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Users / How did you end up here, using LinuxMCE?
« on: March 06, 2009, 11:04:37 pm »
Hey there everybody! 

I was wondering what brought everybody here to use LinuxMCE.  Do you have a friend that is using it?  Someone mention it on some other forum?  Did you buy something from one of the companies selling Pluto/LinuxMCE products?  What's your story?

Here's mine:  A few years ago I got a HDTV, which kicked my old TV to the bedroom.  I've been using my PS3's DLNA receiver to stream media from my computer, which works well, but not perfectly.  It also leaves that bedroom TV to the old semi-broken DVD player and the PS2.

Then, the wife got into searching for fansubbed anime, which often are encoded in MKV dual audio, which the PS3 doesn't like.  Then the Bluray player on the PS3 died, and I was  hurting for something I could control from my couch, maybe something I could also port over to my bedroom TV, and also take care of some other small tasks I've been wanting (like a mediawiki site for the house, a replacement for my consumer grade router, and a better Linux based DLNA server, and an easy way to jump into home automation)

I've seen the word "LinuxMCE" a few times on other forums, as I've set up asterisk phone system at an old job and on the FUPPES site.  I've always been a GNOME man, so at first I looked around for other solutions.  Finally, I also wanted to get back into programming, as my new job doesn't have any (!) and I don't want to skills to wither. 

The YouTube video pulled me in.  25 minutes of everything I can do, using all the components together, and on my favorite OS to boot!

So, what about you?!

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