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Messages - alx9r

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1 sounds like all intel chipsets are plagued by this or worse.  See this thread:

Hope that helps someone.

First create a trac ticket to follow the template submission.  Update sqlCVS on your core.  Verify that your templates are still correct.  Do an sqlCVS diff on your core and submit it to sqlCVS, be sure to reference the trac ticket # you created in the sqlCVS batch description when you submit your sqlCVS diff.  You will be told the sqlCVS batch id's after a submission to sqlCVS.  Reply to the trac ticket you created earlier and reference the sqlCVS batch id's from your submission.  This way trac references the sqlCVS batch id's (and vice versa).

I believe there are instructions on the wiki that instruct you how to perform the sqlCVS update & diff.  You could also jump onto IRC for assistance.


Hi phenigma,
Somehow I missed this post earlier.  I'm pretty sure I can follow the directions in your post but I have a few questions:

1. What happens when I "submit" the sqlCVS diff?  Is there someone who reviews it before it becomes available to others performing a sqlCVS update?
2.  Is there some point in the process where a small group can be enlisted to test the newly available device template without the template being spread too far and wide?  Despite that the template works great on my system, it seems that it ought to be tested on other people's systems before it should become mainstream.  Otherwise there is a real chance of my new template actually being worse than the existing one.
3. Should I be changing the existing Denon receiver template or creating a new one with a new name and ID?  It seems like there would be arguments for both options.


The solution is as follows:
In the ruby code, keep track of which input is currently selected.  Only send an input selection string to the receiver when the input changes.  That way a gap in audio is only heard when the input actually changes.
Alex, can you post or pm more details of your fix for the audio dropping problem please? I know you will be submitting the trac ticket but I'd like to try it out as soon as possible.

I'm not sure what additional details you're looking for b4rney.  The heavy lifting is detailed in the txt attachment in my posting here:

With that attachment, you can manually populate all the ruby rectangles of a new device template for that receiver.  The power commands and the switchInput() function does the protection against extraneous commands.


Users / Re: Coverart search no longer works
« on: November 06, 2010, 04:27:41 pm »
I see this also.

Users / Re: viewing device templates
« on: November 06, 2010, 04:03:06 pm »
Admin Page => Advanced => Configuration => Device Templates

Developers / Re: Development: Supporting Gyration Media Center Remotes
« on: November 03, 2010, 04:29:57 pm »
I just wanted to thank thom for the work on this remote.  It really is an awesome way to control Linuxmce.  And it was completely plug and play under my 0810 install.

Thanks Thom!

Users / Re: Denon AVR 2307 - house to sleep mode while media is playing
« on: November 03, 2010, 04:27:12 pm »
Does anyone know if this (or something similar) made it into 0810? I still get the same audio cut out issues with the 0810 Beta...


No.  On 0810 snapshot 23359 the only Denon listed under the "Amps..." device category is the "AVC-A1SRA (RS232)" template.  This template works, however, it still exhibits the audio cut-out problems I outlined in my post #17 here.  There doesn't seem to be any mechanism to shunt extraneous power and input selection commands which is what causes the audio to cut out. 

I am trying to get a properly fixed device template into production here:

...but that is uncharted waters for me. 


Is there proper way to vet and submit new/improved device templates for distribution as a stock template?

I have a device template for Denon Receivers that I have tweaked that is an improvement (at least on my system) over the stock one that came with snapshot 23359.  The shortcoming in the stock template is that it allows extraneous switch input commands to reach the receiver which causes audio to cut-out for several seconds when starting playback of media. 

The template I am referring to is AVC-A1SRA (RS232) #71.  Thom and Andrew mentioned recent work on that template here (but sadly it didn't fix this problem as was hoped):

A detailed description of the problem and solution are detailed in my two posts here:

The problem and solution are well understood and I'd like to get this fix into the mainstream code so we don't have to tweak this template manually on each new installation.


I am running 0810 snapshot 23359 on my core/hybrid.  I am trying to get an eee box MD working.  The same core/hybrid and eee box were happily working under 0710. 

Here are my install steps under 0810:
1. Fresh Install.
2. Ran /usr/pluto/bin/  This script seemed to complete with no errors.
3. Connected eee box to internal network and turned on.  eee box pxe booted, and eventually got to AVWizard.
4.  Completed AVWizard which ended in another reboot.
5.  eee box seemed to boot fine including various 10-foot UI announcements about loading various devices until the last announcement where it says "Starting Device XX Onscreen Orbiter".

At this point, it crashes to tty1 which reads "moonXX login:" where XX is the moon # (in my case 80).

It seems maverick has seen this before but can't remember if/how he overcame it:

Has anyone else seen this?  Can someone point me in the right direction to try to troubleshoot this?


Installation issues / Re: [SLOVED- at last]eee-box 202 and LinuxMCE 8.10
« on: November 01, 2010, 05:01:17 pm »
The only other issue I have is, that once in a while when booting the eee-box it doesn't start the orbiter, but crashes back to the tty1.

Did you ever overcome this maverick?  I have the exact issue with my eee box running snapshot 23359.  eee box is entirely plug and play until it gets to 'Starting Device XX Onscreen Orbiter' where it crashes back to tty1 which reads "moonXX login:"

Installation issues / Re: Torrent or Checksum for 0810 Snapshots?
« on: October 31, 2010, 05:22:06 pm »

Installation issues / Torrent or Checksum for 0810 Snapshots?
« on: October 30, 2010, 04:45:16 pm »
The snapshots located at are http downloads.  From what I understand (and have experienced with other large http downloads) there is a small but significant chance of data corruption when downloading large http files.  Torrent has built-in error checking to prevent such corruption.  If there were md5 checksums available for the snapshots, a user could confirm the integrity download themselves.  So, the question is:

Are there either torrents or checksums available for 0810 snapshots? 

It seems the recommended source of 0810 is the snapshots located here:

It is not obvious which snapshot an 0810 newbie should use.  Apparently some might not be working at all, while others are in pretty good shape.  Please help others make an informed decision about what snapshot to use and sharing your experience by answering these questions:

1. What 0810 snapshots have you used?

2. If you have used more than one, please explain why you switched from one snapshot to another.

3. Have you tried any snapshots that wouldn't install or had some other major problem?

4. Which snapshot do you recommend 0810 newbs to use?

Thanks for your feedback!


I would like to find out the degree to which either ZWave or Insteon thermostats are working for you (pun intended).  There are signs of workingness on the wiki and in the forums for two thermostats, but no conclusive reporting about how well they work.

Wayne Dalton Z-Wave
The most activity is on this thread:
Wiki is Here but not updated since before the above thread:

Outstanding Questions:
With Hari's latest driver, does pressing a button on the thermostat update the orbiters?
Is fahrenheit working?  (I use celsius, but it seemed to be a big deal for my American neighbors.)

Venstar T1800 with Insteon Module
Ddamron lists using this T'stat

Outstanding Question:
Does full two-way communication between LinuxMCE and this Venstar t'stat work?

Reports of any real-world experiences are much appreciated.



Users / Re: hdmi balun's
« on: March 28, 2010, 03:37:38 am »
I am currently roughing-in for a LinuxMCE as well.  I am centralising all my MD's in a utility room and wiring the displays as per Andrew's advice here:



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