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Messages - samsung

Users / Re: need help
October 12, 2009, 03:51:21 AM
sorry for the delayed response, went away for few days. media plays fine on core. What happens when trying to play media on a md is I go through the normal steps and select play, upon doing so, it goes to a black screen if its a video file.  If i select a video on UI1 i can bring up the onscreen remote like normal, but it will show a black screen.  at that point, bringing up the onscreen remote is useless to exit media and i have to select home.  As for audio files, after selection it will return to the file menu on the onscreen menu, but will appear to be preparing to play on a windows orbiter.  here is one of the logs.
08   10/11/09 21:32:49.891      Received Message from 10 (Media Plug-in / Miscellaneous) to 51 (OnScreen Orbiter / Home Theater), type 1 id 741 Command:Goto Screen, retry none, parameters: <0xa9afcb90>
08   10/11/09 21:32:49.891        Parameter 10(ID):  <0xa9afcb90>
08   10/11/09 21:32:49.891        Parameter 159(PK_Screen): 140 <0xa9afcb90>
08   10/11/09 21:32:49.891        Parameter 251(Interruption): 0 <0xa9afcb90>
08   10/11/09 21:32:49.891        Parameter 252(Turn On): 1 <0xa9afcb90>
08   10/11/09 21:32:49.891        Parameter 253(Queue): 0 <0xa9afcb90>
05   10/11/09 21:32:49.938      HaveMoreInQueue: position 0, size: 1, result 0 <0x828bdb90>
08   10/11/09 21:32:49.938      Received Message from 24 (Xine Plug-in / Miscellaneous) to 54 (Xine Player / Home Theater), type 1 id 38 Command:Stop Media, retry none, parameters: <0xa00f8b90>
08   10/11/09 21:32:49.938        Parameter 41(StreamID): 1004 <0xa00f8b90>
08   10/11/09 21:32:49.938        Parameter 42(MediaPosition):  <0xa00f8b90>
01   10/11/09 21:32:49.939      debug_stream_end Media_Plugin::StreamEnded ID 1004/0x7cf67a08 delete 1 auto resume 1 resume:  <0x828bdb90>
05   10/11/09 21:32:49.939      Media_Plugin::StreamEnded() no auto resume EK_Users=1 AND Description<>'START' AND FK_File=281 AND IsAutoResume=1 <0x828bdb90>
07   10/11/09 21:32:49.940      Event #20 has no handlers <0xa9afcb90>
07   10/11/09 21:32:49.940      Received Message from 10 (Media Plug-in / Miscellaneous) to -1001 (unknown / ), type 2 id 20 Event:Stopped Watching Media, retry none, parameters: <0xa9afcb90>
07   10/11/09 21:32:49.940        Parameter 27(PK_Room): 15 <0xa9afcb90>
08   10/11/09 21:32:49.940      Received Message from 10 (Media Plug-in / Miscellaneous) to 51 (OnScreen Orbiter / Home Theater), type 1 id 242 Command:Set Now Playing, retry none, parameters: <0xa9afcb90>
08   10/11/09 21:32:49.940        Parameter 3(PK_DesignObj):  <0xa9afcb90>
08   10/11/09 21:32:49.940        Parameter 5(Value To Assign):  <0xa9afcb90>
08   10/11/09 21:32:49.940        Parameter 9(Text):  <0xa9afcb90>
08   10/11/09 21:32:49.940        Parameter 29(PK_MediaType): 0 <0xa9afcb90>
08   10/11/09 21:32:49.940        Parameter 41(StreamID): 0 <0xa9afcb90>
08   10/11/09 21:32:49.940        Parameter 48(Value): 0 <0xa9afcb90>
08   10/11/09 21:32:49.940        Parameter 50(Name):  <0xa9afcb90>
08   10/11/09 21:32:49.940        Parameter 103(List PK Device):  <0xa9afcb90>
08   10/11/09 21:32:49.940        Parameter 120(Retransmit): 0 <0xa9afcb90>
08   10/11/09 21:32:49.941      Received Message from 10 (Media Plug-in / Miscellaneous) to 54 (Xine Player / Home Theater), type 1 id 193 Command:Off, retry none, parameters: <0xa9afcb90>
08   10/11/09 21:32:49.941        Parameter 97(PK_Pipe): -1 <0xa9afcb90>
08   10/11/09 21:32:49.941      Received Message from 10 (Media Plug-in / Miscellaneous) to 49 (Generic PC as MD / Home Theater), type 1 id 192 Command:On, retry none, parameters: <0xa9afcb90>
08   10/11/09 21:32:49.941        Parameter 97(PK_Pipe): 0 <0xa9afcb90>
08   10/11/09 21:32:49.941        Parameter 98(PK_Device_Pipes):  <0xa9afcb90>
05   10/11/09 21:32:49.941      The target device 49 (routed to 49) has not registered. <0xb6d64b90>
01   10/11/09 21:32:49.940      debug_stream_end MediaStream::~MediaStream c1 1004/0x7cf67a08 <0x828bdb90>
07   10/11/09 21:32:49.951      Event #12 has no handlers <0x828bdb90>
07   10/11/09 21:32:49.951      Received Message from 54 (Xine Player / Home Theater) to -1001 (unknown / ), type 2 id 12 Event:Playback Completed, retry none, parameters: <0x828bdb90>
07   10/11/09 21:32:49.951        Parameter 4(MRL): /home/public/data/videos/WDC_WD10EAVS-00D (sdg1)-CORE [59]/10,000 B.C. CAM XViD-prevail [].avi <0x828bdb90>
07   10/11/09 21:32:49.951        Parameter 9(Stream ID): 1004 <0x828bdb90>
07   10/11/09 21:32:49.951        Parameter 37(With Errors): 1 <0x828bdb90>
08   10/11/09 21:32:50.220      Received Message from 51 (OnScreen Orbiter / Home Theater) to 10 (Media Plug-in / Miscellaneous), type 1 id 74 Command:Bind to Media Remote, retry none, parameters: <0x6d6e0b90>
08   10/11/09 21:32:50.220        Parameter 2(PK_Device):  <0x6d6e0b90>
08   10/11/09 21:32:50.220        Parameter 3(PK_DesignObj):  <0x6d6e0b90>
08   10/11/09 21:32:50.220        Parameter 8(On/Off): 1 <0x6d6e0b90>
08   10/11/09 21:32:50.220        Parameter 39(Options):  <0x6d6e0b90>
08   10/11/09 21:32:50.220        Parameter 45(PK_EntertainArea): 3 <0x6d6e0b90>
08   10/11/09 21:32:50.220        Parameter 63(PK_Text_Synopsis):  <0x6d6e0b90>
08   10/11/09 21:32:50.220        Parameter 159(PK_Screen): 140 <0x6d6e0b90>
05   10/11/09 21:32:50.220      Attempt to bind to a remote in an entertainment area with no media stream <0x8e8d5b90>
08   10/11/09 21:32:50.221      Received Message from 10 (Media Plug-in / Miscellaneous) to 51 (OnScreen Orbiter / Home Theater), type 1 id 242 Command:Set Now Playing, retry none, parameters: <0xa9afcb90>
08   10/11/09 21:32:50.230        Parameter 3(PK_DesignObj):  <0xa9afcb90>
08   10/11/09 21:32:50.230        Parameter 5(Value To Assign):  <0xa9afcb90>
08   10/11/09 21:32:50.230        Parameter 9(Text):  <0xa9afcb90>
08   10/11/09 21:32:50.230        Parameter 29(PK_MediaType): 0 <0xa9afcb90>
08   10/11/09 21:32:50.230        Parameter 41(StreamID): 0 <0xa9afcb90>
08   10/11/09 21:32:50.230        Parameter 48(Value): 0 <0xa9afcb90>
08   10/11/09 21:32:50.230        Parameter 50(Name):  <0xa9afcb90>
08   10/11/09 21:32:50.230        Parameter 103(List PK Device):  <0xa9afcb90>
08   10/11/09 21:32:50.230        Parameter 120(Retransmit): 1 <0xa9afcb90>
thanks, yep, but i'm not sure that would effect files stored on my core harddrive?  either way, i can play files fine on the core, just not on the md's.
Users / Re: need help
October 08, 2009, 09:24:08 PM
Thanks fellas, with the help i got from all you and a little more tinkering i've gotten my MD's going and my wireless router going.  Dont mean to be a annoying pr!ck, but i have one last thing to solve. I am able to play all my media, audio and video on the core, all my media show up on the md's, but nothing plays after selecting the media and selecting play. I've tried both md's and no go.  any ideas?  ;D
Users / Re: need help
October 08, 2009, 05:54:43 AM
Users / Re: need help
October 08, 2009, 05:48:53 AM
Quote from: huh on October 08, 2009, 05:07:25 AM
Three things-

1) It seems that all that's ever posted is how people have a lot of problems with LinuxMCE or that XX system is better and offers more.   Judging from your Sep 2009 join date and the problems you're having, I just want you to know that once you get the system up and running it is amazing.  The possibilities and the conversations you will likely have about what your system can do are probably beyond your wildest dreams- at least they were for me.

2) I too was having that 5 second reboot problem- it seems that something happened in one of the latest alphas that caused this... 

I have found that if you run the command:

on your core- either by directly interacting with your core or- as I have done- from putty on a windoze box, that will fix that error.

3) As for the online issue- my MDs are not able to access the internet (but the core can, as you describe) until I hit the "update" button from the admin pages.  From your post, you're familiar with the admin pages/site- so if you go to "Advanced" -> "Network" -> "Network settings" at the bottom of the page will be a "Update" button next to the "Reset" button.  Click this once and you will probably find you can connect to the internet- I am posting from a computer that I just did the above to get connected.  I think about every time you do a reload or regen of the core you will have to do this.  Just a note- it is vital that you have 2 nics in your core and that eth0 is connected to your WAN and eth1 is connected to your LAN.


oh no, don't get me wrong at all. I love lmce already. I'm not a complainer, i've just run out of things to try to get things working.  everything connected to my switch is not working, including my wireless router.  i have tried the
/usr/pluto/bin/ which worked to get one md booted, but did not get anything connect to said switch working.  after using
/usr/pluto/bin/ followed by a reboot of the now leads to the boot hanging at "loading lmce" and then black screen, so i had to a reinstall again. 
Users / need help
October 08, 2009, 04:36:53 AM
I've been trying to solve the issues i'm having my own, but i obviously need help guys. i will be greatfull for any help because i have sought answers from the wiki and searching the forums. I have reinstalled 8.10 at least 10 times due to various problems.  I am unable to use my wireless router, spa 3102, or boot any MD's.  thus far i have tried connecting an md directly to the core. the md's are not being automatically created and do not show up as devices. i was able to get online on the core, but still tried switching etho interfaces in the admin site. i tried swaping the cables.  i tried removing knetmanager from the core startup.  i tried creating md's because i was still getting to the rebooting in 5 secs post i saw mentioned in another post which prompted me to remove the knetworkmanager.  all of the macs for the devices show up on the admin site.  im lost, i guess its a dchp networking problem  any diagnosis? 
Users / Re: Error: cannot connect to router
October 02, 2009, 11:05:27 PM
  After going into the admin pages, MANUALLY adding a "generic PC as MD" with my mac address and then starting the computer everything was running as usual- through the AVWizard and what not to that screen you just described with the invalid device. 


After doing that, the 810 problem MD works with UI2, it stuck at generating the orbiter, but after a md reboot, it works ok.  It seems as though anytime your reboot the core, that script needs to be run again.  Have you noticed a lag when using any i/o device, whether mouse or keyboard?  i'm getting a two sec lag when move through the UI2 menu.
Users / Re: Error: cannot connect to router
October 02, 2009, 03:44:58 PM
Quote from: huh on October 02, 2009, 03:30:10 AM
Well, for anyone following this, I rebooted and it fixed things....  not sure what happened, but a reboot stopped the "orbiter already started" and murcel's fix got the MDs going.

Still don't know anything about the mysql errors.  

And, after reboot/the fix, I was again not able to connect to the internet via computers connected to the internet through the core.  A "update" on the network pages of the admin site fixed this.  So, not sure what's next other than to see of the zwave works.

UPDATE:  Hmm, does this:   
need to be run before starting each MD?

after running the script one MD installed without a hitch, I did not reboot and tried a second md (ati x800 video card) that i had working in 7.10 but was giving me problems in 8.10. Not sure if it's the board itself or the card...anyway, after a few attempts without rebooting core or running the script again, the second older MD finally booted, went through the normal procedures and ran the av wizard. After getting through the wizard, it started to start the orbiter but came up with a error message stating that the device ## was invalid and it just froze up. After that i have been unable to get that MD to the av wizard again, it just hangs at "configuring network interfaces".
Users / Re: Error: cannot connect to router
October 02, 2009, 01:39:12 AM
yes murcel, that script did it for me after several attempts too thank you!!!
Users / Error: cannot connect to router
October 01, 2009, 09:00:20 PM
I have attempted to boot all the MD's which were working prior to a 8.10 reinstall.  After going through to a particular step in the pxe boot.... I receive a message "ERROR: cannot connect to router: rebooting in 5 secs".  I have had no equipment changes since the last install i had working.  I have attempted to connect MD's directly to core ethernet port to ensure switch is in working order.  What log should i dig into or what could be the issue? thank you.   
Users / Re: 8.10 question
September 30, 2009, 08:27:23 PM
Quote from: huh on September 30, 2009, 08:17:07 PM
Wow- i thought that it was just me and that when I clicked reboot after the setup it didn't reboot- I had walked away and came back to that same screen.  I can't remember if I signed in and then rebooted, or just rebooted from that login screen, but after a reboot that I watched it went to the normal AVWizard screen.

I figured it had been me clicking log off after the install and not reboot, but after your post I have my doubts.

Curious after you get through your setup if your MDs will connect as they should:

Huh, you signed into the sambahelper? how?
Users / Re: 8.10 question
September 30, 2009, 08:21:29 PM
here's my log
# Pluto config file
MySqlHost = localhost
MySqlUser = root
MySqlPassword =
MySqlDBName = pluto_main
DCERouter = localhost
MySqlPort = 3306
DCERouterPort = 3450
PK_Device = 1
Activation_Code = 1111
PK_Installation = 1002100
PK_Users =
PK_Distro = 17
Display = 0
SharedDesktop = 1
OfflineMode = false
UseVideoWizard = 1
LogLevels = 1,5,7,8
#ImmediatelyFlushLog = 1
TimeZoneSet = 1
FirstBoot = false
AVWizardOverride = 0
AVWizardDone = 1
DVDKeysCache = /home/.dvdcss

Users / 8.10 question
September 30, 2009, 07:52:01 PM
I had 8.10 running but had to do a reinstall.  I had to leave it to install overnight this time. It said it was installed, i rebooted, went through the setup wizard. It went through the usual orbiter boot sequence but it led to a welcome dcerouter login screen  with two choices, 1) pluto samba share helper, sambahelp
              2) normal kde login

was there in error in installation or do i need a password?