in these days, I made some test. I installed the 30 June snapshot and I can confirm that analog audio doesn't work. Next steps will be to try previous snaphots (I'm planning to try 04-Feb-2010 snapshot) and to procure an hdmi cable to test digital audio. I'm not so optimistic becouse, as indicated above, after DVD's burn and after the first phase of install (linux installation), audio works. I can play mp3, see and hear video and, most important, I'm able to open mixer. After installing linuxMCE (clicking on desktop icon to install Linuxmce) audio doesn't work and from linux desktop, if I open audio player or xine, I receive "can't find audio driver" message and I'm not able to open mixer any more.
Can someone suggest me how to proceed to fix this problem (where to look or some attempts to do).
Another question, is there an alternative way to install the snapshot except to burn the DVD? I don't want to burn too many DVDs
I tryed unetbootin (
http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/) but when I boot from usb, linux starts as live cd and the first screen to choose what install doesn't appear.