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Messages - marrandy

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 11
Users / DirectTV or Dish Network
« on: November 09, 2011, 05:02:46 pm »

I'm looking at dropping my Brighthouse cable due to repeated signal and lost channels issues over the last several months.  Fios is still not available so I am looking at Satellite.  DirectTV and Dish network are the available options.

Can anyone that has their DirectTV or Dish network satellite integrated into their LinucMCE systems please give some feedback and their experiences.


Users / 24-port 1G Switch with POE
« on: October 04, 2011, 04:07:19 pm »
Has anyone tested any 24-port 1G Switch with POE with MD's.

I've heard that some MD's have boot issues with certain switches.

Only  'real life'  experience please. 

Users / Re: Anyone working with the WDTV Live Plus
« on: September 16, 2011, 04:25:02 pm »
As this thread is the only entry found on WDTV, what is the latest news on LinuxMCE integration ???

There is also nothing in the wiki about WDTV.

Note:  Amazon Instant Video (AIV) isn't implemented on this system yet.  Probably quite important to a lot of people due to Netflix's price rises.

Users / Re: Roku 2 XS and or boxee
« on: September 13, 2011, 06:34:44 pm »
I got it before there were versions so im thinking its v1??

Yes i got rid of cable, and no i dont miss it at all!

Regarding channels, i primarily leverage netflix and amazon instant video. And im evaluating cancelling netflix in favor of amazons 'prime' service.

I would also like to focus on getting a media option into mce that would allow me to access my amazon service so eventually i wont need the roku at all (if i can get away from netflix) :)

I agree, but except for HULU, its not there yet.

Users / Re: Roku 2 XS and or boxee
« on: September 13, 2011, 05:04:22 pm »
What version and what are your opinions of the system and what is available ?

For example, did you give up your cable ?

Are there enough channels to satisfy you ?

That sort of thing.


Users / Re: Roku 2 XS and or boxee
« on: September 13, 2011, 04:37:48 pm »
OK - thanks merkur2k & joerod.

Anyone else have a roku who can give some feedback and opinion ?

Users / Re: News: Linuxmce 0810 Final is released
« on: September 12, 2011, 06:21:44 pm »
Kudo's to the team.  Master guru's all.

As a lot of the 0810 fixes also applied to 1004, does this mean there will be a rapid update to 1004-LTS ?

Users / Roku 2 XS and or boxee
« on: September 12, 2011, 04:40:30 pm »
So we already have hulu available within LinuxMCE (congrats to all the developers for the 0810 Final release, by the way).

So does anyone here have the Roku, or for that matter, a boxee ?

I mentioned the latest Roku version, 2 and XS as that also comes with an ethernet connection.

Can people who have it explain in detail the benefits of buying it.  

Any problems in using/accessing it via LinuxMCE

I wouldn't mind dropping my brighthouse cable if I could find a similar replacement.


Help Wanted / Re: Aprilaire 8870 thermostat with 8811 protocol adapter
« on: August 06, 2011, 08:32:03 pm »
Hari.  I sent you an email with the attached files.

I tried to PM you, but the PM was blocked.

Help Wanted / Aprilaire 8870 thermostat with 8811 protocol adapter
« on: August 05, 2011, 09:39:16 pm »
So, this was supposed to be working with pluto, but apparently its not from everything I have read in the forums.

I have downloaded the installation and operating PDF's for both devices and also have managed to get hold of a PDF of the programmers manual for the Communicating Thermostat.

So, if other people are interested in getting this working in LinuxMCE, I am in for US$100.

Who else wants to contribute and who thinks they can accomplish the task ?

Your answers on a postcard to...

Users / Re: HULU - no sound
« on: June 30, 2011, 10:47:01 pm »
Can you try HULU and confirm its the same - no audio.


Users / HULU - no sound
« on: June 30, 2011, 07:07:48 pm »
I don't use HULU very often.  I probably used it last 4 -5 weeks ago...maybe.

My system is a hybrid, using a Asus M3N78-VM motherboard.  I use the S/PDIF fiber optic to my audio amp.  I use Two DT366 orbiters.  My last update/upgrade was 29th June 2001.  My install appears to be 8th April 2011.  10.04-LTS.

I get 6 channel surround on watching DVD's, ripped movies, Audio CD's and ripped audio.

This used to work, but now when I use HULU, I have Two issues:-

1)   When I launch it the first time, it tries and then nothing happens.  I wait 30 secs or so and try again and it launches.

2)   And the main problem.  No sound.  I occasionally get a click but no sound.  If I exit and switch back to a movie or audio, I get 6 channel sound again.

Again, is this just me or are other people having issues.

Please test and respond.


ADD:  I opened the firefox web browser on the hybrid and went to hulu from there.  It plays, and I can hear the audio, all 6 channels fine.

Users / Picture viewer
« on: June 30, 2011, 05:13:10 pm »
I don't look at the  'Media-Pictures'  very often but after doing an  'update/upgrade'  on the 29th June, I decided to look at some pictures.

I have been seeing a number of issues and wondering if it is   'just my system'  or if they are consistent issues worth raising a ticket for.

My system is a hybrid, using a Asus M3N78-VM motherboard.  I have two DT366 orbiters.  I have a SAN containing pictures, videos and music but the flikr directory (pictures) is still on the hybrids hard drive.  10.04-LTS

My first daily flikr entry was the 8th April 2011.  I assume this is the day I installed the latest system.  I have been doing a update/upgrade approximately every 7-10 days since.


1)    The pics flashed up on the screen and then vanished using 'Media-Pictures-play all' from the dt366.  I did later try a reboot.  This issue, fixed itself overnight.  Although it randomly causes my DT366 to restart the linuxmce interface (Green block at the bottom, moving % marker).

2)    All my daily pictures under  'flickr'  vanished.  The next day, I had new pictures under June 29th.  But still the other daily pictures from April to June 28th are still missing.

3)   When I try to play a single picture, instead of 'play all'  nothing plays on the TV, nothing on the DT366

4)   When I select 29th June under   'Media-Pictures-Flicker-June-29'  I see the pictures on  the DT366.  But if I click on one of them, I see nothing on the TV or the DT366.  

5)   If I select as in 4) above, and then select delete, it asks me if I really want to.  But later, the picture will re-appear on the screensaver on the TV and when I check, its back under   'Media-Pictures-Flicker-June-29'

6)   When I use  'play-all'  on pics on my SAN, due to picture size, it puts Black edges on the picture - this is good.   When I do the same looking at flikr pictures, it doesn't blank out the edges but overlays it over the last screensaver (static) picture.  This is disconcerting and different than the SAN pictures.

7)  More...maybe.  I'll add more as I think of/find them.

The big question is, is this just my system or are other people seeing this ?

Can you please check your system.  Then update your system and check again and report back.

Thanks !!!

Users / Problems ripping disney DVD's
« on: June 10, 2011, 10:33:54 pm »
So, I have several Disney DVD's.  They all play fine, but when I try and rip them, after 2-7 seconds, the system reports that there are a lot of errors and if I leave them, they never complete.

My other 100+ DVD's have ripped with no problems.

The one's I have tried are....Chronicles of Narnia:  101 Dalmations, The Aristocats, Prince Caspian, Alison in Wonderland, A Christmas Carol, Tom & Jerry:  The Movies.

Does Disney have some extra protection on them ???

Users / Jerking/juddering whist panning
« on: June 10, 2011, 10:26:06 pm »
Check my sig/wiki for my hardware.

Whenever I watch a video and it pans, the picture jerks/judders.  It like its missing frames but its not tearing.

Its a little annoying.

Anything I can do to fix this ?


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