golgoj4, you're a star. Works a treat for me too! have not tried it out on most of my media because it was already tagged, but with the exception of my documentaries folder (which didn't match of the 100 or so files for obvious reasons) I seem to get about a 90% success rate the rest. No more errors. Is there anything specific you want me to test on?
Thanks for the vote of confidence
At the moment im tweaking some of the innner workings like
-Discovered a bug that doesn't delete the xml zip files properly
-Detecting if files are in a folder with the name of the show.
-Improving some db calls, adding more error checking
-Fix the zip download function
so a couple things left to finish before i try to daemonize it.
I would however like you to check something for me. On any UI1 orbiter, check the sort filters and see if you have one called 'program'. This should now sort tv shows based on tv program. Some awesome person added it, making wading through tv shows a lot easier. Some note on this:
-It doesnt seem to show under UI2
-Because it didn't exist before, most tv shows will not show up under this filter yet. The reason for this is because information was put in the best available slot to provide the most information on screen. So now, that we have a 'program' I can utilize attrubuteType 12 (program) as a useful field. Long story short, it wont hurt to re-run this auto-tagging script over the existing directories
-Going to be looking at some sort of web-admin addition to 'clean' files en masse, allowing for faster tag cleanup in the case of a lot of mis-identifications. Also, the code in the webadmin needs to be changed to reflect the new addition of sort options.
Im sure there is stuff im missing but I wanted to let you know whats on the list of things to do right away.