I haven't created an automated update mechanism for the PadOrbiter yet, I had been side stepped with other things.
The idea was simply when new versions of the Orbiter were found on the core, that it would bounce the appropriate binaries to the orbiter pads automatically.
Thank you for buying an image, and as soon as we have a stable orbiter binary (we're done adding screens...each new screen requires a new binary), I will release an updated binary with install instructions.
P.S. it could in theory be used as a mobile speakerphone, as it can run SimplePhone. It would require modifying the Telecom Plugin, and SimplePhone appropriately to handle the new use case. Right now, it is assumed that SimplePhone runs on media directors, and nothing else.
We would also need to modify the UI, and determine new logic, if you have a media director and an orbiter in a room, and you answer the phone, where and how should it answer? this is not as clear cut as it may seem, and will require some serious thought on how to present this in a non-confusing way to the user.
This, coupled with some modifications of Orbiter code to use a new device template (with the SimplePhone device defined) would allow for the device to be used as a phone extension...