Ok, so I've tried all the separate wki tutorials on building from source.
I've only success I've gotten have been error messages.
If some one whom, has successfully built LMC form source, could direct me to the guide they used, and maybe tell me what I'm doing wrong?.
I would be very thankful.
Some quick questions.
when building form source, what kubuntu version am I limited to? for example 7.10, 8.04, 8.10, .... I noticed when using the 2cd, cd based installer I'd get errors when trying to install over 8.04, or use a 8.04 live cd when trying to install on 7.10.
Another question I'd like to ask is, can some one submit a how to, on how the dvd snap shot that's available was made?
The biggest reason I'm trying to build from source is because I have a ATI HD4870.
Thanks in advanced.