I'm also experiencing deadlocks on Router reloads all the time. Radu said, that you can kill it by hand (kill -9, but do it on real DCERouter process, not that one under screen), but it's not so easy to do it all the time. Also I suspect that those deadlocks happen when media is played (or maybe even nfs is causing problems).
To make story shorter 0.42 is one among least stable releases - at least on my equipment (hybrid+3MDs). We haven't been able to complete single media play that would last over an hour. Therefore I'm also anxiously waiting for any upgrades.
But in the mean time I'd kindly ask Pluto guys to reconsider update/release policy...
Current one "yeap this release has this deadlock problem, it will be fixed in new one" and then release new update in a month or so with new potential problems isn't quite convenient for the community. IMHO critical updates could be made faster to solve vital problems that are encountered shortly after release.