anyone tried to install the Orbitor on the N800 with the new OS2008 image?
not yet but I have an n800 and os2008 so I'm in the same boat as you are. I'm learning how to compile on it right now with some other programs so hopefully I'll get around to it in the next couple of weeks
it works! great!!! ;D
Quote from: avajon on December 26, 2007, 12:07:16 AM
it works! great!!! ;D
can you post some more info, how you did install it and about your experiences ?
Thanks in advance,
I just updated my N800 to OS2008 and installed the latest orbiter.
If you go directly to https://garage.maemo.org/frs/?group_id=162 (https://garage.maemo.org/frs/?group_id=162) and download the linuxmce deb it will tell you all the needed dependencies. Most of the dependencies can be downloaded directly from the garage page. Make sure, to download the mysql-common before the libmysqlclient.
If you have downloaded the dependencies of the garage page and retried the linuxmce deb off the garage page and you still have missing dependencies (as being told by the detail page of the programm manager), search for these dependencies in either the Maemo or the Maemo extra repositories. I had problems accessing the Maemo repositories direct, so I used the url http://stage.maemo.org and http://stage.maemo.org/extras
Also, right now there does not seem to be a deb Package for the Microsoft Truetype Fonts available for the N800. You have to copy the /usr/share/fonts/msttcorefonts directory contents over to your N800. The only way I was able to do this is by installing the openssh-server. BEWARE: Do not install openssh (containing client and server). It did not let me specify a password to be used for ssh. Manually removing the openssh-server and reinstalling the server alone did do the trick for me.
After the installation of the orbiter software on the N800 I tried starting it. It asked for the IP address of the DCERouter and the Device id of the created orbiter (see the Wiki on how to create the orbiter in the admin page of the DCERouter). However, connecting did not work, but hung the N800. What do you do, if a computer hangs? You turn it off. After restarting the N800 and re-executing the LinuxMCE Orbiter it took a while and started the orbiter. The orbiter is very good to read, and it is much faster than a weborbiter I tried before.
However, I have an (imported) audio library of about 15000 files. Choosing audio does take a while to start showing the list. Also, selecting one of the characters to jump to a specific performer, does NOT work on my installation.
As there is no progress displayed after selecting for example Audio, you sometimes double click. This can be especially bad, if you are selecting the Back button.
Another thing that does cause problems on my system is switching away from the orbiter to surf the net. Coming back shows a frozen screen (just white) and I have to kill the orbiter on the N800.
the installation steps posde posted is the same what i've done.
I'm very impressed, it works really well. But the only thing what would be very great ist the EPG for Live TV in the orbiter. You can't see on the "remote" what's playing now...
thanks for the info regarding Live TV. I am still waiting for VDR integration.
However, another thing I could not find is manual Follow-Me. I can't find the F
Semi-Off Topic Question:
I'm a complete novice when it comes to linux mce, I'm wondering when your using it as an orbiter are you connecting via bluetooth or wifi? Thanks in advance!
The Orbiter package for OS2008 is available on the Maemo garage - https://garage.maemo.org/frs/download.php/2956/lmceorbiter-os2008-0704-01_armel.deb (https://garage.maemo.org/frs/download.php/2956/lmceorbiter-os2008-0704-01_armel.deb). Be free to download it and test. Let me know about any problems.
Quote from: ace195 on December 26, 2007, 04:02:25 PM
Semi-Off Topic Question:
I'm a complete novice when it comes to linux mce, I'm wondering when your using it as an orbiter are you connecting via bluetooth or wifi? Thanks in advance!
It uses WiFi connection for Nokia Internet Tablet Orbiter.
hi nite_man
it works! do you have an idea how to implement EPG in the Orbiter?
many thanks to the great work!
Quote from: avajon on December 26, 2007, 05:14:35 PM
it works! do you have an idea how to implement EPG in the Orbiter?
Great! Unfortunately, I don't have MythTV or VDR setup in my home yet (I'm going to do it soon). So, I cannot test EPG functionality. Is it available on the XP or web Orbiters? In case of yes, what do you see on N800?
Basically, we'd have to implement a new screen with a set of data grids, grabbing the data in a similar fashion that the on-screen EPG is currently doing.
Quote from: avajon on December 26, 2007, 05:14:35 PM
hi nite_man
it works! do you have an idea how to implement EPG in the Orbiter?
many thanks to the great work!
Quote from: nite_man on December 26, 2007, 05:29:44 PM
Great! Unfortunately, I don't have MythTV or VDR setup in my home yet (I'm going to do it soon). So, I cannot test EPG functionality. Is it available on the XP or web Orbiters? In case of yes, what do you see on N800?
no, i don't think it is available on the XP Orbiters. But it would be great - because since i have mythtv i don't zap through all channels.
Quote from: avajon on December 27, 2007, 11:42:07 AM
Quote from: nite_man on December 26, 2007, 05:29:44 PM
Great! Unfortunately, I don't have MythTV or VDR setup in my home yet (I'm going to do it soon). So, I cannot test EPG functionality. Is it available on the XP or web Orbiters? In case of yes, what do you see on N800?
no, i don't think it is available on the XP Orbiters. But it would be great - because since i have mythtv i don't zap through all channels.
Correct... the Windows Orbiter and the N800 Orbiter are just that... Orbiters. They have no local lmce integrated media playing capabilities.
Quote from: totallymaxed on December 27, 2007, 11:48:08 AM
Quote from: avajon on December 27, 2007, 11:42:07 AM
Quote from: nite_man on December 26, 2007, 05:29:44 PM
Great! Unfortunately, I don't have MythTV or VDR setup in my home yet (I'm going to do it soon). So, I cannot test EPG functionality. Is it available on the XP or web Orbiters? In case of yes, what do you see on N800?
no, i don't think it is available on the XP Orbiters. But it would be great - because since i have mythtv i don't zap through all channels.
Correct... the Windows Orbiter and the N800 Orbiter are just that... Orbiters. They have no local lmce integrated media playing capabilities.
yes. but i don't want to watch tv on the N800 i only want to see whats playing on tv (EPG).
Quote from: avajon on December 27, 2007, 12:44:41 PM
Quote from: totallymaxed on December 27, 2007, 11:48:08 AM
Quote from: avajon on December 27, 2007, 11:42:07 AM
Quote from: nite_man on December 26, 2007, 05:29:44 PM
Great! Unfortunately, I don't have MythTV or VDR setup in my home yet (I'm going to do it soon). So, I cannot test EPG functionality. Is it available on the XP or web Orbiters? In case of yes, what do you see on N800?
no, i don't think it is available on the XP Orbiters. But it would be great - because since i have mythtv i don't zap through all channels.
Correct... the Windows Orbiter and the N800 Orbiter are just that... Orbiters. They have no local lmce integrated media playing capabilities.
yes. but i don't want to watch tv on the N800 i only want to see whats playing on tv (EPG).
If your N800 or Windows Orbiter is being used to remotely control your Core then you can display the EPG just as you can if you are controlling the Hybrid's Orbiter directly.
Although it would be nice to be able to watch TV or stored media from the N800
Quote from: ace195 on December 27, 2007, 05:08:21 PM
Although it would be nice to be able to watch TV or stored media from the N800
As I already mentioned on this forum N800 provides a client for MythTV (https://garage.maemo.org/projects/mtv/ (https://garage.maemo.org/projects/mtv/)) which allows to watch liveTV or recorded video. So, the problem is to launch maemomyth on the N800. But I have no idea how to do that and how complicated that feature. Maybe Andrew can clarify it.
I just got my n800 a couple days ago and upgraded it to os2008. I went to the garage site to download the orbiter files and dependencies but most of the debs say "Unable to install [filename]. Incompatible application package." The only one that worked for me under os2008 dependencies was libusb1.0.1.12.armel.deb.
Also, I see a 0710 tar.gz file there - can I install that over the air, or do I need to extract it on my pc and then copy it to the n800 to install?
Thanks in advance
Please, use dependencies from that page https://garage.maemo.org/frs/?group_id=162 (https://garage.maemo.org/frs/?group_id=162), but section OS2008. All those packages were tested on the several N800 with the latest OS2008. Also there is an Orbiter 0710 package for OS2008 - https://garage.maemo.org/frs/download.php/2956/lmceorbiter-os2008-0704-01_armel.deb (https://garage.maemo.org/frs/download.php/2956/lmceorbiter-os2008-0704-01_armel.deb). For 0710 the package is not ready yet. But you can download tar file to your device, run xterm, untar it somewhere:
cd /home/user/
mkdir work
tar vzxf lmce-0710-os2008-251207.tar.gz
cd lmce-0710-os2008-251207
./bin/Orbiter -r <core IP> -d <orbiter ID>
will that work on the 770 too?
Quote from: tschak909 on December 29, 2007, 06:31:38 PM
will that work on the 770 too?
I'll build the Orbiter for OS2006/OS2007 soon for sure. But that one is only for OS2008.
Has anyone else tried the dependencies? Those are the ones I tried but I am getting the same error - they are under os2008 dependencies from 2007-11-20 19:19. Is my n800 retarded or am I?
I will wait for the 0710 package - thanks so much for working on it. Any idea when it might be up?
Quote from: diamondcobra on January 02, 2008, 08:48:30 PM
Has anyone else tried the dependencies? Those are the ones I tried but I am getting the same error - they are under os2008 dependencies from 2007-11-20 19:19. Is my n800 retarded or am I?
I will wait for the 0710 package - thanks so much for working on it. Any idea when it might be up?
I'll check dependencies tonight once again. The package for 0710 will be uploaded to the garage after lunch.
Quote from: diamondcobra on January 02, 2008, 08:48:30 PM
Has anyone else tried the dependencies? Those are the ones I tried but I am getting the same error - they are under os2008 dependencies from 2007-11-20 19:19. Is my n800 retarded or am I?
Did you switch your device in the RedPill mode? Please, do it http://maemo.org/community/wiki/ApplicationManagerRedPillMode (http://maemo.org/community/wiki/ApplicationManagerRedPillMode) and try install the packages again.
I just uploaded LMCE 0710 packages for OS2008 and OS2007 on Maemo garage. Feel free to test them and post here all found bugs and problems.
Quote from: nite_man on January 03, 2008, 05:29:53 PM
I just uploaded LMCE 0710 packages for OS2008 and OS2007 on Maemo garage. Feel free to test them and post here all found bugs and problems.
Hi Michael,
Just a few quick bits of feedback based on the install and about 30 mins of usage (our N800 has gone home for weekend with one of my coleagues!)
- The install was very smooth using the 0710/OS2008 .deb... I just pointed the N800 browser at your Maemo Garage page for the Orbiter and click/installed direct from the page. That took maybe 5 mins... and then i had to download the ms fonts from the Core (thats still a little messy... maybe a quick script to copy them over from the core would be the way to go)
Now a few observations after using the 0710 Orbiter;
- The opening screen of the 0710 Orbiter still states is 0704
- The tick box in the opening screen seems to loose its state when you go back to this screen.
- Some button in the main menu seem to be drawn highlighted in a pale/yellow-green colour when the main menu screen is redrawn
- Speed and stability of connection was excellent and much better than under 0704 Orbiter on N770 running OS2006
I'll post some more feedback on Monday after getting my colleagues experiences from over the weekend.
Well done another very nice release.
Thanks for your help. I guess my problem was not being in redpill mode since everything installed this time. My core is down right now and its telling me that I need libxmu6 and libsdl-ttf2.0-0 to install the lmceorbiter-os2008-0710-01armel.deb, but I think i ought to be able to work that out.
Thanks again for your help, and for releasing these packages!
Quote from: nite_man on January 03, 2008, 05:29:53 PM
I just uploaded LMCE 0710 packages for OS2008 and OS2007 on Maemo garage. Feel free to test them and post here all found bugs and problems.
By the way the LMCE-0710 deb for OS2008 works fine on lmce-0704 Core's too... flipping back an forth just requires re-connecting to the other Core's AP and then a new device number entered into the initial screen... smooth as glass :-)
My wife wants to say a big THANK YOU! She hates using the gyro mouse and this is a fantastic replacement!
Setup was a breeze with just a couple of minor hiccups. I had to add the temporary maemo extra repository to get libxmu6 and libsdl-ttf. Adding these to the dependency files would be nice.
It took me a while to find the directions for adding the orbiter to linuxmce. It wasn't too bad but a little more hand holding for a noob would be nice. Having messed up my system previously playing with linuxmce admin has made me a little gun shy. :)
Finding and playing videos is sweet. The filters seem broke but I think that is a 0710B2 issue.
I was really surprised and impressed when the DVD menu showed up on the N800. Very Cool!
The first time connection to the linuxmce took a while. A text message like "Retrieving screens from the core, this may take a few minutes" would be nice.
I experienced the orbiter lock up problem when switching to the N800 desktop then attempting to resume the orbiter that was previously mentioned.
Orbiter wake is taking about 20 seconds sometimes. A black display with a pointer appears after first tap. I did a second tap about 15-20 seconds later and the display appears. Sorry for not being precise, I've only watched one movie and observed this behavior when I tried to pause about an hour into it and again when the movie was over.
Finally decided to try controlling the web bookmark feature. I'm assuming that the mouse table area should map to MD screen. What I observed is that only the lower right quadrant moves the pointer. Clicking at the very bottom right of the tablet causes the MD pointer to move to a point about 1/3 horizontally from the left edge and about half way from the top. Also did not get any response on the MD to clicking any of the keyboard keys (ok, the key colors changed from blue to greenish and stayed the new color even after clicking other keys).
Again, Thank You!
Quote from: royw on January 10, 2008, 06:57:52 AM
My wife wants to say a big THANK YOU! She hates using the gyro mouse and this is a fantastic replacement!
Setup was a breeze with just a couple of minor hiccups. I had to add the temporary maemo extra repository to get libxmu6 and libsdl-ttf. Adding these to the dependency files would be nice.
It took me a while to find the directions for adding the orbiter to linuxmce. It wasn't too bad but a little more hand holding for a noob would be nice. Having messed up my system previously playing with linuxmce admin has made me a little gun shy. :)
Finding and playing videos is sweet. The filters seem broke but I think that is a 0710B2 issue.
I was really surprised and impressed when the DVD menu showed up on the N800. Very Cool!
The first time connection to the linuxmce took a while. A text message like "Retrieving screens from the core, this may take a few minutes" would be nice.
I experienced the orbiter lock up problem when switching to the N800 desktop then attempting to resume the orbiter that was previously mentioned.
Orbiter wake is taking about 20 seconds sometimes. A black display with a pointer appears after first tap. I did a second tap about 15-20 seconds later and the display appears. Sorry for not being precise, I've only watched one movie and observed this behavior when I tried to pause about an hour into it and again when the movie was over.
Finally decided to try controlling the web bookmark feature. I'm assuming that the mouse table area should map to MD screen. What I observed is that only the lower right quadrant moves the pointer. Clicking at the very bottom right of the tablet causes the MD pointer to move to a point about 1/3 horizontally from the left edge and about half way from the top. Also did not get any response on the MD to clicking any of the keyboard keys (ok, the key colors changed from blue to greenish and stayed the new color even after clicking other keys).
That's good feedback. Would you turn the suggestions into feature requests in Mantis, so the 0710 developers can see them?
I'm trying to install the Orbiter on an N800 following these posts, however I've run into a problem.
I cannot find the libxmu6 package anywhere. :(
Anyone know where I can find this?
--- Oops: OS 2008, LinuxMCE 0710, ...
I think it was in: http://repository.maemo.org chinook/free
I haven't updated my n800 in months and am a little shy on messing up what is working...
Well, that's just it, by my understanding it *was* It's not there now.
I'll see if anyone on maemo or ITT has an idea where it went to.
Quote from: alaric on May 27, 2008, 08:11:47 PM
Well, that's just it, by my understanding it *was* It's not there now.
I'll see if anyone on maemo or ITT has an idea where it went to.
It seems that maemo repository is not accessible now. I don't see any reason to move libxmu6 somewhere from repository. Let's wait a bit. Or you can install that one - http://www.mediafire.com/?evk0mzw5nwo (http://www.mediafire.com/?evk0mzw5nwo). I got it from Maemo VMWave Appliance.
Quote from: Domodude on August 22, 2008, 10:46:29 PM
Hi Andrew,
I tried the OS2007 install script on your site for the N800, but all I see is an opened text file with
repo_name = ....
It seems that the n800 does not see the script as something executable.
Posde suggested there might be a missing line in /etc/mime.types:
Could perhaps have a look at that?
Hi Mark,
I've passed this onto Michael Stepanov who maintains this on our servers.
Quote from: Domodude on August 22, 2008, 10:46:29 PM
Hi Andrew,
I tried the OS2007 install script on your site for the N800, but all I see is an opened text file with
repo_name = ....
It seems that the n800 does not see the script as something executable.
Posde suggested there might be a missing line in /etc/mime.types:
Could perhaps have a look at that?
Hi Mark. I'll check that case. Are you sure that your N800 runs OS2007? OS2008 is much better (especially, the latest diablo). So, I suggest you to re-flash your N800 by OS2008.
Strange, I checked all install scripts and it seems they work fine. Could you try again, please?
Quote from: Domodude on August 23, 2008, 10:29:11 AM
I just did the upgrade. I am now going to try the 2008 version.
BTW, I have this asus wl580g wireless router attached to my wired switch (which is connected to the core). How do I get my n800 to talk to the core through that Asus? Currently it is configured as AP, and I use port 3 of the asus to connect to the switch. No go, so far :(
Check firewall on your LinuxMCE box. Try to shutdown it or add TCP port 3450.
ok, so I trued to download the packages for an N800 on OS2008 and it says that the dependancies are an "Incompatible Softare Package". I tried it from this post
"Please, use dependencies from that page https://garage.maemo.org/frs/?group_id=162, but section OS2008. All those packages were tested on the several N800 with the latest OS2008. Also there is an Orbiter 0710 package for OS2008 - https://garage.maemo.org/frs/download.php/2956/lmceorbiter-os2008-0704-01_armel.deb. "
it came from earlier in the thread.
The main distribution is fine, although it can't install because it doesn't have dependancies installed, but I can't install those cause the packages aren't compatible
Any ideas of what I am doing wrong?
I suspect that your problem is related with Red/Blue pill mode. Try to activate Red pill mode:
QuoteActivating Red Pill mode
- Go to "Tools > Application catalogue",
- click "New",
- enter "matrix" into the "Web Address" field,
- click "Cancel".
- Choosing the red pill will activate the red pill mode, obviously, and choosing the blue one will deactivate it.
Quote from: nite_man on August 26, 2008, 10:55:57 PM
I suspect that your problem is related with Red/Blue pill mode. Try to activate Red pill mode:
QuoteActivating Red Pill mode
- Go to "Tools > Application catalogue",
- click "New",
- enter "matrix" into the "Web Address" field,
- click "Cancel".
- Choosing the red pill will activate the red pill mode, obviously, and choosing the blue one will deactivate it.
thanks, that allowed me to install teh pre-req's but I can't install / find libsdlttf-2.0_0
I turned to Convergents distribution, but this install just hung, so I will try again later.