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Messages - mikeybs

I'm having the same issue using an iPhone 5 as an orbiter with RoamingOrb. 

I have been using the resolution for iPhone 4 for the orbiter settings, and that works nicely except for this issue of all the rooms displaying.

If I try 720p it results in the orbiter being unusable on the iPhone 5, so that solution is a no go.

Perhaps another idea?
Users / Re: Android Touch Orbiter - Locations view
September 30, 2014, 07:04:05 AM
running the 720p resolution on the device worked :)  I can see all my rooms again

thanks for the tip!
Users / Re: Alarm How TO
September 20, 2014, 04:49:31 AM
I would like to get my home alarm system integrated into linuxmce.  The system I have now was here when I moved in and the existing panel does not appear to be capable of much.  Can I simply replace my existing panel with a new one that works well with linuxmce?  I've have no experience with alarm systems...

If I look at the Security Interface device templates I see GE Interlogix, Generic Security Panel, and Z Wave embedded security interface.  Does that mean Interlogix or ZWave is the way to go? 

I would like for linuxmce to be able to see the status of the existing door/window sensors in the house, and I would like the ability to arm/disarm the system from an orbiter.

Any advice would be much appreciated.  I can't seem to find much information on this topic searching the wiki or forums.
Users / Re: Entertainment Areas without an MD
September 16, 2014, 08:34:08 AM
I used  /usr/pluto/bin/UpdateEntArea -e XX

I did not add a squeezebox or any MD.

media scenarios were indeed created, but none of them work.  None of my media devices respond in any way.  I have both IR controlled devices as well as an RS232 receiver.  None of them respond in any way...

After clicking on one of the media scenarios, the orbiter locks up for a couple seconds, then returns back to the same screen and does not show any different status on the screen.  I do not get transferred to the remote control interface on the orbiter as occurs when things are working as they should.  Also, the selected device does not appear in the leftmost box as occurs when things function normally.

Is adding a squeezebox or a MD the only way to get this working?

Is there any useful feedback I can provide?
Users / Re: Android Touch Orbiter - Locations view
September 15, 2014, 10:32:46 PM
That didn't work.  800x600 is the same as 1024x600, rooms are missing on both.  I attached images of the 720p resolution vs 1024x600 vs 800x600 if that helps at all.

I'm happy to try any other ideas if there are any.

In the meantime looks like 4 rooms are gonna hit the chopping block so I can squeeze them all in.
Users / Re: Android Touch Orbiter - Locations view
September 14, 2014, 08:02:18 PM
I was kinda hoping for something better than that :)

all the rooms are displayed on the rest of my android orbiters, but the rest of them have 720p resolution...

I suppose I'll start deciding what I want to chop out if that is the only option :)

Users / Android Touch Orbiter - Locations view
September 14, 2014, 06:30:34 PM
I am running the touch orbiter on android 4.2.2 with 1024x600

The locations view does not show a complete list of my rooms.  The list gets cut off and the bottom part of my alphabetical listing is not displayed.  There is no way to scroll down to see the missing rooms.  Is there any way to get them all in the view?
Users / Aeon Labs Z-Wave Multisensor
September 12, 2014, 10:25:45 PM
I am playing around with a couple of these and I have gotten them working well as a motion sensor.

I have not been able to get the temperature, light-level, humidity sensors to provide any information. 

From this post it seems that temperature and motion work, but not light level

I placed the temperature sensor on my floor plan and I see the thermometer on my floor plan.  I can select it and it displays the name "temperature sensor", but it does not show what the current temperature is.

If I open the climate section of the web admin, and open the advanced page of the temperature sensor, "state" and "status" are blank...

In the advanced zwave page the device usually appears as a yellow dot, status = "ok" , awake = "No"
Users / Re: Entertainment Areas without an MD
August 26, 2014, 09:05:36 PM
This behavior also exists on 1004.  I just did a fresh 1004 install and replicated the setup and no media scenarios were generated.

I was just curious to see if anyone was interested in trying to make this functional.  I would be happy to provide feedback on any LMCE release, whichever one is most attractive for others to collaborate on.
Users / Entertainment Areas without an MD
August 25, 2014, 04:25:37 AM
This issue came up in another post I had

The inability to get media scenarios for entertainment areas that have not been configured with an MD. 

If anyone is interested in helping me get this to work properly I'd be happy to assist in any way I can. 

I have a fresh install of the latest 1404 dvd image with an entertainment area set up that has a TV, receiver, a cable box, and a dvd player.  No scenarios are generated, so it seems the issue still persists in 1404.  This exact setup worked perfectly with a 1204 install when I set it up using an MD, and then after setup removing the MD. 

I can provide any logs, and perform any experiments anyone would like on this setup.  I can also provide remote access to this set up if anyone wants to help me investigate the issue and fix it.
Users / Re: adding a qorbiter messed up my rooms
August 24, 2014, 02:38:04 AM
deleting the EAs didn't work, they get automatically recreated after a router reload

my solution was to remove the qorbiter Room assignment.  that got the behavior I wanted.
Users / Re: zwave network lockups/delays
August 24, 2014, 02:18:57 AM
thank you, much nicer with firefox :)
I am running 12.04, and the lights I have assigned to Outdoor rooms are automatically turning on/off at sunset/sunrise just as this post indicates.

Is the only solution still to remove any lights I don't want this behavior for from Outside rooms?

I don't even see an advanced section in my timed events.

Advanced->Configuration->Events seems to take me to an Advanced Events section but I do not see any existing events in there...

Has the ability to even see these automatically generated scenarios been removed?
Users / Re: adding a qorbiter messed up my rooms
August 22, 2014, 07:49:45 AM
I'm running an non-updated install of LMCE-1204-20140629142129165.iso

The main reason I included the web orbiter shots was to demonstrate that whatever setting up the qorbiter did to my room list was visibile on the web orbiters as well.  The admin web interface looks fine though.  There my list of rooms is exactly as it should be with no device numbers substituted in for the room names and no duplicate rooms....
Users / Re: zwave network lockups/delays
August 22, 2014, 02:12:16 AM
any advice on making the web interface for "advanced zwave" more usable?  The way the page loads for me now I can't even see most of the nodes unless I remove the blocking elements using "inspect element" in chrome.  This is quite a chore as there are many elements (one for each node) and I have to get rid of them 1 by 1.