For all those people that are interested in the Gyration remote option (particularly now that the Fiire remotes are effectively unavailable), you may have noticed some discussions going on in another thread. The bottom line is that the Gyration remote requires more than the ordinary control path to provide all-button functionality. Some considerable development work needs to be undertaken.
On a positive note, TSCHAK/Thom is prepared to devote some of his paid development time to this development effort. I would like to say that I think this is a very good idea, will provide you with another full-feature, gryo-style remote option, and will ultimately leave an ongoing legacy to the project in which you can legitimately feel you have contributed something back.
I am going to gather the names of people interested in this effort, and then work with Thom to determine what the per-person contribution would need to be. NOTE: this is not a commitment at this stage, we just want to get a number of interested parties so that we can work out what the cost per-person would be. I will communicate that cost back to you all and ask if you are prepared to proceed on that basis.
So, if you are at all interested in this, are prepared to consider payment to assist, and in anyway feel that you would like to contribute back to a project which has already given you so much for free (there's the guilt trip!), please post in reply to this thread ASAP.
I will contribute.
Ooops, I posted this in the other thread.
You can count me in for $100 via PayPal, CC, GooglePay, whichever is convenient. PM me with payment details.
I'm in...let us know how much and payment method...
Colin, thank you for organizing this...
And BTW: I'm assuming "full support", really means "full support", as in, it will also work with MythTV and all of its features.
Put me in for $75. Let me know the details...
I love to see Thom do his thing!!! :P
Come on forum members, we are going to need far more contributors to make this cost effective for all!
I think we need to aim for a minimum of 30 members, so Roll Up! Roll Up! to any of those sitting on the sidelines at the moment pondering, stand up and be counted if you want this to happen!
yeah - count me in.
I'll try to donate, pm me with some details I guess.
Lets get a cost so we know how much and how many we need. The remote is one of the most important aspects of any media center. It can be frustrating, no matter how good the product is, when it is difficult to use from the couch.
Count me in
Quote from: donpaul on April 01, 2009, 04:03:34 PM
Lets get a cost so we know how much and how many we need. The remote is one of the most important aspects of any media center. It can be frustrating, no matter how good the product is, when it is difficult to use from the couch.
Agreed, put up a hard number, then we can get specific dollar amounts from contributors and we'll know what we need.
I am currently unemployed but would like to show my support for this effort and help in any way i can.
I am hurting right now in the $$$ Dept. But I will commit to a MIN of $20.
put me down for 50
interested. keep me updated plz
i'm in...
please more details ASAP
Count with my contribution too!
I can contribute whit some $$ (20-30$!) if VDR got full suport too...
We are looking at a considerable amount of work here, including a lot of research into the low level HID/USB protocol stuff. Even at a significantly reduced rate of, say $75/hr and a cap on the development time of 40hrs, we are looking at $3000 total. The work will require Thom to purchase out of his fee a specific USB protocol analyser to get down into the HID packets and determine exactly what is being sent for those "Dead Buttons" so that he can adapt/develop the driver code to receive, parse and respond to them correctly. One of these analysers delivered is around $500 minimum.
So we can see that if we assumed an average donation of $100 per person (which is starting to look somewhat optimistic, but was based on some of the earlier posts), we would need at least 30 people to contribute. Unfortunately, this project is quite a complex one, so I'm not sure there is anyway we can reduce this cost simply because the hours don't come down easily. Lets see how we go in this thread gathering interested members.
Count Me In.
Did some research, and read that the of the gyration remote buttons are available in the 2.6.27 kernel, which is used for Ubuntu 8.10. That means we should be able to map those however we like. Does anyone have information on this. Would hate to jump at throwing a bunch of money into something that will work out of the box (in Ubuntu). If it works in ubuntu, it can work in LinuxMCE.
donpaul: Can you please provide references of where you say you read this?
I also read once that Elvis was still alive...but its true! ;)
You guys are clearly not showing enough of an understanding of the underlying system, and are not listening to me.
No, I actually do completely understand how much effort it will take you to integrate the gyration into the built in remote so it works properly and fully support the effort to have you do it. I was just responding to Ray_N (the link found using 5 words copied from donpaul's post, Ray ;) ).
Just because you can map the buttons now, doesn't mean they will do what they're supposed to without a proper template being made for the remote, so we really need this guys. If I can find even a few bucks, I'll throw in as well.
Quote from: donpaul on April 03, 2009, 04:03:32 AM
Did some research, and read that the of the gyration remote buttons are available in the 2.6.27 kernel, which is used for Ubuntu 8.10. That means we should be able to map those however we like. Does anyone have information on this. Would hate to jump at throwing a bunch of money into something that will work out of the box (in Ubuntu). If it works in ubuntu, it can work in LinuxMCE.
Firstly... this threads purpose is to allow people commit to contributing. Period.
Any other comments (like this one... ;-) ) should be placed in a new thread. If you dont want to contribute then dont post here at all.
...lastly the Fiire Remote/Dongle has a different firmware in its ROM image this is what causes the 'standard' Gyration to behave differently in respect of the 'broken' buttons. Of course it is perfectly possible that the standard Gyration will work 'out of the box' on 810...but it will only work as a standard Gyration would normally do... Not as the Fiire does... and this is the whole point of the work that Tom has offered to do.
All the best
CHT will contribute count us in.
Count with my contribution too!
It's great that we have a lot of "count me in" replies, but to move forward we need to get the specifics nailed down.
Thom, can you give us a price for this work? Once we have that, then contributors can commit hard dollar amounts and we'll be on our way.
Moderator Comment: Dale_K - I have already provided this information further up the thread.
Reinforcing Totallymaxed's comments - this thread is for contributors to post in-principle support for contributions only, please.
i'll contribute some ca$h. i'd like to hear in thom's words what he expects to get working and what the major challenges are.
Quote from: elspic on April 03, 2009, 09:17:01 AM
That's not where I read it ::) I read it in ubuntu's development forum.
I already stated I would contribute.
Count me in to support Thoms great work ;O)
Count me in.
Count me in
I will contribute, I can put in up to $100.
Quote from: colinjones on April 01, 2009, 12:05:17 AM
For all those people that are interested in the Gyration remote option (particularly now that the Fiire remotes are effectively unavailable), you may have noticed some discussions going on in another thread. The bottom line is that the Gyration remote requires more than the ordinary control path to provide all-button functionality. Some considerable development work needs to be undertaken.
On a positive note, TSCHAK/Thom is prepared to devote some of his paid development time to this development effort. I would like to say that I think this is a very good idea, will provide you with another full-feature, gryo-style remote option, and will ultimately leave an ongoing legacy to the project in which you can legitimately feel you have contributed something back.
I am going to gather the names of people interested in this effort, and then work with Thom to determine what the per-person contribution would need to be. NOTE: this is not a commitment at this stage, we just want to get a number of interested parties so that we can work out what the cost per-person would be. I will communicate that cost back to you all and ask if you are prepared to proceed on that basis.
So, if you are at all interested in this, are prepared to consider payment to assist, and in anyway feel that you would like to contribute back to a project which has already given you so much for free (there's the guilt trip!), please post in reply to this thread ASAP.
Colin - can we have an update on how this is shaping up? Are we close to reaching the target?
Andrew, I PM'd Thom a few hours ago to discuss the position... will let you know as soon as we get an answer
Count me in... I know I will use it and I will feel bad if I don't contribute. You guys already do enough for free so this is the least we can do to help.
I'm in.
OK guys....
I have negotiated with Thom on the cost... he initially brought the hourly rate down to 50% of the norm, but even that was going to leave the price/person prohibitively high. So I discussed it with him again and he has very kindly offered only to count half the initial hours he works on it, effectively bringing this down to a 1/4 of the total cost.
This leaves us with approximately $75 per person as an average contribution. I note that some people were prepared to pay a little more, but many were not able to offer as much as this. What I need to do now is get everyone on this thread to PM me directly with the maximum they can afford to contribute for the project so that I can try to cover the costs, and make up the shortfalls where necessary.
This is the point at which you need to commit to this payment as any drop-outs later will mean a financial impact to all the others involved. So:
If you have posted here already that you would like to contribute, but have changed your mind since - please PM me immediately to tell me this!!
If you have posted here already that you would like to contribute - please PM me immediately with a $ value that you are committing to.
Once all are in, I will post back here to confirm whether we have made the target or not. If so, then I will coordinate with Thom to arrange payments so that he can begin procuring the necessary analyser.
Best regards,
Come on everyone... 23 people responded initially, but so far I have only received 7 PMs committing ....
Quote from: colinjones on April 10, 2009, 11:58:42 PM
OK guys....
I have negotiated with Thom on the cost... he initially brought the hourly rate down to 50% of the norm, but even that was going to leave the price/person prohibitively high. So I discussed it with him again and he has very kindly offered only to count half the initial hours he works on it, effectively bringing this down to a 1/4 of the total cost.
This leaves us with approximately $75 per person as an average contribution. I note that some people were prepared to pay a little more, but many were not able to offer as much as this. What I need to do now is get everyone on this thread to PM me directly with the maximum they can afford to contribute for the project so that I can try to cover the costs, and make up the shortfalls where necessary.
This is the point at which you need to commit to this payment as any drop-outs later will mean a financial impact to all the others involved. So:
If you have posted here already that you would like to contribute, but have changed your mind since - please PM me immediately to tell me this!!
If you have posted here already that you would like to contribute - please PM me immediately with a $ value that you are committing to.
Once all are in, I will post back here to confirm whether we have made the target or not. If so, then I will coordinate with Thom to arrange payments so that he can begin procuring the necessary analyser.
Best regards,
Colin we'll commit to paying $100
Thanks Andrew - we now have 11 contributors locked in.
We are at the 55% mark for contributions.... again, I urge all those who have not yet PM'd me to do so ASAP. I realise that there was just a long weekend in many locations which will have slowed things down, but we really do need to lock these in quickly as herding everyone together and maintaining the interest relies on everyone.
Tomorrow I will be PM'ing everyone who initially responded but have not yet PM'd me. Ultimately, we will be transferring the contributions via Paypal, so please ensure you have an account ready to do this transfer.
still in for $100
Can someone clarify which gyration remote we are talking about in this thread? I know there was the discontinued model and some newer variants around, just want to clarify what exactly is being looked at here.
We now have 17 contributors locked in and are at the 85% mark on contributions - I believe that this is enough for Thom to get underway, at least. I will start approaching all those that have not yet responded to gather the remainder as quickly as possible...
Those that have committed, please can you tranfer via Paypal your maximum committed amounts as soon as possible? is the Paypal account. The currency is USD, of course.
los93sol - I imagine the basic HID part to this is very similar (if not the same) across all the models, so the work should be very portable.
ALL: To get the work underway, we need a volunteer to ship, on loan, one of these remotes to Thom in the US. Do we have any takers? Obviously, a co-resident of the US would make things slightly easier and cheaper, if possible.
I have $50 and a GYR3101US that I will contribute to the cause... my money has been transferred to the before mentioned account.
Quote from: jimmejames on April 14, 2009, 01:18:57 AM
I have $50 and a GYR3101US that I will contribute to the cause.
Thanks jimme - please use the above information to transfer the money, and can you contact Thom on how to get the remote to him?
hope it got it to you!, sorry about being all late :)
Paypal contribution sent.
Just sent a hundo through paypal.
Paypal contribution sent.
paypal sent :)
Paypal sent.
Quote from: los93sol on April 13, 2009, 08:33:06 PM
Can someone clarify which gyration remote we are talking about in this thread? I know there was the discontinued model and some newer variants around, just want to clarify what exactly is being looked at here.
The one that the Fiire remote was based on... different plastics used and different firmware.
sold as GY-310-EU in europe..
br, Hari
Money send via paypal ;O)
I just sent my payment via paypal for the amount I commited to.
Sent a Benji.
Thx Thom
We paid our contribution to Thom today.
Thank you guys so much for your contributions, as soon as I get the hardware, I will start working on this immediately.
I will start another thread for posting status.
Another $50 added to the pot, I just submitted my payment
Quote from: tschak909 on April 14, 2009, 06:24:43 PM
Thank you guys so much for your contributions, as soon as I get the hardware, I will start working on this immediately.
I will start another thread for posting status.
The remote (and usb receiver) has been shipped via UPS. Thom, I will PM you the tracking number as soon as it shows up in the system.
I have a second one of these (currently the GF uses it with WinMCE) and am running 710 on my core, but have a second box setup running one of the 810 alphas and can test compatibility/functionality on this second remote when you get closer to that stage.
Thanks again for doing this-
no problem, guys.
I hope this can become a sustainable way of sponsoring development for hardware that we all want to use, but don't have support for, yet.
I have started a thread for development, that actually needs to be moved to the development forum. I have ordered the USB protocol analyser, and it should be here in a few days.
Payment sent
Ok, I just sent in my contribution, had to do two payments (caught me between paydays). Thanks for this Thom.
Payment sent!
Go for it man!
Payment sent. ;D
Mine too
Thom, payment sent. joseph
Another 40$ from me...
I just got back on the board been out of town. I will transfer the money on friday when I get paid. Thanks
Sorry forgot about this. I just got around to this
You have sent $100.00 USD to
Well guys, it was a long road. But I just committed the Generic HID Handler to SVN, and the matching Gyration 3101 changes to sqlcvs.
This is a first pass, all the buttons work. I want to add support for holding down the mouse buttons to trigger the media and lights submenus, but that will come during the beta testing.
Thank you all for contributing, the feature is complete enough for testing for those of you who have 0810 installs.
There will not be an update for 0710.
Thank you very much to Tschak for getting this together!
I have tested out the additions and am very pleased to be able to go from 4 remotes down to 1.
Congratulations Thom!!! A huge step forward..
ddamron - how are you going with the Fiire?
I would like to make a donation for all the effort that's been put in. Please PM me info on a paypal account that I can send my contribution.