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Messages - Trav

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Feature requests & roadmap / Exiting recoreded videos
« on: May 18, 2010, 05:22:11 pm »
I have been using MCE for a while now love it compared to the evil empires solution.  I believe a good addition to the system would be to go back to the video summary page with the options to delete, play and move when ever the video ends or is stopped on purpose.  This way you don't have to go back to the recorded menu to find the video you just watched that you may want to delete or for my kids watch again.  ;D  Also, it will let you know that the video was completed properly. For those of us that record TV it would be a great addition.  What do you think?

Installation issues / Re: Prexisting media (Pictures, Movies) on NAS
« on: February 07, 2010, 09:41:49 pm »
Ok figured out the problem!  It was permissions.  In the window shares I could not set up the permissions so the mce server could have all the rights it needed (half ass USRobotics interface) so it could read but that was it. I made a NFS share on a seperate machine and was able to do a chmod to give the server what it needed.  I am still using the samba share (i have the option of both one one share on this particular NAS) to access my media through MCE.  Working Great  Wink 

Installation issues / Re: Remote Storage
« on: February 07, 2010, 09:40:57 pm »
Ok figured out the problem!  It was permissions.  In the window shares I could not set up the permissions so the mce server could have all the rights it needed (half ass USRobotics interface) so it could read but that was it. I made a NFS share on a seperate machine and was able to do a chmod to give the server what it needed.  I am still using the samba share (i have the option of both one one share on this particular NAS) to access my media through MCE.  Working Great  ;) 

Installation issues / Re: Remote Storage
« on: February 07, 2010, 04:06:47 pm »
Ok I have done that three times now and with each reinstall using windows shares on the NAS.  I have this problem where it shows on the MDs and I can play them great but, the files do not show up in the Web Admin so I can not set up the icons and all the other stuff.
Any suggestions on what I am doing wrong?

Installation issues / Re: Remote Storage
« on: February 07, 2010, 02:47:33 am »
Ok did that with three times now and each reinstall each time using windows shares on the NAS.  I have this problem where it shows the file names on the MDs and I can play them great but, the files do not show up in the Web Admin so i can set up the icons and all the other stuff.
Any suggestions on what I am doing wrong?

Installation issues / Remote Storage [Solved]
« on: January 30, 2010, 08:14:32 pm »
I curently am running 810 and I was woundering if someone had any suggestions to setup my remote storage.  I have a U.S robotics NAS but what it does is create windows shares or NFS Shares.  If you set up a Windows share it does not do simple sharing so you have to use a user name and a password.  MCE has no problem detecting the the windows shares with the plug and play but when it installs the files do not show up in the web admin but will play in the MD.  I have tried reinstalling and using different setings.  I have never got it to work with the NFS shares.  Does anyone have any sugestions which shares I should use and how to set it up to work properly? ???

Installation issues / Re: Prexisting media (Pictures, Movies) on NAS
« on: January 20, 2010, 04:45:43 pm »
OK I have not given up on this problem.  I found a similar problem on another post but his fix did not help me but this quote caught my eye

Lets establish if the standard linkages for media drives are in place. First get the device number of your drive. Now from a terminal session:

ls -al /mnt/device

You should see a list of disk devices in there that are just a number. One number per device, and one of the should be the number you noted above. For instance if the device number is 30, then....

drwxrwxrwx  root root   0    2009-08-15 20:15  30

The first bit are the permissions and ownership - check these are the same as above. (drwxrwxrwx root root) Now...

I did this an I got the following with 35 being my share with pictures that I can see from MD but not web admin
dcerouter_1006050:/mnt/device# ls -l
total 0
drwxrwx--- 5 root 11578 0 2009-12-13 17:09 35
dr-xr-xr-x 2 root root  0 2010-01-08 16:13 37

The I continued to follow the directions bellow:

ls -al /mnt/device/30

You should get a directory listing of what is on that drive starting with public and user_1/2. Do a few more ls's into the directories to confirm that the content is all there. If so, then at least you know that the drive is 1) accessible and 2) mounted correctly.

Now LinuxMCE patches each of the media folders into the correct media library location using symbolic links. Do a,

and I got these permissions and are the same for all subdirectories:

dcerouter_1006050:/mnt/device# ls -l 35
total 0
drwxrwx--- 3 64439 11578 0 2009-11-23 03:15 public
drwxrwx--- 3 64439 11578 0 2009-11-23 03:15 user_1
drwxrwx--- 3 64439 11578 0 2009-12-01 19:11 user_2

Finally when I did this:

ls -al /home/public/data/videos

This should list an entry for each media storage device, and you can see that it is a link back to the /mnt/device location - confirm that all looks fine and is pointing to the correct location. The permissions should look like this:

lrwxrwxrwx root public

Note the first letter is "l" meaning "link". Now try ls'ing inside that link (it behaves just like the directory it points to) and you should be able to see the contents of the drive, but in this new location rather than its mounted location. This will confirm that the link is in place, right permissions, active and pointing at the right thing.

and I got this which looks right:

dcerouter_1006050:/mnt/device# ls -al /home/public/data/pictures
total 8
drwxrwsr-x  2 root public 4096 2010-01-08 16:37 .
drwxrwsr-x 11 root public 4096 2010-01-20 09:18 ..
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root public   12 2010-01-07 17:57 flickr -> /home/flickr
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root public   35 2010-01-08 16:37 Windows Share-public [35] -> /mnt/device/35/public/data/pictures

All that being said it looks like my problem is permissions could that be it? I attempted to change the permissions in the shell using chmod but that did not work and I am afraid to screw with mounting it manually.  Does anyone have any ideals on what I can do?  Can I change the permissions some how?

Ok I just did a fresh install using Beta 2 and I still have the same problem can see the files in the orbiter and can use them but they do not exist in the web admin.  To make things worst I did the previous suggested methods on the first try so no messing with anything yet.  I also went to the terminal and checked out the appropriate mapped directories and like you would suspect they are there and everyone has permission to us them on the Hybrid owner of course is root.  Any one have any suggestions?  ???

OK was not smart enough to follow the directions in the previous link, however I did a fresh in stall of Beta 2 and it fixed the problem thank for all the help.  ;D

It looks like this is my problem I will tell you if it fixes it for me.

If you are missing the auto-generated scenarios (TV, Video, Audio, etc) then you have probably configured something wrong in the setup wizard.  Re-run setup wizard and do not skip any steps.  You must get to the end of the setup wizard, where there is a big button for "Start Using the System".  After that, you will reload the router (don't force it if there are pending tasks) and regenerate all oribters.  Both of these tasks should happen automatically at the end of the setup wizard.

I did this and still have the same problem. Any other Ideals?  I went to web-admin and looked at Media scenarios (picture is attached) as you can see there are no boxes to even check in my other room to make them work.  How do I add them with out the wizard because that did not work?

I have now done a rebuild on the MD form the web-admin and still I have no Icons can anyone shed some light on this subject? :-\

Installation issues / Re: Prexisting media (Pictures, Movies) on NAS
« on: January 03, 2010, 12:20:32 am »
The on-line box is checked. The whole log file is as follows from the resync:
sudo -u root /usr/pluto/bin/UpdateMedia -d \"/home/public/data/pictures/Windows Share-public [80]\"

10   01/04/10 11:20:50.589      Activating Pluto Media Identifier... <0xb6cfb6c0>
10   01/04/10 11:20:50.594      Pluto Media Identifier activated. Extensions 39 <0xb6cfb6c0>
10   01/04/10 11:20:50.595      MediaState::LoadDbInfo ready to run big query <0xb6cfb6c0>
10   01/04/10 11:20:50.654      MediaState::LoadDbInfo got 71 rows <0xb6cfb6c0>
10   01/04/10 11:20:50.655      UpdateMedia::ReadDirectory /home/public/data/pictures/Windows Share-public [80] <0xb6cfb6c0>
10   01/04/10 11:20:50.680      UpdateMedia::ScanFiles dir /home/public/data/pictures/Windows Share-public [80]: files found: 1 <0xb6cfb6c0>
10   01/04/10 11:20:50.706      UpdateMedia::ScanSubfolders dir /home/public/data/pictures/Windows Share-public [80]: subdirs found: 1 <0xb6cfb6c0>
10   01/04/10 11:20:50.706      UpdateMedia::ReadDirectory /home/public/data/pictures/Windows Share-public [80]/317 maple <0xb6cfb6c0>
10   01/04/10 11:20:50.946      UpdateMedia::ScanFiles dir /home/public/data/pictures/Windows Share-public [80]/317 maple: files found: 60 <0xb6cfb6c0>
10   01/04/10 11:20:51.533      UpdateMedia::ScanSubfolders dir /home/public/data/pictures/Windows Share-public [80]/317 maple: subdirs found: 1 <0xb6cfb6c0>
10   01/04/10 11:20:51.534      UpdateMedia::ReadDirectory /home/public/data/pictures/Windows Share-public [80]/317 maple/House damage 9-18 & 9-19  from Isabelle <0xb6cfb6c0>
10   01/04/10 11:20:51.596      UpdateMedia::ScanFiles dir /home/public/data/pictures/Windows Share-public [80]/317 maple/House damage 9-18 & 9-19  from Isabelle: files found: 7 <0xb6cfb6c0>
10   01/04/10 11:20:51.688      Sync'ing db with directory... <0xb6cfb6c0>
10   01/04/10 11:20:51.693      DB sync'd with directory! <0xb6cfb6c0>
10   01/04/10 11:20:51.695      AlarmManager::~AlarmManager start 0x8c6d258 <0xb6cfb6c0>
21   01/04/10 11:20:51.695      lock(0x8c6d29c) (>3) alarm: AlarmManager.cpp:87  <0xb6cfb6c0>
21   01/04/10 11:20:51.695      acquired(0x8c6d29c) #0 (>3) alarm AlarmManager.cpp:87  <0xb6cfb6c0>
21   01/04/10 11:20:51.695      unlock(0x8c6d29c) #0 (>3) alarm: AlarmManager.cpp:87  <0xb6cfb6c0>
21   01/04/10 11:20:51.695      end cond wait AlarmManager.cpp:102 (0x8c6d29c)  <0xb6cfab90>
21   01/04/10 11:20:51.704      unlock(0x8c6d29c) #0 (>2) alarm: AlarmManager.cpp:102  <0xb6cfab90>
21   01/04/10 11:20:51.705      removed from map (0x8c6d29c) #0 (>2) alarm: AlarmManager.cpp:102  was: 2 size, now 1 Rel: Y Got: Y <0xb6cfab90>
21   01/04/10 11:20:51.705      removed from map (0x8c6d29c) #0 (>3) alarm: AlarmManager.cpp:87  was: 1 size, now 0 Rel: Y Got: Y <0xb6cfb6c0>
10   01/04/10 11:20:51.705      AlarmManager::~AlarmManager done 0x8c6d258 <0xb6cfb6c0>

Installation issues / Re: Prexisting media (Pictures, Movies) on NAS
« on: January 03, 2010, 12:11:08 am »
I can't really explain it. Are you saying that on the MD if you go to pictures, and set the sort mode to Filename, you see picture files and directories that you can navigate and display. But in the same folder on the web admin, there is nothing as per your screenshot?

Yeah that is exactly my problem.  I looked around like you suggested everything is there like you expected.  I check the web-admin right after for grins  :) still same problem.

OK I tried to go to the web-admin and unchecked all the software options under the MD sub-menu and then reload and recheck them and I still have no Media buttons for Pictures, MythTV, Videos, or audio.  I have the Speaker Icon but nothing shows up after that except a blank Icon that does nothing.  Any Ideals?

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