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ZWave wizard fail on latest LinuxMCE snapshot

Started by valent, December 13, 2010, 10:00:08 PM

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Hi guys,
installed latest LinuxMCE 8.10 snapshot over the weekend but still after two days can't get any ZWave device integrated into LinuxMCE.

I take my Aeon Labs Z-Wave usb stick and reset it, then go to HomePro ZDW232 dimmer light switch, include it, and plug stick back in LinuxMCE.

Wizard comes up but none of the buttons is responding, and after a while wizard exits and I get back to main LinuxMCE screen but I don't see any light added and there wasn't a step where LinuxMCE turns on/off light.

Any ideas why?

Anybody using ZWave successfully with latest LinuxMCE snapshots?

The most frustrating part is that I don't know how to troubleshoot this issue and find root cause. Are there command line tools for Zwave troubleshooting? If there is please point me to forum post or wiki page that explains it. If there is no wiki page I can help create it so other users also benefit.

If some of senior devels wants I can give you ssh access to my linuxmce box so you can do direct troubleshooting if you want.

LinuxMCE - If it was easy, everybody would be doing it!!
My setup - [url=""][/url]


I had to re-run and remove and re-include my devices on my latest re-install of 08.10... don't know why...
First install it worked great.
Also have the Aeon z-stick
My setup: [url=""][/url]


the wizard is broken and thom did not yet find time to fix it

br Hari
rock your home - [url=""][/url] home automation


Ok, I feel less stupid now that I know it is a knows bug and it is not me that is the issue :)

What was the last snapshot with working ZWave wizard? Which one should I download and install to have working ZWave?
LinuxMCE - If it was easy, everybody would be doing it!!
My setup - [url=""][/url]


rock your home - [url=""][/url] home automation


After reseting ZWave dongle and doing exclusion and inclusion again for my to light switches after plugging it in I got them to work. Now wizard didn't get stuck at first screen and in other screen I got asked in which rooms are these switches. Now I have them integrated in LinuxMCE.

But is there some low-level console linux tool that can send some queries to ZWave dongle and get some replies to see which devices are connected currently and some other info?
LinuxMCE - If it was easy, everybody would be doing it!!
My setup - [url=""][/url]


enable log levels 36, 40 and 41. This plus the web admin (send DCE command to the Z-Wave device) is sufficient for most situations.

br Hari
rock your home - [url=""][/url] home automation


I'm rebuilding my LinuxMCE again, so can you tell me how? Is it somewhere in web ui menues? I searched for log levels in our wiki but didn't find any mention of them :(
LinuxMCE - If it was easy, everybody would be doing it!!
My setup - [url=""][/url]


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Quote from: valent on December 15, 2010, 04:51:06 PM
After reseting ZWave dongle and doing exclusion and inclusion again for my to light switches after plugging it in I got them to work. Now wizard didn't get stuck at first screen and in other screen I got asked in which rooms are these switches. Now I have them integrated in LinuxMCE.

But is there some low-level console linux tool that can send some queries to ZWave dongle and get some replies to see which devices are connected currently and some other info?

I don't know if you still need this or if you can use the windows version but this is what I used to reset and perform exclusion, and inclusion and it worked very well.  I can't remember where I found this thing as it was after about an hour of searching so I'll just post up the program itself


For the record, if you let the screen sit for a few minutes before hitting "next" it does not crash you out. Also only hit that next button once. It is not an immediate reply... but it goes forward.
I never quit... I just ping out.


Quote from: valent on December 13, 2010, 10:00:08 PM
Hi guys,
installed latest LinuxMCE 8.10 snapshot over the weekend but still after two days can't get any ZWave device integrated into LinuxMCE.

I take my Aeon Labs Z-Wave usb stick and reset it, then go to HomePro ZDW232 dimmer light switch, include it, and plug stick back in LinuxMCE.

Wizard comes up but none of the buttons is responding, and after a while wizard exits and I get back to main LinuxMCE screen but I don't see any light added and there wasn't a step where LinuxMCE turns on/off light.

Any ideas why?

Anybody using ZWave successfully with latest LinuxMCE snapshots?

The most frustrating part is that I don't know how to troubleshoot this issue and find root cause. Are there command line tools for Zwave troubleshooting? If there is please point me to forum post or wiki page that explains it. If there is no wiki page I can help create it so other users also benefit.

If some of senior devels wants I can give you ssh access to my linuxmce box so you can do direct troubleshooting if you want.


As Hari has already said you dont need the Lighting Wizard at all for setting up/configuring fact its the worst way to setup your ZWave devices as you cannot currently use SIS mode in the Wizard at all;

Follow the SIS instructions on the Wiki on setting up your ZWave;

All the best

Andy Herron,

For Dianemo/LinuxMCE consulting advice;
@herron on Twitter, via email or PM me here.

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Get RaspSqueeze-CEC or Raspbmc-CEC for Dianemo/LinuxMCE: [url=""][/url]

Facebook: [url=""][/url]



I saw those instructions but I couldn't use them so I went looking for other ways to reset the z-stick.  When I first got the stick I joined one switch to it as a test and just plugged it into the core, the wizard launched and life was good.  I then joined all other switches to the stick and linuxmce just added them via the wizard.  I then reinstalled my core ( a couple weeks later) and I've been having trouble ever since.  I pressed the reset button and held it to reset the stick, when lmce started detecting devices I plugged it in, the wizard launched then 30 seconds later the router reloaded before I could finish configuring everything else.  That's all it does, as soon as I plug in the stick(inside or outside of the setup) the wizard starts then the router reloads, over and over and over and over, until finally the core becomes none responsive to everything except the shutdown command from either the power switch or ssh.  The machine doesn't stay stable long enough for me to follow the wiki directions.  I thought it was the installation so I dl the latest snapshot, same thing.  I download the new latest snapshot, same thing. I'm out of dvds now so I did the Internet install, same thing.  I've tried hardware reset, software reset with this program I found, and I've tried putting the stick in sis/suc mode using the program I found.  Lmce hangs when I try to use it to communicate with the stick.  I don't know what else to do.

Is there a way to stop the wizard or Lmce from detecting or reacting to the stick being plugged in?  That may buy me some time to follow the wiki completely.  Maybe the core would actually send the reset command to the stick if it's not to busy reloading the router every 40 seconds...IDK.


Quote from: klovell on February 16, 2011, 04:10:29 PM
I saw those instructions but I couldn't use them so I went looking for other ways to reset the z-stick.  When I first got the stick I joined one switch to it as a test and just plugged it into the core, the wizard launched and life was good.  I then joined all other switches to the stick and linuxmce just added them via the wizard.  I then reinstalled my core ( a couple weeks later) and I've been having trouble ever since.  I pressed the reset button and held it to reset the stick, when lmce started detecting devices I plugged it in, the wizard launched then 30 seconds later the router reloaded before I could finish configuring everything else.  That's all it does, as soon as I plug in the stick(inside or outside of the setup) the wizard starts then the router reloads, over and over and over and over, until finally the core becomes none responsive to everything except the shutdown command from either the power switch or ssh.  The machine doesn't stay stable long enough for me to follow the wiki directions.  I thought it was the installation so I dl the latest snapshot, same thing.  I download the new latest snapshot, same thing. I'm out of dvds now so I did the Internet install, same thing.  I've tried hardware reset, software reset with this program I found, and I've tried putting the stick in sis/suc mode using the program I found.  Lmce hangs when I try to use it to communicate with the stick.  I don't know what else to do.

Is there a way to stop the wizard or Lmce from detecting or reacting to the stick being plugged in?  That may buy me some time to follow the wiki completely.  Maybe the core would actually send the reset command to the stick if it's not to busy reloading the router every 40 seconds...IDK.

Hi klovell,

You can disable the PnP auto-detection of ZWave interfaces (or add detection for an new ZWave interface) from Web Admin. Go to;

Advanced -> Configuration -> Device Templates

Now open device template #1754 and scroll down to the 'Plug n Play' section then scroll down to locate the entry for your ZWave interface a and then use the 'Delete' button next to it to delete it. Make sure you click on 'Save' to confirm the change. Now do a Quick Reload of the router and your ZWave interface will not be auto detected when you plug it in or if you accidentally plug another interface in.

See this wiki page for details about the device template #1754;

All the best

Andy Herron,

For Dianemo/LinuxMCE consulting advice;
@herron on Twitter, via email or PM me here.

Get Dianemo-Rpi2 ARM Licenses [url=""][/url]

Get RaspSqueeze-CEC or Raspbmc-CEC for Dianemo/LinuxMCE: [url=""][/url]

Facebook: [url=""][/url]



Thanks Andrew those are awesome direction! 

It made it so I could have my zstick plugged in without the router reloading repeatedly but I still couldn't get it going.  I set it up manually then followed the wiki but nothing happened.  Although the Wizard was flaking out it did create the devices and last night I found a little trick to kind of pause the wizard so it wouldn't reload the router.  All I did was click cancel (which I did before but nothing would happen, but last night it was responding) which caused the wizard to ask me a question, I noticed while it had the question up the reload router would not happen but it looked like the setup procedure was still working in the background.  I then conducted an experiment with the zwave device the wizard created and the one I manually created and it looks like I'm failing at the first step in the instructions, resetting the stick.  I used the windows app to view and reset the stick, I then manually included one switch to it using the button on the stick, I then plugged it into the core and performed the steps in the wiki stopping at the add nodes step, I plugged the stick back into the laptop to view it with the windows app and the switch I included before resetting the stick with the core was still there (I made certain to reload the app).  I was expecting a zstick in sis or suc mode with no nodes included.  When I reset the stick with the windows app all nodes are removed.  Are my expectations accurate?

I really don't know what to do now.  I was curtain the reloading of the router was my problem but now I'm lost.  I'm surprised by how automated and easy it worked the first time but now it's as if the core doesn't know what to do with this stick.  I'm using a MiCasaVerde Z-Wave Dongle, It seemed like the easier solution, am I missing something?  Has anything z wave related changed with the last few snapshots?