just to inform fellow ppls using MythTV with DVB-C:
1) follow instructions at
http://mythwiki.de/index.php?title=Schnelleinstieg_DVB-C (using '394000000' as frequency worked for me)
2) install phpmyadmin or work with "mysql" client to change
wrongly set settings:
2.1) set symbolrate for all entries in dtv_multiplex to
2.2) Check frequency of every entry. Sometimes the value
has be multiplied by 10. (eg 394000000)
2.3) Set the mplex_id in table channel to match to the
correct mplex_id used in table dtv_multiplex.
3) Restart backend (do not know if this is really needed)
4) use orbiter->TV and check the hopefully now working channels.
Side note:
I am using 0710 beta2. MythTV is stil freezing a few seconds
after viewing a channel. A fix for this will come in release
0804 which is too far in the future for me (see
http://mantis.linuxmce.org/view.php?id=3568 ).
I will see if i can get vdr running with help of other ppls. If
someone knows details about the setup i would be grateful.
Or if the developers would like to have help (i know how to
code and/or can test), contact me.