As some of you may have seen, bmac2 and I worked together (with posde editing), to produce a set of installation instructions for the bold to install my MAME media type on the 0710 release.
The UI for the 0710 is not complete, the 0710 sqlcvs database does not have the designer changes I have been documenting in my screencasts over the last few weeks. But now that the UI work is relatively complete, I will be downloading an Autobuild from our build server, so that the UI changes I have been making can be fully tested. I will also build a copy of the nokia orbiter to test from my pad as well.
I am a bit nervous about doing this, because I know Pluto is working on a number of changes to the system to support both embedded operation, as well as skin modificaitons etc in designer for NuForce I don't know how the stability of my system will be affected, but we'll see...
But hopefully, with everything working, I can test the UI together with the plugin completely for the first time, iron out any designer bugs, and then work on the final bits of features that I want for the 0806 release:
* Bookmarks
* stable moving of games from one MD to another
* cleaning up the database, making the metadata more presentable
* investigating what will need to really be done to support multiple emulator types.
I know I haven't written in a while, but I've been busy, mostly dealing with trying to come to grips with getting things like the package server set up, so that I can make test packages of mame stuff before release, and trying to get all the HADesigner stuff squared away (and dealing with sqlcvs in the middle of it all)
but i wanted everyone to know, that it's all proceeding quite nicely...and if you haven't seen them, go look at the HADesigner screencasts! they are a wonderful insight into creating a new UI for Orbiter: for now,