Hi bulek,
I pretty much followed the description from the wiki page (
http://wiki.linuxmce.org/index.php/Squeezeslave_on_the_core). However, using the amd64 version wasn't working, so what differ is:
I added the "-O" param, which shwitches squeezeslave in old mode and prevents "receive errors". I also added a value to "-r" (retry parameter), so if the connection gets lost, it will reconnect. If you start squeezeslave from the commandline, you shouldn't receive any errors, in addition the alsa version shows all devices capable of playing audio (not only dev/dspX). Choose your ouput device and add it to the "-o" parameter. It is also possible to put two or more squeezeslaves on one soundcard, for example I got it running having one squeezeslave on digital output an other on analog output. For some soundcards it seems, that its also possible to put one stream to front, one to surrond and one to back, so you'll get three analog outputs.
Regarding your boot issue: I didn't needed to edit rc.local and I used "update-rc.d squeezebox1 defaults 50", instead of "default-rd.d /etc/init.d/squeezeslave default 50" (I have two squeezeslaves running, so I have two independent startscripts for them - squeezebox1 and squeezebox2). I also had to set the default soundcard for normal playback (asoundconf set-default-card XYZ). The rest was done using the description in the wiki.
My startscript parameter for squeezebox1:
DAEMON_ARGS="-O -o 0 -m 00:00:00:00:00:01 -r 3 -s"
I guess, that the biggest problem was the amd64 version of squeezeslave. I tried "0.8.12 i386" and " amd64" on amd64, none of them were working. However changing the MD to i386 and using the alsa-version is working perfectly. I can stream flac, mp3 and ogg vorbis without any issues.
BTW, I'll add the infos to the wiki.