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Messages - frodmda

Pages: [1] 2
Users / Media Director Question
« on: April 29, 2008, 09:13:58 pm »

Any one here uses the AOpen MiniPC as media directors, the MP945-VX or the MP915-B or MP-915-X, can you please tell us you experienci with this


Users / Re: HD over Satellite in North America
« on: February 11, 2008, 01:47:40 am »
I had a similar idea, to solve all the issues all you  need is Media Directors on every tv, try to get Silent HTPC casings or maybe the fiire station is for you ..

I havnt been able to get any dvb-s PCI working, maybe i am not reading the instructions right but i have reinstalled installed compiled and almost anything you can imagine. i have a 2 geniatech 103g, this is because i need a way to decrypt the signal.

The problem that i see is that there is no easy way of geting the HD content from the direct tv or similar reciever into the linuxmce network, i dont think there is a capture card with a hdmi input that the linucmce will recognice and configure.

I think my solution will be to get 2 HD Homerun and connect the rg6 from trh reciever to the homerun input.

Users / Mobo with hdmi interface
« on: February 09, 2008, 01:51:13 pm »


is any one using a mobo with hdmi output as a md??

if you are please post 2 lines ant tell us the brand, model, resolution you are working and how it works.


Users / Re: Hard-wired IP light switches???
« on: February 09, 2008, 01:16:17 pm »
I installed zwave control, and i am amazed on how good it works

Developers / Re: Mobile Orbiters
« on: February 02, 2008, 08:49:11 pm »

Appreciate the $400.00..

This undertaking is quite large, considering my Java experience was quite a while ago.

Anyone else want to put up tokens to get this going? 

BTW, It LOOKS like 3 of us are going to attempt it together.. Myself, Hari, and TSCHAK.

KEEP IN MIND, we all have our OWN projects we are working on..

Hari's working on ZWAVE and PS3 porting, and the MUCH needed SQLCVS
TSCHAK is working on MAME (with HUGE WOW factor)
I'm working on ThreadedRuby/Insteon/PLCBUS

Heh, $400 doesn't split 3 ways well.. and for the amount of work, (guessing 3-4 weeks with all three of us) well, you get the picture..

I would suggest: this token $400. (if it's still offered) be put into a 'Donation Fund' (Once we get the Java Orbiter working of course)

This 'Donation Fund' can be used to sponsor further development.

What do you guys think?



Please tell me where to send the money or where the donation fund is in order to transfer the funds.

if your going to send personal information please contact me via e-mail to frod at aitelecom dot net

Best Regards

Fernando Rodriguez

Developers / Re: Mobile Orbiters
« on: February 02, 2008, 03:56:28 am »

Or instead of sending the money y can send a mobile phone for developing and testing.

Developers / Re: Mobile Orbiters
« on: February 02, 2008, 02:55:10 am »
I think this is one of the best things, because not only it can be used as a remote control, but also will let you control your home from the outside, receive notifications.

i can port $ 400 to get this started,


Developers / Mobile Orbiters
« on: January 31, 2008, 08:28:54 pm »

Is some one working on the mobile orbiters, is there a way to make them work, will java be a good solution, or flash.

native applications i think are out of discussion  but a java will work on most modern phones s60, wm6

is there a place to find the sources ??

will a bounty for this project will help the community to regain the mobile orbiter in a phone.

Developers / Windows Mobile Phone update of 0s60 Phones
« on: January 30, 2008, 08:14:10 pm »


Yesterday i fought to life with my cel phone provider in order to return the os60 phones that i bought, finaly he accepted the phones back, i told them that the symbian was no good and that i needed a windows mobile phone, so he gave me 2 moto Q wich run windows mobile 6, to my surprise and after $ 800 i go home to test the mobile orbiter and it dont work.

The app install correctly i just got a message saying that the app was for an older version of the software, after the instalation i ran the app and the only thing that i got is a locked phone.


Users / Bluethooth DONGLE
« on: January 29, 2008, 09:35:24 pm »

I installed a USB Bluethooth Dongle, but i keep getting on the screen a message regarding the instalation of the dongle once every 15 seconds or so, im shure this is not normal, it says something like Bluethooth-hci Dongle detected and after i get a dongle installed, this message repeats itself every couple of seconds, and a number keeps changing.

I use 7.10 b3


Developers / S60 Phones
« on: January 29, 2008, 02:05:56 pm »

I just bought a Nokia N73 and a nokia 6120 which i tried to use as orbiters, they seem to use simbian 3 edition, but after a lot of reading and looking why it didnt work i found about the version.

Is there any planing on geting s60 working again or windows mobile is the way to go ??

Is there a way to recompile the app in order to work  on s60 3 edition phones ??

Thanks for your help

Feature requests & roadmap / Firewall and Proxy
« on: January 28, 2008, 03:33:38 pm »


I think a good adition for this great software will be a great firewall software like shorewall (hxxp:// there is also a good webgui for it on the webmin project.

Also as it it the main in house server, it will be good to have a proxy like squid and squidguard in order to permit the parent to control what their children are looking on the internet.


Developers / MythTV SVN
« on: January 21, 2008, 05:42:47 am »

Im currently running 710b3 i wonder where i can find information regarding the recompilation of mythtv from svn in ordet to add more plugins to mythtv, also what pakages are needed.


Users / Re: Help Recompiling mythtv
« on: January 14, 2008, 01:45:42 pm »
compilation on 0704 went fine (svn checkout from yesterday)

best regards,

What sintax dou we need to use in the configure script, i noticed that my normal configure script uses /usr/local/bin.

this is my configure command
./configure --enable-proc-opt --enable-dvb --enable-xv --enable-opengl-vsync --disable-audio-jack --disable-dbox2 --disable-xvmc --disable-ivtv --disable-opengl-video --disable-hdhomerun --enable-iptv --disable-xvmc-vld --disable-joystick-menu


./configure --enable-transcode --enable-vcd --enable-mythbrowser --enable-create-dvd --enable-create-archive

im shure this are not the correct settings

can you post the correct settings for compilaion


Users / Help Recompiling mythtv
« on: January 14, 2008, 02:07:46 am »


For some reason i am unable to get some packages, fists i had a problem with freetype, i downloaded the source compile and install now its asking for this

ERROR! You must have the Lame MP3 encoding library installed to compile MythTV.

did apt-get install lame, and it says it has been installed

i am running linuxmce 710 b2

i cant find a lame-dev or lame-devel os something similar ..

do i have to add some repos to apt


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