This looks more user friendly. Wiimote needs to be connected each time before you can start using it, and mine goes so powesave mode and disconnects that makes it really much less user friendly that standard remote controls that you just pickup and use.
1. step: press A+B
2. step: wait 5 secs for handshake and connection to PC
3. step: if fails (and sometime it does) repeat step 2, else goto step 4
4. step: use the remote
ps. when remote goes to sleep mode repeat from beginning.
Regular remote
1. step: use the remote
Wiimote is great when you use it, but it just isn't ment to be used as remote unfortunately so that is why I'm looking more for this device as I already have Wiimote and am not happy with it.
Also spouse approval rate for Wiimote is really low