple of months at the start of this year, came back and did the old apt-get update/upgrade to keep up to date and now I can't seem to get a working system with 1004.
Anyway, back to the snapshot testing, I have tried several times to download newer shapshots over the last couple of days, today I just tried the newest one 201204092213 and found that after the install and first reboot, it hangs at:-
ssh start/running, process 2396 OK
It waits there indefinitely. I'm happy to send you any logs if you need them. For now I'm going to try reverting back to 8.10 to keep the family happy, but have partitioned the HDD so can keep trying snapshots of 1004 late at night until it works.