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Another commercial LinuxMCE variant

Started by hari, October 19, 2012, 10:19:54 PM

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If you're interested in a commercial variant of LinuxMCE, you now have another choice besides Dianemo: Schneider Electronics/Merten Uniq. Some pictures:

It only supports KNX for now but from what I know it is well integrated and has a few additions on top of the LinuxMCE stack (the Orbiter was enhanced). You can also run a version that is integrated in a panel.
rock your home - [url=""][/url] home automation


Very nice!  I like the additions to the orbiter display.

Question:  Licencing is typically a very touchy subject around here and most people seem unwilling to discuss it.  But, would the licencing require (as GPL requires) the release of source changes/upgrades on request?  Or are these changes isolated from the public now?

My setup: [url=""][/url]


they did exclusively license the whole stack from the new copyright holders (who bought all rights from Plutohome)
rock your home - [url=""][/url] home automation


Quote from: hari on October 19, 2012, 11:55:21 PM
they did exclusively license the whole stack from the new copyright holders (who bought all rights from Plutohome)

Who are the new owners? And what is the name of the woman?


rock your home - [url=""][/url] home automation


Looks very nice and interesting.

Where is this available (like a link), how much cost and what additional options?




It is available in Europe. Google for merten uniq eur to find out the pricing. Be sure to sit on a stable chair with some arm rests.
If I helped you, feel free to buy me a coffee: [url=""][/url]


Would it be possible to post a link.  maybe its me but i'm having a hard time find anything other that "we offer this system" on SE's website but no details.  I wonder if it is because i am coming from the US.

As well, I can't seem to find any pricing


Looking at the merten catalogue shows a price of 2300EUR for the Merten Uniq Server Basic, and 3500EUR for the Merten Uniq Server Pro, each price without VAT.
If I helped you, feel free to buy me a coffee: [url=""][/url]


I did contact Merten and they told me not yet on the market and that the announcement was made to early...


That would explain why I didn't find it when I did a search...



Quote from: pw44 on October 23, 2012, 10:04:22 PM
I did contact Merten and they told me not yet on the market and that the announcement was made to early...

Did you also ask what their take is on the linuxmce project?

23. Okt (vor 1 Tag)
Sehr geehrter Herr Wollny,

leider ist dieses Produkt mit dem Namen "UNIQ" immer noch in einer frühen Entwicklungsphase und eine Markteinführung noch nicht ansatzweise in Sicht.
Die verfügbaren Prospekte wurden leider zu früh in Umlauf gebracht.


Mit freundlichen Grüßen / best regards

i. A.

Uwe Sczepanski


Uwe Sczepanski  |  Schneider Electric  |  Global Operations  |   Germany  |   Teamleader InfoLine
Phone: +49 2261 702 ext. 235  |  Fax: +49 2261 702 680
Email:  |  Site:  |  Address: Schneider Electric GmbH, c/o Merten, Fritz-Kotz-Straße 8, 51674 Wiehl
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Ratingen  |  Amtsgericht Düsseldorf  |  HRB 47852  |  USt-IdNr. DE225673854
Geschäftsführer: Dipl.-Ing. Rada Rodriguez (Vorsitzende der Geschäftsführung), Dipl.-Ing. Clemens Blum  |  Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Marc Coroler
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Paulo Wollny

22.10.2012 18:11
   Re: Merten - Neue Kontaktanfrage

Sehr geehrter Herr Sczepanski,
ich meine die Lösung die ich unter,12933.0.html und was ich auch in Ihre Webseite gesehen habe.
Darüber möchte ich weitere Informationen.
Mit freundliche Grüsse,
Paulo Wollny

Am 22. Oktober 2012 10:16 schrieb <>:
Sehr geehrer Herr Wollny,

das genannte MCE - Plutohome - System ist mir bekannt, aber leider mit keinem unserer Produkte vergleichbar.


Mit freundlichen Grüßen / best regards

i. A.

Uwe Sczepanski


Quick google translate:

Personal Message (Offline)

Re: Another commercial variant LinuxMCE
«Reply # 12 on: Today at 06:27:53 PM»
Reply with quote quote
23rd Oct (1 day ago)
Dear Wollny

Unfortunately, this product called "UNIQ" is still in an early stage of development and a market not yet in sight to some extent.
Available brochures were brought unfortunately too early in circulation.

Sincerely / best regards
i A.
Uwe Sczepanski
Uwe Sczepanski | Schneider Electric | Global Operations | Germany | Team Leader Infoline
Phone: +49 2261 702 ext. 235 | Fax: +49 2261 702 680
Email: infoline.merten @ | Site: | Address: Schneider Electric Ltd, c / o Merten, Fritz-Kotz-Straße 8, 51674 Wiehl
Headquarters: Ratingen | District Court Dusseldorf | HRB 47852 | VAT Reg. DE225673854
Director: Dipl.-Ing. Rada Rodriguez (CEO), Dipl.-Ing. Clemens Blum | Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Marc Coroler
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Paulo Wollny
22.10.2012 18:11
    DE-Merten infoline @ Europe
    Re: Merten - New Contact Request

Dear Sczepanski,
I mean the solution which I, 12933.0.html and what I've seen your website.
Furthermore I would like more information.
With kind regards,
Paulo Wollny

On 22 October 2012 10:16 <> wrote:
Very geehrer Mr. Wollny

said MCE - Pluto Home - system is known to me, but unfortunately, with any of our products comparable.


Sincerely / best regards
i A.
Uwe Sczepanski


Has  Merten Uniq ever been released as a final product or abandoned?
LinuxMCE - If it was easy, everybody would be doing it!!
My setup - [url=""][/url]