Author Topic: When do Cellphone Notifications trigger?  (Read 3544 times)


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When do Cellphone Notifications trigger?
« on: August 25, 2010, 11:30:53 am »
I'm running 0810 2 Aug snapshop and I have SIP working (I can direct dial out from an orbiter to my home landline). I put my home number in the same format in "Other Phone Notifications" (even though the table heading says Orbiter Phone #, which is a typo I'm certain), so it looks like this:

When I trigger a security breach, it plays on all the MDs and it appears in the security alerts log, but no phone calls are made. The FreePBX call log shows all my direct dial calls but no call attempts from the security breach. Did I miss something or is there some other log I can check?



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Re: When do Cellphone Notifications trigger?
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2010, 03:02:00 pm »
putting in your phone numbers depends on the local phone number data being correctly set in the web admin.

Be sure to check your settings in Wizard > Phone Lines.

However, if you are unable to get things to work this way, then you must prepend a 9 to your phone number entries.



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Re: When do Cellphone Notifications trigger?
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2010, 10:15:09 am »
I can direct dial on an orbiter without the 9. Added the 9 anyway on the cellphone notifications, but nothing, and the FreePBX call log suggests to me that no call was attempted. Could it be that no orbiters have phone numbers and the cellphone notification event is stopping before trying the other numbers?  Anyone else with a notification setup like mine that works?  Any logs I can check to track this to see what is happening?

Thanks for any clues anyone can give...



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Re: When do Cellphone Notifications trigger?
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2010, 01:33:10 pm »
I can direct dial on an orbiter without the 9. Added the 9 anyway on the cellphone notifications, but nothing, and the FreePBX call log suggests to me that no call was attempted. Could it be that no orbiters have phone numbers and the cellphone notification event is stopping before trying the other numbers?  Anyone else with a notification setup like mine that works?  Any logs I can check to track this to see what is happening?

Thanks for any clues anyone can give...

I guess that following closely DCERouter.log and asterisk full log should give you some info what is wrong... DCERouter.log should show some reaction on event and Asterisk's log should show some activity based on that.

I guess this would be a good start,

HTH, regards,

Thanks in advance,




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Thanks Bulek, I now know that /var/log/pluto/DCERouter.log is the place to look for clues.

For some reason, cellphone notifications now work without me having done anything. I get the text to speech saying "tell me who your are, 1 for Blaine, 2, for Linda..." so I punch 1 and then it asks for my PIN. I enter the same PIN that I use for arming and disarming (4 digits) but it just keeps asking for my PIN again. I tried adding # or * on the end but it just keeps asking for my PIN. Is there a different PIN setting for telephone notifications?
