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Topics - samsung

Users / Anybody have a working MD in Beta?
October 23, 2009, 05:11:42 PM
I'm getting the "failed to start x" message on an nvidia board that worked in 8.10 alpha.  Anybody have a MD up and going?  also, i have a M3N78-vm for core, I use a 180 nvidia driver, but when i updated to beta, the only driver that seems to work is the 190.  When i use the kubuntu desktop, everything stutters.  takes a few seconds between i/o input and response.   cheers
Users / need help
October 08, 2009, 04:36:53 AM
I've been trying to solve the issues i'm having my own, but i obviously need help guys. i will be greatfull for any help because i have sought answers from the wiki and searching the forums. I have reinstalled 8.10 at least 10 times due to various problems.  I am unable to use my wireless router, spa 3102, or boot any MD's.  thus far i have tried connecting an md directly to the core. the md's are not being automatically created and do not show up as devices. i was able to get online on the core, but still tried switching etho interfaces in the admin site. i tried swaping the cables.  i tried removing knetmanager from the core startup.  i tried creating md's because i was still getting to the rebooting in 5 secs post i saw mentioned in another post which prompted me to remove the knetworkmanager.  all of the macs for the devices show up on the admin site.  im lost, i guess its a dchp networking problem  any diagnosis? 
Users / Error: cannot connect to router
October 01, 2009, 09:00:20 PM
I have attempted to boot all the MD's which were working prior to a 8.10 reinstall.  After going through to a particular step in the pxe boot.... I receive a message "ERROR: cannot connect to router: rebooting in 5 secs".  I have had no equipment changes since the last install i had working.  I have attempted to connect MD's directly to core ethernet port to ensure switch is in working order.  What log should i dig into or what could be the issue? thank you.   
Users / 8.10 question
September 30, 2009, 07:52:01 PM
I had 8.10 running but had to do a reinstall.  I had to leave it to install overnight this time. It said it was installed, i rebooted, went through the setup wizard. It went through the usual orbiter boot sequence but it led to a welcome dcerouter login screen  with two choices, 1) pluto samba share helper, sambahelp
              2) normal kde login

was there in error in installation or do i need a password?