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Rookie in need of some help

Started by jaynkeel, November 14, 2010, 08:25:55 AM

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Ok first time user of linuxmce. Installed 8.10 everything looks great and I even got some of my x10 things working. Problem is with media director. Gone through all the links on the internet I could find with no luck. Heres my setup, Ethernet cable from my cable modem to my core/ media director, another ethernet cable from my core/ media director to a netgear wireless router where everything else in my house hooks to. When I try to netboot my acer revo it never connects? I have tried to run the /usr/pluto/bin/ because I thought thats what was wrong but still nothing. Nothing ever pops up on my core saying something new was detected not even a usb drive with music on it? I figure I must be missing something major in my install or something?  ???


is dhcp activated? what ip-adress is assigned for internal network? does internet work?


yes dhcp is active, ip, internet as in browsing youtube channel and such yes that works


hmm sounds alright...

So you try to PXE boot but it can't find any ip to connect with? Any failure messages?

sorry, can't help a lot...


USB drives with music are not best practice.
Try to insert a music CD, and you will see something will pop up on your screen.
Also you should try to copy a lot of files through the network. go to \\ and put the files in the appropriate folders.


Is your netgear router running dhcp? If so maybe it is conflicting with the core.

It is necessary to run /usr/pluto/bin/ once to get your mds working. This takes a long time.



Quote from: b4rney on November 14, 2010, 12:15:29 PM
Is your netgear router running dhcp? If so maybe it is conflicting with the core.

It is necessary to run /usr/pluto/bin/ once to get your mds working. This takes a long time.

Also make sure sources.list is correct, otherwise problems may occur.


Some things that can go wrong (if you didn't do it already):

As I understand your description, your router is hooked up inside the linuxmce subnet (Otherwise disregard my answer).

- Turn off DHCP on your router
- Do not use WAN/Internet port on router, only LAN ports
- Set the ip address of the router to something in MCE subnet address space (i.e 192.168.80.NNN)
- Remove the routers ip address from the MCE DHCP address space to avoid conflict. This is done in the MCE web admin.


Agree with bongowongo about the sources.list.

Change all references to 'archive' or 'security' to 'old-releases' AND remove any local references (e.g. becomes

Then rerun /usr/pluto/bin/
Hope this helps


Thanks for all the replies so far everyone I will try some of the suggestions, the image I used I downloaded around oct 28 not sure if that makes a difference? Is this something common to always have to do during a first setup, as far as changing the places where the updates come from? Or does it usually just work from the get go on it's own? As far as the /usr/pluto/bin/ goes I have tried several times only to get the wait 10sec message repeatedly.


OK so how do I pull up the sources list to adjust them if they are incorrect?


sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list

Also look at this post, there is an example of somebody's sources.list that is working.

My setup at: [url=""][/url]


ok went and adjusted the source list just getting permission denied and operation not permitted along with the same package failed, gonna have to reread what I changed.



forgot the first time, got the downloads to go when I remembered to do sudo, now after it doing it's thing for a bit i get package pluto orbiter failed wait 10 sec try again? seemed like it was clipping along fine then got snagged there. From what I can tell some kind of error to do with sun java? If that helps any.