Have you performed any upgrades recently? If not, then I suggest that you upgrade to .42 as it has resolved a number of issues for me.
On your Hybrid/Core, press
, this should give you a command prompt. log in as root using the password you setup on install (you remembered to keep it right? :? )
Now type
/sbin/ifconfig | pg
- this will list your network interfaces. if you went with the defaults, eth0 should be DHCP and obtain an IP Address from your router, eth1 should be in the range of 192.168.80.xxx and should be static.
Try to ping the following addresses from the command line of the core:
2) the ip listed by eth0
3) the ip listed by eth1
www.google.comIf these all come back ok, then try and post your logs here and we'll see what we can sort.
If any of the above fail, let us know and we'll see if we can work it out!