... and your style is not very recognizable ...
Again, give hard facts like "it would be better if you do that this way..". Just telling me it's wrong but not what's wrong does not help.
What do you think is wrong with the style? The bracing or indenting?
I was referring mostly to the naming and the way the functions are organized. But I didn't want to nitpick, I wanted to help with whatever your actual problem was in getting the code to do what you wanted it to do - you didn't say what was wrong with it when you asked for help. So I asked that basic question. Then you reported it was working, so I just congratulated you and offered some other advice you seemed you might not know, since you said you're not a java programmer, and your code didn't reflect that you already were following that advice. Sorry I offered to help.
then all you have to do is comment the code clearly and everything's OK.
you are telling me the obvious. So I wanted to know if there is some big java midp nono I'm doing. Therefore I asked for somebody with j2me experience to fly over the code.
It's not like that mocking about my coding style, without hints to improve, does help this go any further.
And yes, of course this code will get documentation.
I didn't mock you. I briefly mentioned that your code did have some problems, confirming what you'd mentioned about its limited quality, then I asked the real question needed to help, then saw you say actually had better code (because it worked, which wasn't clear from what you first said), and congratulated you. Then I offered some advice which, though you say it's "obvious", you didn't apply in that code. So it wasn't obvious to me.
FWIW, I'm far from the only one remarking that the attitude towards people in this community doing anything other than writing code has become hostile. And this will be far from the first time that I'll mention that the people with the knowledge of how to even get a development platform and techniques to use it haven't helped, even when asked, enough to get more people writing that code that could possibly avoid that kind of hostility.
It's an impossible situation that perpetuates itself by alienating people who want to help, encouraging hostility and selfishness in return. But I'm not going to take the bait and just fight or flight. I just hope that the "0710" release and its promised opening of the developer community comes soon enough that this community's enthusiasm isn't exhausted in petty infighting.