Author Topic: Failed to setup X on MD  (Read 2451 times)


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Failed to setup X on MD
« on: August 04, 2010, 09:00:29 pm »

As you can see in the title I have a little problem. I've searched the forum and tried a lot of different things but can't solve the problem. At the moment I have a Core and one MD running for some time on 810. In the past (when I was using 710) I had an other MD in my kitchen but haven't been using it because I did some renovations. Now I installed the same MD again and let the setup run. All goes well until the AVwizard should start and then I get the blue screen saying Failed to setup X. The other (working) MD has the same motherboard and also uses a Nvidia graphics card. I also use both MD's succesfully in 710. I've looked at the xorg.conf and there I can see it uses the nvidia driver. I also tried modifying xorg.conf but had no luck. I know my hardware is ok because it worked fine in the past.  I'm getting desperate and don't know what else to try. If anyone has more ideas please let me know.

