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Topics - drikc

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Developers / VFD/LCD diplay - lcdproc client device
« on: February 25, 2009, 12:24:51 am »
Hi everybody,

I'm from France and using LMCE 710 for a couple of month now i find it so great i think i have to contribute!!
I'll go straight to the point, I've made en lcdproc client( C++ device template for vfd/lcd display.

here are the sources (chose one of the folowing links to download):

I compiled an i386 version, you can use the folowing instructions to test it:

install the lcdproc server on your MediaDirector:
Code: [Select]
sudo apt-get install lcdproc.
confiigure the lcdproc server with the  /etc/LCDd.conf file.
restart the lcdproc server :
Code: [Select]
sudo /etc/init.d/LCDd restart

download this tar : lmce-lcdprocclient-0.1-beta-i386-bin.tar.gz

Code: [Select]
sudo tar -xvf  lmce-lcdprocclient-0.1-beta-i386-bin.tar.gz

Create the LCDprocClient DeviceTemplate (thanks to POSDE for the DeviceTemplate2php.php script) with this command:
Code: [Select]
php lcdprocclient-devicetemplate.

Copy the binary file:
Code: [Select]
sudo cp LCDprocClient /usr/pluto/bin/
sudo chmod 755 /usr/pluto/bin/LCDprocClient

Create the  LCDprocClient  Device.
Go to the Web Admin.
Select "Show Device tree"
Select your Media Director
Click Create child device => click Pick Device Template
=> Select LCDprocClient.
=> Reload the router. And voila!!

(note: I had to regenerate my onscreen Orbiter before my display recieve all time code infos while playing music)

I'm waiting for some feedback and hope those sources will be included in SVN.

P.S: I'm working on a C++ Wiimote Device...


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