Hey guys!
We've talked here about ways to get support money and donations for LinuxMCE, right? Well, I just found this brand new website that promises to be the next big thing on the Internet and can make some money to be put into our Donation Bin. Its called Blastoff! Check it out:
www.GetMyBlastoffSite.com Whoever controls the donation money bin needs to create the Blastoff/Linuxmce site by joining in to the page and then we can just tell the community to join that Blastoff page to help us raise development funds.
I can take care of creating the Blastoff/Linuxmce site, but I'll need some information as to what the email of the account will be.
This site is brand new so we have to take advantage of being the first ones so that other people that decide to help us with donations can join from the Blastoff/Linuxmce site.
The site is very easy to set up, and customizable. And this promises to go viral
very very soon.
The LinuxMCE project will benefit everytime anyone in the Blastoff/Linuxmce network decides to buy something online from the over 400 merchants available on the Blastoff site. In addition, we will accrue payments from the purchases by other members that join Blastoff from our Blastoff/Linuxmce site (down to 10 levels).
For example, we heard that Pizza Hut is scheduled to start promoting this and trying to sign up customers to their site...So if they can do it, how much more can the Linux community accomplish. and all proceeds from the website will go towards LinuxMCE development.
This is mainly for our US based guys, but of course our non-US friends can help also spread the word to US-based ones.
Well, let me know and I can get us going...