i'm having troubles installing a zwave device which is supposed to be working in LinuxMCe. but the problem is that after it is detected and installed, when I download the configuration from the controller I can't send any commands to light, so the lights aren't working. these are the logs:
07 08/13/08 15:23:47.036 Received Message from 91 (ZWave / Living Room) to -1001 (unknown / ), type 2 id 55 Eventownload Config Done, retry none, parameters: <0x806e9b90>
07 08/13/08 15:23:47.036 Parameter 12(Error Message): DEVICE DIDN'T RESPOND OR ZWAVE ERRORS <0x806e9b90>
07 08/13/08 15:23:51.089 Event #9 has no handlers <0x6dec4b90>
========== NEW LOG SECTION ==========
1 08/13/08 15:07:55 81 (spawning-device) Starting... 1
1 08/13/08 15:07:55 81 (spawning-device) Found /usr/pluto/bin/ZWave
01 08/13/08 15:07:56.153 asynchThread started <0xb78d46c0>
05 08/13/08 15:08:01.014 ### Go to timeout queue <0xb68d1b90>
05 08/13/08 15:08:01.014 ### execute the next job from timeout queue <0xb68d1b90>
05 08/13/08 15:08:01.014 ZWJobInitialize::timeoutHandler <0xb68d1b90>
05 08/13/08 15:08:06.018 ### Go to timeout queue <0xb68d1b90>
05 08/13/08 15:08:06.018 ### execute the next job from timeout queue <0xb68d1b90>
05 08/13/08 15:08:06.019 ZWJobInitialize::timeoutHandler <0xb68d1b90>
05 08/13/08 15:08:07.822 Creating child 83 <0xb78d46c0>
05 08/13/08 15:08:07.822 Note: Device manager has attached a device of type 1922 that this has no custom event handler for. It will not fire events. <0xb78d46c0>
05 08/13/08 15:08:07.822 Note: Device manager has attached a device of type 1922 that this has no custom handler for. This is normal for IR. <0xb78d46c0>
05 08/13/08 15:08:07.822 Creating child 90 <0xb78d46c0>
05 08/13/08 15:08:07.822 Note: Device manager has attached a device of type 1820 that this has no custom event handler for. It will not fire events. <0xb78d46c0>
05 08/13/08 15:08:07.822 Note: Device manager has attached a device of type 1820 that this has no custom handler for. This is normal for IR. <0xb78d46c0>
05 08/13/08 15:09:02.039 -------------------------- Job Timeout 0x80e0ea8 _________ <0xb68d1b90>
05 08/13/08 15:19:26.803 Got a reload command from 0 <0xb50ceb90>
05 08/13/08 15:19:27.459 void ClientSocket::Disconnect() on this socket: 0x80a5518 (m_Socket: 7) <0xb78d46c0>
Return code: 2
2 08/13/08 15:19:27 81 (spawning-device) Device requests restart... count=1/50 dev=81
2 08/13/08 15:19:27 81 (spawning-device) Device was disabled or removed. Stopping and marking as not running.
dmesg and lsmod shows the drivers are installed.
can someone help me with this?thx
i'm having troubles installing a zwave device which is supposed to be working in LinuxMCe. but the problem is that after it is detected and installed, when I download the configuration from the controller I can't send any commands to light, so the lights aren't working. these are the logs:
07 08/13/08 15:23:47.036 Received Message from 91 (ZWave / Living Room) to -1001 (unknown / ), type 2 id 55 Eventownload Config Done, retry none, parameters: <0x806e9b90>
07 08/13/08 15:23:47.036 Parameter 12(Error Message): DEVICE DIDN'T RESPOND OR ZWAVE ERRORS <0x806e9b90>
07 08/13/08 15:23:51.089 Event #9 has no handlers <0x6dec4b90>
========== NEW LOG SECTION ==========
1 08/13/08 15:07:55 81 (spawning-device) Starting... 1
1 08/13/08 15:07:55 81 (spawning-device) Found /usr/pluto/bin/ZWave
01 08/13/08 15:07:56.153 asynchThread started <0xb78d46c0>
05 08/13/08 15:08:01.014 ### Go to timeout queue <0xb68d1b90>
05 08/13/08 15:08:01.014 ### execute the next job from timeout queue <0xb68d1b90>
05 08/13/08 15:08:01.014 ZWJobInitialize::timeoutHandler <0xb68d1b90>
05 08/13/08 15:08:06.018 ### Go to timeout queue <0xb68d1b90>
05 08/13/08 15:08:06.018 ### execute the next job from timeout queue <0xb68d1b90>
05 08/13/08 15:08:06.019 ZWJobInitialize::timeoutHandler <0xb68d1b90>
05 08/13/08 15:08:07.822 Creating child 83 <0xb78d46c0>
05 08/13/08 15:08:07.822 Note: Device manager has attached a device of type 1922 that this has no custom event handler for. It will not fire events. <0xb78d46c0>
05 08/13/08 15:08:07.822 Note: Device manager has attached a device of type 1922 that this has no custom handler for. This is normal for IR. <0xb78d46c0>
05 08/13/08 15:08:07.822 Creating child 90 <0xb78d46c0>
05 08/13/08 15:08:07.822 Note: Device manager has attached a device of type 1820 that this has no custom event handler for. It will not fire events. <0xb78d46c0>
05 08/13/08 15:08:07.822 Note: Device manager has attached a device of type 1820 that this has no custom handler for. This is normal for IR. <0xb78d46c0>
05 08/13/08 15:09:02.039 -------------------------- Job Timeout 0x80e0ea8 _________ <0xb68d1b90>
05 08/13/08 15:19:26.803 Got a reload command from 0 <0xb50ceb90>
05 08/13/08 15:19:27.459 void ClientSocket::Disconnect() on this socket: 0x80a5518 (m_Socket: 7) <0xb78d46c0>
Return code: 2
2 08/13/08 15:19:27 81 (spawning-device) Device requests restart... count=1/50 dev=81
2 08/13/08 15:19:27 81 (spawning-device) Device was disabled or removed. Stopping and marking as not running.
dmesg and lsmod shows the drivers are installed.
can someone help me with this?thx