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Topics - Avner

Pages: [1] 2
Users / MD on Zotac Zbox ID42 Plus not playing audio [SOLVED]
« on: December 25, 2013, 09:05:19 pm »
I am trying to configure a new Zotac Zbox ID42 Plus.
It is PXE booting from the core.
At the audio / video setup stage in audio settings (step 5) the list of audio output connectors is empty.

The device has audio on board:
Code: [Select]
root@moon63:~#  lspci | grep -i audio
00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 7 Series/C210 Series Chipset Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 04)
01:00.1 Audio device: NVIDIA Corporation GF119 HDMI Audio Controller (rev a1)

aplay can not recognize the sound card
Code: [Select]
root@moon63:~# aplay -l
aplay: device_list:240: no soundcards found...
The instructions in
talk about alternate sound configuration settings in:

In: /etc/pluto.conf there is no flag named "AlternateSC"

I the MD, there is no file or directories for:
/etc/pluto/alsa/virtual_cards.conf, /etc/pluto/alsa/, /etc/asound.conf, /etc/asound/

Code: [Select]
root@moon63:~# ll /etc/pluto/alsa/virtual_cards.conf
ls: cannot access /etc/pluto/alsa/virtual_cards.conf: No such file or directory

root@moon63:~# ll /etc/pluto/alsa/
ls: cannot access /etc/pluto/alsa/: No such file or directory

root@moon63:~# ll /etc/asound.conf
ls: cannot access /etc/asound.conf: No such file or directory

root@moon63:~# ll /etc/asound/
ls: cannot access /etc/asound/: No such file or directory

Any advice?

Users / Orbiter on the Core not showing up [SOLVED]
« on: December 21, 2013, 05:38:19 pm »

After upgrading my lmce 1004 to the latest (apt-get upgrade), I don't get an Orbiter for the core.
Looking at the log file I see the following message repeating over and over again.

Code: [Select]
tail -f /var/log/pluto/
05      12/21/13 0:43:49.195            Received ANYNEWS? 10149, but device hasn't identified itself yet. <0xb4bb3b70>
05      12/21/13 0:43:49.195            Received: ANYNEWS? 10149 <0xb4bb3b70>
05      12/21/13 0:43:49.196            Socket::ReceiveData 0xadc2638 failed, bytes left 0 start: 4970000 1: 0 1b: 0 2: 0 2b: 0 m_Socket: 28 Incoming_Conn Socket 28 ::ffff: <0xb4bb3b70>
05      12/21/13 0:43:49.196            Socket::ReceiveString2 ReceiveData failed m_Socket: -1 Incoming_Conn Socket 28 ::ffff: <0xb4bb3b70>
05      12/21/13 0:43:49.196            TCPIP: Closing connection to -1 (Proxy_Orbiter) 0xadc2638 m_Socket: -1 <0xb4bb3b70>

05      12/21/13 8:33:20.435            Received ANYNEWS? 10296, but device hasn't identified itself yet. <0xb4bb4b70>
05      12/21/13 8:33:20.436            Received: ANYNEWS? 10296 <0xb4bb4b70>
05      12/21/13 8:33:20.436            Socket::ReceiveData 0x921c460 failed, bytes left 0 start: 15720000 1: 0 1b: 0 2: 0 2b: 0 m_Socket: 11 Incoming_Conn Socket 11 ::ffff: <0xb4bb4b70>
05      12/21/13 8:33:20.436            Socket::ReceiveString2 ReceiveData failed m_Socket: -1 Incoming_Conn Socket 11 ::ffff: <0xb4bb4b70>
05      12/21/13 8:33:20.436            TCPIP: Closing connection to -1 (Proxy_Orbiter) 0x921c460 m_Socket: -1 <0xb4bb4b70>


How come I'm getting a negative ID? (-1 Proxy_Orbiter)
Any ideas how to fix this problem?



I want to operate a webcam in a Core only (no MD) in a lmce-1004.
I had problems in the past to run Motion_Wrapper in a Hybrid environment but solved it by changing the following lines in /etc/init.d/motion (see,13292.0.html) from
Code: [Select]
if start-stop-daemon --start --oknodo --exec $DAEMON -b --chuid motion ; thento:
Code: [Select]
if LDPRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/ start-stop-daemon --start --oknodo --exec $DAEMON -b --chuid root ; then
I now have the same setting in a Core only (no MD) environment.
Motion_Wrapper fails to acquire images. The images fail to acquire - the image files are grey 640x480.
The related processes that run are:

Code: [Select]
dcerouter_1035867:~# ps aux | grep -i motion
root      9675  0.0  0.0   3036  1096 ?        Ss   08:07   0:00 /usr/bin/SCREEN -d -m -S Motion_Wrapper33 /usr/pluto/bin/ 33 localhost Motion_Wrapper
root      9677  0.0  0.0   3120  1632 pts/20   Ss+  08:07   0:00 /bin/bash /usr/pluto/bin/ 33 localhost Motion_Wrapper
root      9742  0.0  0.1  69788  3016 pts/20   Sl+  08:07   0:00 /usr/pluto/bin/Motion_Wrapper -d 33 -r localhost -l /var/log/pluto/33_Motion_Wrapper.log
root      9749  2.4  0.1  15408  2588 pts/20   Sl+  08:08   0:11 [motion]

I tried to invoke the same Motion_Wrapper related command, i.e.
Code: [Select]
/usr/pluto/bin/Motion_Wrapper -d 33 -r localhost -l /var/log/pluto/33_Motion_Wrapper.log
from the command line. In this case, the frames are acquired succesfully - I get image files 352x292.

I cannot understand why the same Motion_Wrapper command fails when executed via lmce but succeeds when executed the command line.

Also can someone explain the command /usr/bin/SCREEN ? I cannot find such executable but all the respawning services have this associated SCREEN command.


Code: [Select]

I'm trying to stabilize an lmce1004 system which I just installed.

With every bootup I get a flood of Media Plug-in scripts that are running and overloading the system.
Scripts like
I want to stabilize the boot up sequence by disabling these scripts first. Later on, I can add them as needed.
I tried to disable some of services by doing:

Code: [Select]
update-rc.d -f mediatomb remove
update-rc.d -f update-media remove
update-rc.d -f asterisk remove
(I could not find a mythtv-backend service in /etc/init.d/)

But the Plug and play detection scripts keep running with every bootup.
How can I disable the plug and play devices / services and the mythtv-backend service, so that they don't run during bootup?


I have a camera connected through usb to my core. I followed the instructions in to install the usb camera.

The camera is operating in the OS. I can see the video using e.g. cheese, and invoke motion from the command line. When I invoke motion from the command line
Code: [Select]
sh-3.2# LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/ motionthe images are stored to the directory /home/cameras/53 and the file /home/cameras/53/lastsnap.jpg is updated regularly.
I can then view the images correctly using the LinuxMCE web admin via: Security -> View cameras -> preview checked cameras

However, if I don't invoke motion manually from the command line I don't see any images.
The log file /var/log/pluto/52_Motion_Wrapper.log shows the following error messages:
Code: [Select]
sh-3.2# tail -f /var/log/pluto/52_Motion_Wrapper.log
========== NEW LOG SECTION ==========
1       06/13/13 10:06:16       52 (spawning-device)    Starting... 2
1       06/13/13 10:06:16       52 (spawning-device)    Found /usr/pluto/bin/Motion_Wrapper
05      06/13/13 10:06:16.941           Creating child 53 <0xb71ef6c0>
05      06/13/13 10:06:16.941           Note: Device manager has attached a device of type 66 that this has no custom event handler for.  It will not fire events. <0xb71ef6c0>
05      06/13/13 10:06:16.941           Note: Device manager has attached a device of type 66 that this has no custom handler for.  This is normal for IR. <0xb71ef6c0>
05      06/13/13 10:22:12.864           Could not take snapshot, fail sending SIGALRM signal... <0xb59ebb90>
05      06/13/13 10:22:18.072           Could not take snapshot, fail sending SIGALRM signal... <0xb59ebb90>
05      06/13/13 10:36:44.637           Could not take snapshot, fail sending SIGALRM signal... <0xb59ebb90>

For each error message: Could not take snapshot, fail sending SIGALRM signal... there is an error message in /var/log/pluto/DCERouter.log
Code: [Select]
h-3.2# tail -f /var/log/pluto/DCERouter.log
08      06/13/13 12:56:03.707           Received Message from 0 (unknown / ) to 53 (webcam2 / Entertainment Room1), type 1 id 84 Command:Get Video Frame, retry none, parameters: <0x7d2adb90>
08      06/13/13 12:56:03.707             Parameter 19(Data): 0 <0x7d2adb90>
08      06/13/13 12:56:03.707             Parameter 20(Format): jpg <0x7d2adb90>
08      06/13/13 12:56:03.707             Parameter 23(Disable Aspect Lock): 0 <0x7d2adb90>
08      06/13/13 12:56:03.707             Parameter 31(): 0 <0x7d2adb90>
08      06/13/13 12:56:03.707             Parameter 60(Width): 100 <0x7d2adb90>
08      06/13/13 12:56:03.707             Parameter 61(Height): 100 <0x7d2adb90>
05      06/13/13 12:56:03.868           Socket::ReceiveData 0x88329b8 failed, bytes left 0 start: 3460000 1: 0 1b: 0 2: 0 2b: 0 m_Socket: 135 Incoming_Conn Socket 135 <0x7d2adb90>
05      06/13/13 12:56:03.869           Socket::ReceiveString2 ReceiveData failed m_Socket: -1 Incoming_Conn Socket 135 <0x7d2adb90>
05      06/13/13 12:56:03.869           TCPIP: Closing connection to -1003 (Router Dev #0) 0x88329b8 m_Socket: -1 <0x7d2adb90>
05      06/13/13 12:56:03.869           Router::RemoveAndDeleteSocket 0x88329b8 -1003 <0x7d2adb90>
The attributes of the process Motion_Wrapper are:
Code: [Select]
sh-3.2# ps aux | grep -i motion
root     19268  0.1  0.0   3000   992 ?        Ss   00:16   1:04 /usr/bin/SCREEN -d -m -S Motion_Wrapper52 /usr/pluto/bin/ 52 localhost Motion_Wrapper
root     19269  0.0  0.0   2872  1452 pts/16   Ss+  00:16   0:00 /bin/bash /usr/pluto/bin/ 52 localhost Motion_Wrapper

I changed the values in /etc/motion/motion.conf via LinuxMCE web admin via Advanced -> Configuration -> Devices. In the Motion Device (Logitec webcam) in Device Data -> Motion Parameters and restarted the core.
Code: [Select]
sh-3.2# cat /etc/motion/motion.conf
minimum_motion_frames 2
snapshot_interval 2

This did not help. I suspect that the problem is in file permissions or in using a wrong device number

Permissions on the directory /home/cameras/53 are:
Code: [Select]
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Jun 12 23:27 /home/cameras/53/
The device tree looks like this:
Code: [Select]
   Device #1: CORE
   Using Device Template: Generic PC as Core #7

  Logitec webcam
     Device #52: Logitech webcam
     Using Device Template: Motion Wrapper #64

       Device #53: webcam2
       Using Device Template: Generic Analog Camera #66

I am running that latest update of 8.10
Code: [Select]
sh-3.2# lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 8.10
Release:        8.10
Codename:       intrepid

sh-3.2# uname -a
Linux dcerouter 2.6.27-17-generic #1 SMP Fri Mar 12 03:09:00 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux

Thanks in advance for any help

Users / Vera3 vs lmce
« on: June 09, 2013, 09:21:13 am »
The LMCE Compatible store (!/~/category/id=280103&offset=0&sort=normal) lists the controller Vera3.
From what I read, Vera3 is a lightweight alternative to lmce.

A friend of mine wants to control electricity, light, temperature, door lock, security (door sensor, motion sensor, smoke detector) using z-wave devices. He is not interested in media control.

Two questions:
1) Is it fair to say that for this purpose, I could use Vera3 instead of lmce?
2) Why is Vera3 specified in the LMCE Compatible store? Can it be added to lmce in anyway instead of replacing it?



I downloaded the app Dianemo iOS Orbiter (version 1.5) from the App store to my iPod Touch (version 4.2.1)
From what I read the Dianemo iOS Orbiter is based on the RoamingOrb app that works (partially) on my iPod.
I have a general lmce  (8.10) installation - not a Dianemo installation. Can the Dianemo iOS Orbiter app be used to control lmce in such case?
If yes:
1. How do I configure the following fields, in the Configuration tab:
    a) Installation number
    b) Device number
2. Where do I fill in the Port number (similar to the Port (3461) in the configuration of the RoamingOrb app)?


Users / RoamingOrb renders incorrectly on iPod Touch
« on: July 01, 2012, 02:36:56 am »

I downloaded the app RoamingOrb (version 1.04) from the App store to my iPod Touch (version 4.2.1)
Even before I connect to the Core, the rendering in the iPod is in correct. The right 1/3rd part of the screen is blank and the bottom part of the page is missing (spills off the screen).
I didn’t find a way to configure the resolution / layout for this app. In the general Settings App, I cannot see the RoamingOrb in the list of installed apps.

Any idea on what is going wrong?



I am trying to set up LinuxMce as a guest inside Windows Vista host using vmware player.
I did the following:
* Downloaded and installed LinuxMCE-8.10-final
* Followed the instructions in: (section Internet Instalation):
Code: [Select]
  Edited the file /etc/apt/sources.list to point to the new location for interpid packages.
   sudo su - #This might ask for the password you specified earlier during the install of kubuntu.
   apt-get update
   sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
   apt-get install medibuntu-keyring
   wget -c
   tar xvf new-installer-latest.tar.gz
   cd new-installer

I had to resort to vmware player version 4.0.1 as the newer version 4.0.2 had problems to install VmwareTools

The problem I'm having is:
* Orbiter stops responding after a short while and shows as black rectangle
* In addition, the aother two windows: pluto-xine-playback-window and picture-viewer are always black

Any of the following actions did not resolve the problem:
* Quick regenration of Orbiter
* Full regenration of Orbiter
* Restart Router
* reboot

After reboot lmce automatically detects and runs the a list of scripts such as:
Code: [Select]

Looking in the log files I noticed the following errors in /var/log/pluto/DCERouter.log:

Code: [Select]
05 02/12/12 14:01:35.011 [33;1mThe target device 20 (routed to 20) has not registered. [0m <0xb669ab90>
05 02/12/12 13:58:17.237 [33;1mThe target device 21 (routed to 21) has not registered. [0m <0xb669ab90>
05 02/12/12 13:58:32.166 [33;1mThe target device 30 (routed to 30) has not registered. [0m <0xb669ab90>

I don't know what triggers the above scripts and how to stop them from running automatically after reboot.
I think they are related to the problem as they invoke commands to device 20, which is the source of the problem in a similar problem in



The wiki site in: recommends a high performance machine, even if not using it is a hybrid, mainly to store and serve media data.
I am looking to set up a core that will mainly control appliances (via zwave) and will not store or serve any media (no tv card, video files, or audio). Ideally it would be small, portable and inexpensive.

What is the recommended hardware to set up such a core?


Users / Closing / openning a driveway gate from remote
« on: September 27, 2011, 07:28:09 am »

I'm looking to control a driveway gate through linuxMce. So far, I didn't find a gate motor that can be controlled via zwave or X10. I did find the following heavy duty zwave relay ( but it is marked as discontinued. Another option is to use a zwave switch to control a non-zwave heavy duty relay that controls a regular gate motor.
Also, the zwave specifications mention a range of 30 meters assuming "open air". The distance may be an issue because the straight line from the house to the gate is obstructed by shrubs.

Is anyone familiar with:
1.   Using LinuxMce to control a motor a heavier load motor (e.g. contrary to a blind motor within the  home), using zwave, X10 or other means?
2.   Controlling from a larger distance?


Users / [SOLVED] Orbiter does not show media from external hard drive
« on: July 01, 2011, 07:46:06 am »

I have an external network drive (on a Windows machine) that stores my media (video, image and music files)
LinuxMCE didn't automatically recognize the hard drive, so I applied the maual steps described in

Following the manual step, the UpdateMedia service kicked in and synchronized the drive

Code: [Select]
avner@dcerouter:~$ ps aux | grep Update
avner    13563  0.0  0.0   3236   804 pts/6    S+   20:51   0:00 grep Update
root     13685  0.1  0.0   3012  1112 ?        Ss   Jun28   3:50 SCREEN -d -m -S /usr/pluto/bin/
root     13686  0.0  0.0   2816  1404 pts/8    Ss+  Jun28   0:00 /bin/bash /usr/pluto/bin/
root     13705  2.0  0.9  72240 24732 pts/8    SNl+ Jun28  54:35 /usr/pluto/bin/UpdateMedia -h localhost -P 3306 -u root -D pluto_main -U /mnt/upnp -d /home/public/data||/home/user_1/data -B -t

Now, I can see the netwrok drive and its contents:

Code: [Select]
dcerouter_1015401:~# ll /home/public/data/other/
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root public 15 2011-06-28 23:25 Windows Share-F [75] -> /mnt/device/75/

I connected to the database and verified that the contents (e.g. images) from the network drive are registered in the database

Code: [Select]
avner@dcerouter:~$ mysql -u root -D pluto_media

mysql> select Path, Filename from File where Path like '%/home/public/data/other/Windows Share-F [75]/untarHP_machineDriveF/Avner/freeMind/MyMedia/MyImages/2005%' order by PK_File desc limit 1;
| Path                                                                                                    | Filename     |
| /home/public/data/other/Windows Share-F [75]/untarHP_machineDriveF/Avner/freeMind/MyMedia/myImages/2005 | DSCN8410.jpg |

However, the Orbiter (on the Hybrid machine) doesn't show the media. Clicking on the Video button (in snapshot imgA3) results in an empty (black) list (snapshot imgA2). Quick / full regenerate and reload of the Orbiter didn't help.
Any idea on how to make the orbiter show media files from the external drive?


Users / Setting up Media Director on a tablet
« on: June 12, 2011, 02:13:27 am »
So far I used the LinuxMCE system to control lights, and motion sensing using a Hybrid (Core + Media Director) PC, some zwave devices and a Web orbiter (iPod). The experience is great so I off to the next step of adding video/audio features. For this I need to setup a Media Director.

I read the list of recommended hardware for MD. The requirements state that the MD should have a stylish case, be whisper-quiet, have low heat emission and be small and unobtrusive. This fits naturally with the features of today's tablet computers. Speaking of tablets brings to mind iPad, Playbook and Xoom.
There are already other tablets in the list of supported platform for MD (e.g. the WebDT 362).

I am curious if any of the tablets mentioned above can serve as an MD, given their other operating systems (iPad - iOS, Playbook - QNX, Xoom - Android, HP Slate - Windows 7).


Users / zwave motion sensor fails to log activity events
« on: April 03, 2011, 05:24:40 am »

I have 2 zwave devices in my system:
1. Lamp module - HA-03WD
2. Motion detector - HSM100
I added the 2 devices and both are showing on the floorplan.

Issuing command to the lamp module (e.g. light ON/OFF) works correctly. The lamp responds and the events, which include reponse information (log levels 36,40,41)
are logged in the log file (see example below)

However, I can not see activity events from the motion detector.
Issuing commands to the motion sensor device, triggers a one line response in the log file, which is not clear for me (see the two examples below)
Physically pressing the blue button in the motion sensor, triggers a respond with log levels 36,40,41

I see the signature (0x1 0x4 0x1 0x13 0x1 0xe8) that fits the ZDP200 lamp signature in LinuxMCE wiki page:
To simplify the logging I deleted the lamp device, but still seeing events with the signature "0x1 0x4 0x1 0x13 0x1 0xe8", which I thought indicate a lamp, so I'm confused here.

I am looking for help on the following 2 problems:
1. How to interpret the zwave log file.
2. How to log events from the motion sensor.


Details / examples

Lamp module example (works Ok)

avner@dcerouter:~/tmp1$ tail -f /var/log/pluto/37_ZWave.log
36      04/01/11 0:00:03.602     Received command for child <0xb690cb90>
36      04/01/11 0:00:03.602     ON RECEIVED FOR CHILD 2/0 <0xb690cb90>
40      04/01/11 0:00:03.614     Sending job 0x830dee8 (cb 207) - 0x1 0xa 0x0 0x13 0x2 0x3 0x20 0x1 0xff 0x5 0xcf 0xf3 (#\n#### #####) <0xb790eb90>
41      04/01/11 0:00:03.621     0x1 0x4 0x1 0x13 0x1 0xe8 (######) <0xb790eb90>
41      04/01/11 0:00:03.665     0x1 0x5 0x0 0x13 0xcf 0x0 0x26 (######&) <0xb790eb90>

Motion detector examples

Two examples of sending commands to the motion detector and the response.

1. Sending command "Set Polling State" to motion sensor (device 44)
   /usr/pluto/bin/MessageSend localhost 0 44 1 966 2 "" 5 "" 220 "" 225 "" 239 ""
   avner@dcerouter:~/tmp1$ tail -f /var/log/pluto/37_ZWave.log
   36      03/31/11 23:57:25.726    Received command for child <0xb690cb90>

2. Sending command "WAKE UP" to motion sensor (device 44)
   /usr/pluto/bin/MessageSend localhost 0 44 1 840 48 "" 239 ""
   avner@dcerouter:~/tmp1$ tail -f /var/log/pluto/37_ZWave.log
   36      04/01/11 0:07:32.881     Received command for child <0xb690cb90>

When physically pressing on the blue button in the motion sensor, I can see the following in the log file
41      04/02/11 20:15:37.811           0x1 0x14 0x0 0x49 0x84 0x3 0xe 0x4 0x21 0x1 0x60 0x31 0x70 0x84 0x85 0x80 0x72 0x77 0x86 0xef 0x20 0xe3 (###I####!#`1p###rw## #) <0xb796bb90>
36      04/02/11 20:15:37.812           FUNC_ID_ZW_APPLICATION_UPDATE:UPDATE_STATE_NODE_INFO_RECEIVED received from node 3 -  <0xb796bb90>
36      04/02/11 20:15:37.812           GENERIC_TYPE_SENSOR_MULTILEVEL <0xb796bb90>
41      04/02/11 20:15:38.797           0x1 0x8 0x0 0x4 0x0 0x3 0x2 0x84 0x7 0x71 (#########q) <0xb796bb90>
36      04/02/11 20:15:38.798           FUNC_ID_APPLICATION_COMMAND_HANDLER: <0xb796bb90>
36      04/02/11 20:15:38.798           COMMAND_CLASS_WAKE_UP -  <0xb796bb90>
36      04/02/11 20:15:38.798           Running wakeupHandler for node 3 <0xb796bb90>
36      04/02/11 20:15:38.798           Got unicast wakeup from node 3, doing WAKE_UP_NO_MORE_INFORMATION <0xb796bb90>
40      04/02/11 20:15:38.896           Sending job 0x86b5160 (cb 183) - 0x1 0x9 0x0 0x13 0x3 0x2 0x80 0x2 0x9c 0xb7 0x4d (##########M) <0xb796bb90>
41      04/02/11 20:15:38.903           0x1 0x4 0x1 0x13 0x1 0xe8 (######) <0xb796bb90>
41      04/02/11 20:15:38.923           0x1 0x5 0x0 0x13 0xb7 0x0 0x5e (######^) <0xb796bb90>
40      04/02/11 20:15:39.024           Sending job 0x86b5380 (cb 184) - 0x1 0x9 0x0 0x13 0x3 0x2 0x84 0x8 0x5 0xb8 0xd5 (###########) <0xb796bb90>
41      04/02/11 20:15:39.031           0x1 0x4 0x1 0x13 0x1 0xe8 (######) <0xb796bb90>
41      04/02/11 20:15:39.072           0x1 0x5 0x0 0x13 0xb8 0x0 0x51 (######Q) <0xb796bb90>


I want to test linuxmce with zwave. I found the following candidate zwave devices for initial testing:
   Z-Wave PC Starter Kit - ZS (HomeSeer)  ( which includes HA03 lamp module
   ZRR150W - Z-Wave Split Duplex Receptacle (ACT HomePro)

I didn't find the above devices in the list of supported zwave devices (
Does linuxmce supports these zwave devices?


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