« on: March 11, 2018, 10:21:09 pm »
Hi. I have put my pipe routing issue on hold for a while and am now trying to get the embedded tuner device on my LG TV to work with my Microsoft MCE remote.
Things generally work. The LMCE controls power over RS232, the AVR switches inputs correctly, and the TV is switched to the digital tuner over RS232. I am using the internal speakers for sound. I can change volume and the number buttons work for tuning. However, I cannot get the channel +/- buttons to respond.
I don't think the device template is the problem. The SendKey function that is used works fine for some functions, just not the channel buttons. The device template is #2126. Also sending the command <$ "ka 01 00\r"$> directly to serial port also works flawlessly. That rules out the serial connection.
The best I can tell, the router is recieving the command from the USBIRT device but is not forwarding it on to the television. Please see the snippet below from DCERouter.log:
08 03/11/18 16:56:26.570 Received Message from 136 (^[[36;1mUSB UIRT 0038 / Living Room/Family Room^[[0m) to 155 (^[[36;1mTuner - Digital - L\
iveTV/Tuner / Living Room/Family Room^[[0m), type 1 id 90 Command:^[[35;1mVol Down^[[0m, retry none, parameters: <0xa7ca9b40>
08 03/11/18 16:56:26.570 Parameter 41(StreamID): 1007 <0xa7ca9b40>
08 03/11/18 16:56:26.570 Forwarding 90 Command:^[[35;1mVol Down^[[0m up pipe to 154 (^[[36;1mLG RS232 (newer models)^[[0m) <0xb60e6b40>
08 03/11/18 16:56:26.650 Received Message from 136 (^[[36;1mUSB UIRT 0038 / Living Room/Family Room^[[0m) to 10 (^[[36;1mMedia Plug-in / Livi\
ng Room/Family Room^[[0m), type 1 id 90 Command:^[[35;1mVol Down^[[0m, retry none, parameters: <0x96c87b40>
08 03/11/18 16:56:26.651 Received Message from 136 (^[[36;1mUSB UIRT 0038 / Living Room/Family Room^[[0m) to 155 (^[[36;1mTuner - Digital - L\
iveTV/Tuner / Living Room/Family Room^[[0m), type 1 id 90 Command:^[[35;1mVol Down^[[0m, retry none, parameters: <0xa7ca9b40>
08 03/11/18 16:56:26.651 Parameter 41(StreamID): 1007 <0xa7ca9b40>
08 03/11/18 16:56:26.651 Forwarding 90 Command:^[[35;1mVol Down^[[0m up pipe to 154 (^[[36;1mLG RS232 (newer models)^[[0m) <0xb60e6b40>
08 03/11/18 16:56:26.762 Received Message from 136 (^[[36;1mUSB UIRT 0038 / Living Room/Family Room^[[0m) to 10 (^[[36;1mMedia Plug-in / Livi\
ng Room/Family Room^[[0m), type 1 id 90 Command:^[[35;1mVol Down^[[0m, retry none, parameters: <0x96c87b40>
08 03/11/18 16:56:26.763 Received Message from 136 (^[[36;1mUSB UIRT 0038 / Living Room/Family Room^[[0m) to 155 (^[[36;1mTuner - Digital - L\
iveTV/Tuner / Living Room/Family Room^[[0m), type 1 id 90 Command:^[[35;1mVol Down^[[0m, retry none, parameters: <0xa7ca9b40>
08 03/11/18 16:56:26.763 Parameter 41(StreamID): 1007 <0xa7ca9b40>
08 03/11/18 16:56:26.763 Forwarding 90 Command:^[[35;1mVol Down^[[0m up pipe to 154 (^[[36;1mLG RS232 (newer models)^[[0m) <0xb60e6b40>
08 03/11/18 16:56:28.773 Received Message from 136 (^[[36;1mUSB UIRT 0038 / Living Room/Family Room^[[0m) to 10 (^[[36;1mMedia Plug-in / Livi\
ng Room/Family Room^[[0m), type 1 id 65 Command:^[[35;1mJump Position In Playlist^[[0m, retry none, parameters: <0x96c87b40>
08 03/11/18 16:56:28.773 Parameter 5(Value To Assign): +1 <0x96c87b40>
08 03/11/18 16:56:28.773 Received Message from 136 (^[[36;1mUSB UIRT 0038 / Living Room/Family Room^[[0m) to 155 (^[[36;1mTuner - Digital - L\
iveTV/Tuner / Living Room/Family Room^[[0m), type 1 id 63 Command:^[[35;1mSkip Fwd - Channel/Track Greater^[[0m, retry none, parameters: <0xa7ca9b40>
08 03/11/18 16:56:28.774 Parameter 5(Value To Assign): +1 <0xa7ca9b40>
08 03/11/18 16:56:28.774 Parameter 41(StreamID): 1007 <0xa7ca9b40>
08 03/11/18 16:56:29.551 Received Message from 136 (^[[36;1mUSB UIRT 0038 / Living Room/Family Room^[[0m) to 10 (^[[36;1mMedia Plug-in / Livi\
ng Room/Family Room^[[0m), type 1 id 65 Command:^[[35;1mJump Position In Playlist^[[0m, retry none, parameters: <0x96c87b40>
08 03/11/18 16:56:29.551 Parameter 5(Value To Assign): +1 <0x96c87b40>
08 03/11/18 16:56:29.552 Received Message from 136 (^[[36;1mUSB UIRT 0038 / Living Room/Family Room^[[0m) to 155 (^[[36;1mTuner - Digital - L\
iveTV/Tuner / Living Room/Family Room^[[0m), type 1 id 63 Command:^[[35;1mSkip Fwd - Channel/Track Greater^[[0m, retry none, parameters: <0xa7ca9b40>
08 03/11/18 16:56:29.552 Parameter 5(Value To Assign): +1 <0xa7ca9b40>
08 03/11/18 16:56:29.552 Parameter 41(StreamID): 1007 <0xa7ca9b40>
In the log, you can see the router recieving the volume commands and forwarding them to the TV. After that, you can see that it is also seeing the channel + commands but is not forwarding them. At least that is how I interepret the log.
Am I correct? Suggestions please.