From what I have read it appears that one installs a video capture card or tuner on a MD.
Is there a reason why to do this?
I would think that as the Core is on permantly that this would be the place to but them. The core would not need to boot a MD to do an operation and when VLC is working only the MD's being used would need to be on.
I would think that the most processing power would be needed by the core and the MD's simply become simple clients/end-points, I don't see a reason why MD's should need huge processor/memory resources (A PIII500 with 64MB is more than enough power to play movies and lesser machines can handle these task if not overloaded with software)
From my perspective in Australia where we have a limited number of free to air channels it would be possible to have a core with a limited number of turners that would enable complete coverage of all free-to-air networks.
Please correct me if any of this is wrong.
Could you also indicate if this is a future implementation issue.