Update...unmet dependencies for nvidia-glx. According to what is echoed on the screen during the install, the current driver is nothing, the preferred driver is 195.36.15, and it does an apt-get install but it ends up missing the nvidia kernel source, libvdpau, and nvidia settings and Python-software-properties is missing a dependency as well but I didn't get what it was. All these are on the core it just doesn't use them since it has Intel graphics. I can edit the /usr/pluto/diskless/83/usr/pluto/bin/nvidia-install.sh script to read the following:
# Install the driver if needed
if [[ "$current_driver" != "$preferred_driver" ]]; then
echo "installing NEW driver $preferred_driver!"
Log "$LogFile" "installing NEW driver $preferred_driver!"
INSTALLED="0" (changed to "0" from "1")
# apt-get install -y $preferred_driver (commented out this line so it wouldn't try to install)
By changing the INSTALLED to "0", it didn't go into the reboot and since it didn't try to install the drivers, it didn't need to. At least this way, I have the media director up and running but it's not the right way.
Is this a repository issue? Is there a better way for me to resolve this?