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Installation issues / 1204 netinstall broken
December 24, 2015, 01:28:46 PM
I'm trying to do a 1204 netinstall, but the script exits with error 1. here is the scripts output:
It seems like something with database pluto_main is wrong...

any ideas?

Users / RAID question
February 02, 2013, 09:17:19 PM

I have a little question for my understanding:
When I add a software-RAID in LinuxMCE for the mediafiles and for some reason I have to do a new Install, will that RAID get recognized in the new install or will that data get lost?

thanks a lot
Users / 1Wire not working anymore?
July 21, 2012, 10:04:32 AM

I had 1wire set up and running properly in 10.04 with a few temperature sensors for some time. I then did a fresh install some time ago and never got it working anymore - it does not even get recognized by it's own.
When I start the OneWire script manually it says: Connection for client socket reported BAD DEVICE IP=::ffff:, device 0 last error 3
Is anybody else seeing this?

Users / climate question
March 15, 2012, 12:29:22 PM
Hi guys,

I plan to install 1-wire temperature sensors in every room of my house. Now I have a floorheating system and want to add electrical actuators for every seat valve and switch them on and off by X10.
Now if I add an advanced event where I set the needed temperature this should work well. (if sensor<20 switch X10 on...)
But is there any way to set the temperature at the orbiters instead of typing it into webadmin? Does the climate-plugin provide funktions for that?

thanks a lot
Users / hama remote
March 13, 2012, 07:13:13 PM
Hi guys,

is anybody running a Hama remote (aka auvisio remote) successfully?

thanks a lot
Users / 10.04 LTS supported until 2015?
December 31, 2011, 10:04:25 AM
Hi people,

I always thought LTS versions of ubuntu are supported 3 years which is far better then the normal releases. But now I hear the server-edition of ubuntu is supported until 2015, does that mean we can use that support on our system as well or are this completely different packages?

thanks guys
Users / folderlock working?
September 04, 2011, 11:32:29 AM
Hi guys,

I remember somebody mentioning that creating a file named 'foldername'.folderlock would prevent the system to check this folder for new media. I can't get that to work, is that feature currently working?

Developers / remote ssh broken?
March 02, 2011, 06:38:03 AM
Hi guys,

remote ssh seems to be broken at the moment, is there anybody already working on this?

Users / X10 devices from US different to European?
January 15, 2011, 01:13:04 PM
Hi guys,

I want to get a 16CUX10 which is a X10 controller for 16 relays, but I can't get them in Europe. Is there any difference between US and European X10 standard so that I can import one from US?
Would that device be supported in LinuxMCE at all?

thanks a lot
Help Wanted / driver for 1-wire bus
January 02, 2011, 01:41:24 PM
Hi guys,

is there anybody out there who is able to write a functional driver for the 1-wire bus?
Please let me know how much that would take!

thanks a lot!
Users / VDR streaming to MDs should work?
December 28, 2010, 05:33:41 PM
I have my core up an running again with snapshot 23493.
I use VDR and have a hauppauge nova-s plus in one of my MDs and can watch liveTV fine on that MD, but I get "no signal - channel not available" on my other MD (no liveTv is running at this time on the first MD of course).
So my question is, should streaming of liveTV to MDs work in that snapshot?

Users / sound problem with MSI Live MD
August 14, 2010, 08:03:11 PM
Hey guys,

I'm running 8.10 and can pxeboot my MSI Live barebone just fine, but I have really jerky sound.
I use the analog stereo output and have HDA Nvidia driver installed (which happened automatically). It happens with audio and videofiles as well.
Any ideas?

thanks a lot
Hi guys,

I tried to do a fresh install on my core with the latest snapshot, but the install stops at:
update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.27-7-generic

I left it on for hours but nothing happens, any ideas?

Users / samba has root access
June 15, 2010, 06:55:29 PM
hi guys,

I'm running 8.10 and now added a new harddrive. I can log into samba and use the drive from my desktop PC, but I have full root access so every user can read and write other users files.
It's due to "force user = root" in smb.conf - I can edit the file but after a while it will change back by its own...
Is that supposed to be that way?

Users / bandwidth management
May 30, 2010, 02:35:59 PM
Hi guys,

is there already some sort of bandwidth management integrated into LinuxMCE?

Users / tuner card in MD working in 8.10?
March 09, 2010, 04:51:18 PM
Hi guys,

I have a install of beta 8.10 and a lot of things work so far, but I've got problems with my tunercard nova-s plus. It sits in my msi live barebone MD as my core is a zotac mini itx board and has no pci slot. The card gets recognized properly, but I get jerky liveTV with mythtv - video and audio stops every second for a bit. This also happens when watching a recorded show or timeshifted livetv.
My question now is, does anybody have a nova-s running properly or has anyone running his tvcard in a MD well under 8.10? Any thoughts?

Users / boot Asus EEE box in beta 8.10
November 29, 2009, 09:04:47 PM

I'm running a beta 8.10 install and I'm trying to netboot a Asus EEE box 202 as MD. The r8168.ko linked at the wikipage doesn't seem to work (due to new kernel?) and I was not successful by hacking the Realtek driver by myself. Could anybody provide a working r8168.ko or is the old one working on other installs?

thanks a lot
Users / Asus eee box as core for bigger installation
September 21, 2009, 07:54:21 PM
Hi guys,

I'm building my new house at the moment and am planing to set up a Linuxmce installation there.
I read in the forum the Asus EEE box would even work as a core for smaller installations, so could anybody tell for how many MDs it would be good enough? No HD needed, but at least 3 tv tuners, homeautomation, telecom, internetradio and so on.
I would use an usb adaptor for second NIC and put the tv-tuners in a MD.

The main reason I want to use the EEE box is the low power consumption.
In fact I later want to boot up the MD with the tuners automaticly for recordings and watching live tv, but that's for later...

any ideas?
