I am using an N800 that, based on others' report is slower to respond than it ought to be. Here are the details:
Orbiter Setup * Used (ebay) Nokia N800 Orbiter
* OS (settings=>control panel=>about product):
* maemo Linux based OS2008
* version 2.2007.51-3
* Connection (settings=>control panel=>connectivity=>connections=>edit connection)
* Security Method: WPA pre-shared key
* Advanced=>Other=>WLAN transmission power: 100mW
* Advanced=>Other=>Power saving: On (maximum)
* Connectivity (settings=>control panel=>connectivity):
* Idle times=>WLAN idle time: unlimited
* Orbiter Setup: I followed the instructions here
http://wiki.linuxmce.org/index.php/Nokia_N800#Installation_under_OS2008_and_OS2007Network * on INTERNAL network
* wireless via WRT54GL running OpenWRT/X-WRT
* WLAN interface in bridge mode
* Static IP (
* DHCP disabled: (core does DHCP)
* WRT54GL connected to core via D-Link 10/100/1000 switch
* Encryption Type: WPA+WPA2 (PSK)
Performance * "Start Orbiter" to UI1: 21 seconds
* Home to Video: ~3 seconds
* Jump to Letter in Video: 2 seconds for text update, 5 seconds for coverart update
* Up/Down Arrow: 1.5 seconds for coverart update, 3 seconds for text update
* Select Video to Coverart/Play/Close screen: 2 seconds
* close Coverart/Play/Close screen (back to library): 2 to 5 seconds
* once in a while, the orbiter will take about 10 seconds to react to any input
Is this performance normal?