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Messages - Thingie

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Users / Network issues (solved)
« on: May 15, 2011, 11:24:00 pm »
I've been using LinuxMCE for quit some time now and always had problems with playing HD files from my NAS on MD's. The hardware wasn't the problem, full Gb network, NVIDIA graphics, core2 duo processors and so on. But still my audio and picture was stuttering at times. I tried fiddling with the network settings, on the core, NAS (home build Freenas) and managed switch. No solutions there. I've always used SMB share on my NAS and core to share the files. I read in the forum that NFS was preferable but wouldn't make that much of a difference. I thought I'd give it a try and the lord be praised  ;D all the issues are fixed. Even 1080p is running smoothly now. I don't now if it's an issue with LMCE or my Freenas but it did wonders for me. If you have the option to use NFS I would give it a try.
Just to let you know.



Users / Re: GC100-6 electrical plug
« on: May 12, 2011, 09:40:35 pm »
USA uses 110V
Europe use 230V
So watch out if there is no input voltaga indicated on the adapter

Users / Failed to setup X on MD
« on: August 04, 2010, 09:00:29 pm »

As you can see in the title I have a little problem. I've searched the forum and tried a lot of different things but can't solve the problem. At the moment I have a Core and one MD running for some time on 810. In the past (when I was using 710) I had an other MD in my kitchen but haven't been using it because I did some renovations. Now I installed the same MD again and let the setup run. All goes well until the AVwizard should start and then I get the blue screen saying Failed to setup X. The other (working) MD has the same motherboard and also uses a Nvidia graphics card. I also use both MD's succesfully in 710. I've looked at the xorg.conf and there I can see it uses the nvidia driver. I also tried modifying xorg.conf but had no luck. I know my hardware is ok because it worked fine in the past.  I'm getting desperate and don't know what else to try. If anyone has more ideas please let me know.



Users / Re: Video Card Suggestion
« on: July 13, 2010, 08:19:01 pm »
The reason why pc-cases are made from metal is because it helps the cooling of the pc. If you build it in a wooden box you'll loose this extra cooling with the result that all the fans will have to work harder to get everything cooled. If you want a silent pc you need a good part of passive cooling (pc case) and a good airflow. The airflow can be natural (rising warm air) but big fans, 120mm and bigger, are even better. If you use a big fan it don't needs to turn fast (lesser noise) to make a good airflow. The graphics cards in my MD's are all passive cooled and it works great because of the good airflow. If you use a card with a fan it will spin faster as it gets hotter inside the box.



Users / Re: MD won't play audio from read-only NAS share
« on: July 13, 2010, 08:02:20 pm »
I have a NAS server running for all my files. If I place a new media (audio or video) file on it I have to change the rights to read, write and execute (777). If I don't do this the file just won't play. I don't mind giving full rights to the files cause I'm the only one accessing them. Maybe you can try to change the rights of the file to read and execute. I haven't tried this myself but it might work. I don't know what's the reason but if a file is read-only LMCE won't play it. At least that's my experience.



Users / Re: Ticket Solved What now?
« on: July 05, 2010, 10:26:02 pm »
All I needed to know

Thx a lot


Users / Ticket Solved What now?
« on: July 05, 2010, 10:07:07 pm »

This is probably a very stupid question but I have to ask it. A while back I made a ticket for a problem I had wit the orbiter.
Now the ticket is solved and I get an email pointing me to the changes made for fixing the problem. I'm very thankful for the solving of the problem but I don't know what to do whit it. Can I edit a file with the new code or do I wait for an update?

Thx in advance


Users / Re: Windows Mobile 6 Orbiters (HTC Touch HD)
« on: May 07, 2010, 12:18:03 am »
The 'missing link' installer is an MSI for XP machines - not for WM6, or am I missing something?

Thingie - how do you begin to install the JavaMO?  Is there somewhere I can get the .jad or .jar files?

You're right about the link it's for windows desktop not mobile.

To set up the Java you need to connect with bluetooth. So one of your MD's or Core has to have bluetooth. Create a new orbiter in the webadmin. There you have the choice for a 'java mobile device' or something like that. Check the box that says 'resend the application to mobile device' and fill in your bluetooth mac address in the mac address field. Save everything. The screen of your orbiter should show the code you should use to make the connection  with your phone. '1234' by default. Approve the incomming connection on your phone and the java installer will download. Open Java and install. Good luck with it because it won't work on my Touch HD.



Users / Re: Windows Mobile 6 Orbiters (HTC Touch HD)
« on: May 03, 2010, 07:36:11 pm »
btw I'm trying the java orbiter on my HTC Touch HD and so far no luck. it gives java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError. I'll keep trying and keep the post updated.

Users / Re: Windows Mobile 6 Orbiters (HTC Touch HD)
« on: May 03, 2010, 07:34:27 pm »
I have the XDAIIi working.

I connect via wifi then download the installation file (not sure if it was the 'XScale' or 'Intel X86' version) then ran it.  It goes through set up and just works, nothing special was needed.

Are you using 810 version? If I trie to download the orbiter from the server it always gives me a 0kb file. If you have the working cab can you please send it to me? Send me a pm and I'll give you my email address. I've read some more posts on the forum that the orbiters are 0kb. Pls send me the CAB

Thx a lot


Users / Re: Windows Mobile 6 Orbiters (HTC Touch HD)
« on: May 03, 2010, 06:54:40 pm »
I also have a HTC touch HD and you' can't get the CAB orbiter to work. I've spent hours on this and it just won't work. Never tried the java orbitter though. You should give that a try. Java is supported by the Touch HD.



Users / Re: Getting 5.1 surround sound?
« on: April 26, 2010, 07:49:33 pm »

wireless/HD - Wireless boot does not work.  It's not a LinuxMCE thing, it's a wireless thing.  Wireless cards (typically) just do not support PXE boot.  Wireless also isn't a great solution for streaming video.  However, if you could setup LinuxMCE to boot from it's HD and use wireless N just for streaming media I think it would be handy and work fine.  Wireless shares bandwidth with all wireless devices, but for a limited number of devices where it's inconvenient to get a LAN drop (such as my guest bedroom) it would be a good option.  Unfortunately I don't think it's possible to setup 810 to boot from HD.  I wish it was. 

You could use a client bridge to solve the cabling problem
But as mentioned before HD video is out of the question even 720p. You need a really good wifi connection to get a good result. If there are more users using the same bandwidth you are in trouble for sure. I've experimented a lot with this and never had a good result. Eventually I decided to go for cabling ( even it was very hard to get them to the right place) and was finished  quicker then the time I spent to get the wifi working.

Users / Re: how to hide wires
« on: April 26, 2010, 07:31:28 pm »
I think a wall chaser is the best solution for your problem. I've used it on many occasions and it works really well to put wires or cables in the wall.  If you're using a wall chaser I would recommend to place a conduit in the cut-out space so you can access your cables on a later time. If you place the cables straight in the wall and put some concrete over them you'll get in trouble sooner or later when a cable breaks. Also using a tube can cause problems because you have to guide the cables through the tube. Cables with large connectors can cause great difficulties. When you use a conduit you can remove the lid put the cables in place and close the conduit. You can paint the conduit the same colour as the wall so it won't stand out. If you want the conduit to completely disappear you can use wallpaper to cover the wall and paint this so there won't be any trace of the conduit.

This is how I would tackle the problem:

- find the right conduit that can hold all the cables (not to big but certainly not to small and watch out for the the depth of the conduit. Wider is easier to cut out then deep.)
- take the measurements of the conduit and cut this out with the wall chaser. Try to get the depth as precise ass possible so the conduit gets even with the wall.
- put the conduit in and screw it in place
- finish the sides with some concrete so everything is nice and smooth. Keep the lid on doing this.
- when everything is dry remove the lid and put the cables in place.
- now paint the conduit or put wall paper on the wall and paint this

Have fun


Users / Re: Getting 5.1 surround sound?
« on: April 16, 2010, 11:46:34 am »
I also have the Z5500 and it is really very good value for money. Watch out with USB sound cards because they are not very well supported. I have a Audigy2 NX at home and I could never get it to work correctly. Now I use an old soundblaster Audigy PCI card and I have perfect surround sound. If you're not able to build in a soundcard make sure the USB version you use is fully supported.

Users / Re: Audio settings for media type.
« on: April 04, 2010, 12:55:51 pm »
I'm not at home for a few days so I can't test anything. As soon as I'm home I'll try a few ideas.
Keep you posted


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