Hey All,
I am not sure if this will be of any interest to anyone but I intend to use it with my Linuxmce install and thought I would tell you all about it.
I have built my own IP Camera type system using a Seagate Dockstar and a Logitech C910. This is a really cheap alternative to buying an IP Camera with Hi-ish Res.
the C91 is capable of doing 30fps @ 1280x960 (well so my initially testing shows) I plan to add 2 cameras onto 1 dockstar, then configure up each camera individually at the core.
The Dockstar is running openwrt and using uvc and usb video modules with mjpg-streamer. In order to view the image you goto
http://ip address:port/?action=stream (or snapshot).
I think these will be a great addition to LinuxMCE, I plan to write a guide on how I did it soon.