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Topics - geekyhawkes

Developers / N800 style orbiter for normal mythtv
April 25, 2011, 12:05:23 AM
Hey guys, nice to see linuxmce is still going.  I was wondering if i could get an N800 orbiter similar to the one you guys run under normal mythtv?  Can someone give me a few hints as to how the n800 orbiter actually works here with myth/kubuntu/linuxmce etc. 


I have been getting slightly frustrated with my lack of sucess with my mce install so am going to take a break for a few months and come back to mce after that.  Sad but true, i need something that meets my needs now and mce just inst there yet for me. 

I have been working on a newbies install guide / MCE usermanual for a while (in between reinstalls).  It is not finished but i think if finished it would add real value to the project.  Linked is my first draft, or at least as far as i have got with it so I am hoping someone else will pick up the document and complete it.

Thanks to everyone that helped me with my setup, I just need a break as frustration was making moves forward difficult.

Users / Cant view any media on my hybrid
July 29, 2009, 06:05:45 PM
I have no idea what has gone on, but I now cannot view any dvd images, avi, mpg or play mp3s on my hybrid machine.  I get dropped to the media playing window with play/pause / mute displayed but the screen saver remains on. 

If i place a dvd in the drive then the disc is inserted message is displayed but then after a while i get dropped back to the screensaver and no media is playing.

Am i alone ? What the hell can i do to get this working again?

Users / Are wiimotes plug and play in 0810
July 29, 2009, 12:36:06 PM
I have seen the wiki for adding wiimotes but seem to remember thom talking about making them plug and play under 0810.  Has this happened yet at all?

Users / SOLVED :cant upgrade nvidia drivers
July 26, 2009, 04:52:35 PM
I am having problems upgrading my nvidia display drivers.  I have followed the wiki, as well as guides over on the ubuntu community but each time i get api mismatch errors on start up.  The same is true if i use 180.60 or 185.14 versions of the nvidia drivers.

I have disabled the "nv nvidia_new" module in the /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common file with no change.  

Please can someone help, this shouldnt be difficult its only a driver!
Users / Possible BUG - AVwizard - dead install
July 26, 2009, 12:35:25 PM
I believe this to be a bug and would not recommend anyone repeats what i have detailed below as it killed my install:

For some reason my AVwizard was appearing on each boot.  This was not a huge problem, i could just click through everything and then MCE would start fine. 

Today, I accidentally (bit hung over) selected the wrong resolution but didnt notice until the confirmation screen at the end of the avwizard.  I used the right button on my mouse to go back to the beginning of the AVwizard expecting to be able to select the correct resolution and all would be well.  What actually happened was the AVwizard became VERY slow to respond at the resolution select screen.  I selected 720p (which i have been using for a few months with no problem), at the preview resolution stage the top 3rd of my screen had mutlicolour lines and the machine froze.  I restarted and during the MCE start up received all sorts of error messages, hard drive full, incorrect use for the MCE services, samba unavailable etc. 

I am reinstalling now. 

The point to take away i think is that somehow returning to the very beginning of the AVwizard from the confirmation screen has caused something to die in my install (sorry cant be more specific).   I am running the latest Alpha release of 0810 with nvidia 185.14 drivers and alsa 1.0.20.

(If nothing else then i hope this saves someone else my pain!).
Users / UPNP username and password on latest alpha
July 23, 2009, 07:25:36 PM
I have just updated my alpha install to the latest release and have now lost access to the UPNP server admin page via web admin as i dont know the login details.  I have tried the same details as my webadmin (linuxmce and kde) username and password but with no luck.  Is it a dcerouter login??

I am just wondering if there are enough of us out there interested in getting hdmi audio working so we can sponsor (thom probably) to get it working.  I understand that at some point this will be integrated in to 0810, but at the moment it might be a while off.

If you are interested can you add your name and how much (in $$) you would be willing to contribute;

Geekyhawkes $100
I am running canola on my n800 and would like to be able to call it to launch from within the mce orbiter (under computing).  Is there a way this can be done?  I use canola alot to play my media from the upnp server and it would be nice to have the orbiter working in this way.

I am just running through the reinstall of my Linuxmce machine after it died in a lightening storm and am having problems getting my custom modeline working.

I had overscan in KDE so tried to get the modeline i had previously working back into my system;

ModeLine "1360x768" 85.50 1360 1424 1536 1792 768 771 778 795 -HSync -VSync

(In /usr/pluto/share/Resolutions.conf. as per the wiki).

All seemed well except when i rebooted and went through the avwizard linux mce never booted up in 1360x768 (it always went back to 640x480 or similar).  

I tried setting my own xorg.conf up and neutered the avwizard as per the wiki but whenever i started my system linux mce only took up the top left hand corner of the screen (ie it was still running at the old resolution and not loading full screen).

Also what difference does the "driver" value make in the resolutions.conf file?  It seems a bit random as to which are set as via and which nvidia

I removed the neutered line from the wizard and restarted but i still have the same problem.  The avwizard accepts 720p with no problems.  

What am i doing wrong this time? (It worked fine on my last install!).

The other option is I am happy with neutered AVwizard and running my own xorg.conf but how to i tell linux mce to be full screen / use a higher resolution without the avwizard?

Any help greatly received.

So i have just had to reinstall my system completely (not fun!) and am now trying to get into webadmin.  For some reason the username / password I setup during the wizard does not let me log in.  Is there some way around this without reinstalling the system again?

Please help!
So during a heavy thunderstorm the power went off and back on lots of times, sadly i was stuck at work and i think this repeated power cycling might have killed my install!

I have switched on my hybrid and the boot process gets as far as;

Orbiter generation Start
Orbiter generation Done

But then stops.

All hard drive activity stops and the machine is just sat waiting.

Is there anyway i can recover this system or am i back to starting from scratch?
I have been trying to get my hdmi audio working for sometime.  During my kde install i managed to get the HDMI audio working fine, but since running the avwizard during my initial 0810 setup I have never had any sucess (in KDE or Linux MCE). 

After a fair bit of digging around I think part of the problem is down to my asound.conf file being changed everytime i start the system up (i think by Linux mce). 

I had set my HDMI audio up as detailed below;

pcm.!default {
        type plug
        slave {
                pcm multi
                rate 48000
        ttable.0.0 1.0
        ttable.1.1 1.0
        ttable.0.2 1.0
        ttable.1.3 1.0

#ctl.!default hdmiout

pcm.optical {
        type hw
        card 0
        device 1

ctl.optical {
        type hw
        card 0
        device 1

pcm.hdmiout {
        type hw
        card 0
        device 3

ctl.hdmiout {
        type hw
        card 0
        device 3

pcm.multi {
        type multi
        slaves.a.pcm "hdmiout"
        slaves.a.channels 2
        slaves.b.pcm "optical"
        slaves.b.channels 2

        bindings.0.slave a 0
        bindings.1.slave a 1

        bindings.2.slave b 0
        bindings.3.slave b 1

ctl.multi {
        type hw
        card 0

This was working fine under KDE but everytime i start my machine (even if i edit the asound.conf file back to the above), the asound.conf file actually contains the following;

type plug
slave {
pcm multi
rate 48000
ttable.0.0 1.0
ttable.1.1 1.0
ttable.0.2 1.0
ttable.1.3 1.0

#ctl.!default hdmiout

pcm.optical {
        type hw
        card 0
        device 1

ctl.optical {
        type hw
        card 0
        device 1

pcm.hdmiout {
        type hw
        card 0
        device 3

ctl.hdmiout {
        type hw
        card 0
        device 3

pcm.multi {
        type multi
        slaves.a.pcm "hdmiout"
        slaves.a.channels 2
        slaves.b.pcm "optical"
        slaves.b.channels 2

        bindings.0.slave a 0
        bindings.1.slave a 1

        bindings.2.slave b 0
        bindings.3.slave b 1

ctl.multi {
        type hw
        card 0

pcm.!default asym_analog

From what i can see the "edited" asound.conf isnt even a valid file, and is certainly in confliction with the manually edited file i had created.

I have searched the wiki and found some useful information for forcing the avwizard to not alter the xconf file, but nothing relating to the way MCE edits the alsa files.

Can anyone help?


SOLVED :: I had to reinstall my machine and the fault hasnt re-occured.  Wierd but fixed.

I have been having problems getting the flash player plugin working in mce (0810alpha) for a while and am finally getting around to looking at it.  

If i drop to KDE and launch firefox then the flash player plugin works fine.  If i launch firefox from computing within MCE then i get the "flashplayer not detected or installed" link.

I have search the forum / wiki and found this thread;

I followed the guide (even though im not using the 64bit version of kubuntu the symptoms are the same) using sudo -u root bash  and placed the plugin in both locations described, but the problem continues.

Is there anyother way forward for me getting flash working under mce?
SOLVED::  As per the post below Remote assistance is not yet working.

I am having problems enabling remote assistance under 0810 alpha.  I have tried via webadmin and advanced-Remote access.  Web admin goes fairly unresponsive when i select enable remote assistance (with or without port 22 ticked).  

If i go in via ui2 then clicking enable remote assistance then the ui changes to "One moment" but never enables remote assistance.  

I have made sure i have port forwarding on my router, and have even tried the above with the firewall on both mce and my router switched off with no changes.  Am i missing something?

EDIT:  Just to confirm i have used my laptop to nmap port 22 and it is defiantly open.
Users / Unable to write to nfs share
July 08, 2009, 07:17:06 PM
I am unable to write to my MCE hyrbid shares when i mount them from any ubuntu machine in my house and am not sure why. 

This is the line from my /etc/fstab

# mce Home directory nfs mount /media/mcehome nfs rw,hard,intr 0 0

The drive mounts fine and i can explore around, but i am unable to create any folders (and hence add any files i want to my media center).  I went the route of nfs after having problems with samba not mounting the shares from my mce machine (and due to the speed increase under linux of using nfs).

Any ideas?
Users / SOLVED:: Wiimote sensitivity values
July 08, 2009, 06:19:03 PM
SOLVED::: MUCH MUCH better when using an IR source.  IR bars are available lots of places for under $/£10 so worth the purchase.

I have just gone through the wiki entry on adding a wiimote to my Linuxmce system and am fairly happy with the result.I do have a question on the following entry to the daemon though;

#mouse acceleration, adjust to your liking
                       #see also: "man xset" and/or "xset -h"
#                       xset m 1/2 3

Can someone give me an idea what these figures actually mean for xset m and what is meant by see also manxset or xset -h?

I have been looking around on the internet and cannot really find much of a clue.  From the way i have read the above the vaule is hashed out anyway?

The reason i ask is my wiimote seems to be giving slightly erratic movement, and whilst im not using an IR source i was expecting it to be less erratic than it is now.

(As an aside, i have been trying to get back in to edit the files i created from the wiki, but I am not able to, even with sudo kate for example.  I have tried sudo /etc/init.d/wminputd stop but that comes back as failed as well.  How do i get back into the files i created to edit them?)

Users / Script loading order during MCE startup
July 07, 2009, 08:16:41 PM
Sorry for the slightly random question but i was wondering if someone here could give me a list of the last few scripts loaded by Linux MCE during the startup process. 

My reason for asking is 2 fold, firstly I need to add a line to start mediatomb as per this thread;

I also need to add a line to enable my wifi WPA connection, currently i have to drop to KDE each time to type one line into terminal to get wifi working and this clearly isnt as elegant as it could be. 

I have tried putting both of these commands into a startup script;


but it doesnt seem to work as it only appears to be run when you drop to the KDE desktop and not during normal MCE startup.

Is there a best practise script to edit for user specific startup options?  At somepoint hopefully at least the mediatomb script wont be required as it can be added into the Beta release of 0810.
Users / Lost access to Squeezenetwork after update
July 07, 2009, 07:44:43 PM
I appear to have lost all access to my squeezenetwork account from within Slimserver on LinuxMCE after my last update (to the current alpha).

I have full access via webadmin to all of the slimserver functions you would expect, except my username and password keep coming back as invalid, and they are definatly 100% correct!

I have tried changing my password twice with the slimserver "I forgot my password link" and both times the same is true, no access to squeezenetwork.

I have also confirmed that the squeeze network is up and running at the time by logging on with my Ubuntu laptop.  I feel this might be a bug that has crept in and been missed maybe, as this side of my setup has been been fine since install.

My Linux MCE machine definatly has internet access as i am using it to reset the password and access my hotmail ok.  The fault is still present even if you copy and paste the new password (just to treble ensure its not a typeo!)

Is there anyway forward, or can i get some log files maybe that would be useful for someone to look into the potential bug?
SOLVED::  As per the links below

I have been looking through the wiki and havent been able to find a DVB-T guide for Myth.  I found the following excellent guide for VDR;

And was wondering if there is anything similar for Myth anywhere?