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[SOLVED] Micasa Verde aeon z-wave and wayne dalton lamp module - how to pair?

Started by pw44, October 29, 2010, 01:47:59 AM

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i got a Aeon z-wave usb stick and a Wayne Dalton HA-03WD lamp module.

According to the wiki:

" Binding - To bind new Zwave devices, just take the dongle with you after you install the device in it's position you will use it. First push the button on the dongle, and than push the bind button on the device. The dongle will go from blinking blue to solid blue for a second or so and than start blinking again, you just succesfully bound the device to this dongle."

Problem: the Wayne Dalton lamp module does not have a bind button. How do i bind both devices?

May sound stupid, but  digged around (google and forums) and could not find the answer.

If someone knows how to do it and could share it, many thanks.



it should have a single button, which does all functions. you may or may not need to hold it down, but the documentation for it should say what to do.


Does holding the button down not just dim the light? Try pressing the button 3 times with light switched on, looking at the instructions, I think you need to access the "program" function (and button is annotated as ON/OFF/PROGRAM). That said...

Have you seen page 21 of this for the HA07 controller? Just says "Press the PROGRAM button".

1004 RC :: looking good :: upgraded 01/04/2013
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The lamp module only have one buttom, i did not find any doc about it. I don't have the HA07 controller. Is it needed?


I wouldn't have thought so, I only mentioned the HA07 controller because it refers to pairing devices in the instructions and thought that may give you a clue.

Yes it appears that the module only has one button, but as merkur2k said it looks like it's multi-functional. Did you try either holding it down or pressing it three times?

EDIT: In the instructions for the HA09 Handy Remote controller it says "press and release the programming button", but I imagine you would have already tried this. Maybe try holding it down for a second or so before you release it.
1004 RC :: looking good :: upgraded 01/04/2013
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if it was included into another network, you might need to reset the unit with a z-wave remote before inclusion

e.g. on a ZTH100/200 do:
Menu -> left -> left -> ok -> left -> left

then press the button on the lamp module..

br Hari
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Both (stick and lamp module) are fresh from the box, never used.


really does not matter.  the light module was tested somewhere and if it was not cleared from what it was tested with then it still thinks it is part of another network.  I think your dongle is similar to mine.  I have a MICASA Verde dongle.  In order to delete the light module, push and hold the button until the light on the dongle blinks rapidly, then push the button on the light module.  The dongle should stay on solid briefly then start blinking again.  Push the button on the dongle to turn it off.  Push the button quickly one time again to get back to a slow blink.  Push the button on the light module to include it in the dongle.  The light on the dongle should stay on solid and then start blinking again. The light module should now be included in your dongle.  I hope this helps.


Hi Mythtified,
my dongle is also the Aeon purchased from Micasa Verde. Following you answer, it worked great. Thx!