Thanks for the response b4rney
To add to my woes, I have once again reinstalled on new hardware with the same results.
Under freepbx: "After setting up the first MD "This phone is using "Technology" is blank" for extensions under Freepbx. Ticket #567 by felpouse, suggests removing "$DEVICE_SECRET=$DEVICE_EXT" from which seemed to fix the problem once deleting all the extensions from within freepbx and running the from the command line. I also had to change the line that reads
"chown asterisk.asterisk -R /usr/share/asterisk" /etc/asterisk/*" to "`chown www-data.asterisk /usr/share/asterisk/agi-bin/*`;" and
"`chown asterisk.asterisk /etc/asterisk/*`;" and added "AMPASTERISKUSER=www-data" "AMPASTERISKGROUP=asterisk" to the bottom or the /etc/amportal.conf file.
Speakinhouse from the check.wml page calls me but no sound broadcasts to the core or MDs' but if I call extension 998 it works fine. (Zaptel modules are installed and loaded).
Once triggered it sometimes plays the "Security.mpg" once(30 Sec) and the sound on the countdown is very chopped off (30 seconds, 21 sec, 7s, 5, 2, 1. It then resets, if triggered again it counts down again but hardly ever plays the mpg or it just flashes once very quickly.
Another issue is that I have one MD running through HDMI but there is no sound on the Orbiter Telephone. I have checked the simplephone.conf and it has "alsadev=plughw:1, playback_dev_id, ringer_dev_id and capture_dev_id all set to "ALSA:plughw:1" but my asound.conf has pcm.asym_hdmi as plughw:0. if I change the simplephone.conf it just resets on reload.
and lastly the Motion Wrapper still fails on a Quick Reload but is fine on a core reboot. (b4rney has the same issue)
Any feedback, please. I have been testing 810 since it started. I would just like to know I'm not alone in this or if I am alone could someone please let me know where I am going wrong. I have posted my problems a few times but only b4rney was kind enough to let me know about the Motion Wrapper.