Author Topic: Big Problem - DCERouter died  (Read 5277 times)


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Big Problem - DCERouter died
« on: January 04, 2007, 06:41:31 pm »
I was doing some configuration last night (added a Cable box connected to my PVR-250, added IR codes for it, etc.).  After configuring it all the onscreen Orbiter said it found a new device connected to my PVR-250 and asked if it could reload the router, so I said OK.  After it came back up it asked to regenerate my Orbiters, so I said OK.  After that it never came back up again.  It seems to be the same situation detailed in this bug report, or very similar at least.  When I tail my DCERouter.log, it shows me the following:

Code: [Select]
10      01/04/07 0:55:46.036            adding device 26 Disk Drive to map ent area 1 Living Room
10      01/04/07 0:55:46.036            adding device 27 Photo Screen Saver to map ent area 1 Living Room
10      01/04/07 0:55:46.037            adding device 29 External Media Identifier to map ent area 1 Living Room
10      01/04/07 0:55:46.037            adding device 30 PVR-250 to map ent area 1 Living Room
10      01/04/07 0:55:46.038            adding device 36 USB UIRT Embedded Transmit to map ent area 1 Living Room
10      01/04/07 0:55:46.038            adding device 43 VPL-HS10 to map ent area 1 Living Room
/usr/pluto/bin/ line 52:  5653 Segmentation fault      (core dumped) /usr/pluto/bin/ /usr/pluto/bin/DCERouter -h localhost
Return code: 139
3       01/04/07 00:55:46       DCERouter (server)      Device died... 200 DCERouter
Thu Jan  4 00:55:46 EST 2007 died

with Device died... 200 DCERouter in red.

Can anyone offer any suggestions here?  I've rebooted a couple of times, and I'm still able to administer via the webpage, but none of my Orbiters are connecting and my installation is pretty much useless at this point.


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Big Problem - DCERouter died
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2007, 07:31:49 pm »

I'm also experiencing deadlocks on Router reloads all the time. Radu said, that you can kill it by hand (kill -9, but do it on real DCERouter process, not that one under screen), but it's not so easy to do it all the time. Also I suspect that those deadlocks happen when media is played (or maybe even nfs is causing problems).

To make story shorter 0.42 is one among least stable releases - at least on my equipment (hybrid+3MDs). We haven't been able to complete single media play that would last over an hour.  Therefore I'm also anxiously waiting for any upgrades.

But in the mean time I'd kindly ask Pluto guys to reconsider update/release policy...

Current one "yeap this release has this deadlock problem, it will be fixed in new one" and then release new update in a month or so with new potential problems isn't quite convenient for the community. IMHO critical updates could be made faster to solve vital problems that are encountered shortly after release.





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Big Problem - DCERouter died
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2007, 07:44:44 pm »
Quote from: "tinia"
I'm also experiencing deadlocks on Router reloads all the time. Radu said, that you can kill it by hand (kill -9, but do it on real DCERouter process, not that one under screen), but it's not so easy to do it all the time. Also I suspect that those deadlocks happen when media is played (or maybe even nfs is causing problems).

Thanks for the quick response Rob.  Let's pretend for a minute that I'm a bit of a linux noob.  Could you give me specific steps required to do what you just explained above?  I'm able to SSH into the core and have some basic knowledge to navigate around the OS, but my command of linux, err, commands is a little lacking right now.


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Big Problem - DCERouter died
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2007, 10:52:21 pm »
I managed to get the DCERouter back up.  The last device that it added according to the DCERouter.log before it died was my projector (VPL-HS10).  Last night before all this happened I was configuring my cable box and setting connections to the projector through the AV Wizard.  Seems that whatever I did in there caused the problems I was experiencing.  So to try to troubleshoot my issue I deleted my projector from the A/V Equipment section, restarted the Core and voila!  DCERouter loaded again.

I have no idea what I might have done which caused this problem to occur, but I'm just glad it's fixed now.


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Big Problem - DCERouter died
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2007, 02:37:57 pm »
Quote from: "Bandito"
I managed to get the DCERouter back up.  The last device that it added according to the DCERouter.log before it died was my projector (VPL-HS10).  Last night before all this happened I was configuring my cable box and setting connections to the projector through the AV Wizard.  Seems that whatever I did in there caused the problems I was experiencing.  So to try to troubleshoot my issue I deleted my projector from the A/V Equipment section, restarted the Core and voila!  DCERouter loaded again.

I have no idea what I might have done which caused this problem to occur, but I'm just glad it's fixed now.


To kill a process like the DCErouter in future use something like from the console;

ps -aux | grep DCErouter

This will give you the process id to use in the kill command as below;

kill 1234

**replace '1234' above with the id of your DCErouter process

Hope the above is useful
