thanks for your inside and ideas but the ocelot can act as a device controled by software, i know this because the HomeAutomation software HomeSeer uses the Ocelot as a controled device.
@nite_man thanks for the info i will be starting to try it as soon as possible.
@ all of you:
i know now that the Ocelot can control stuff on his own, but thats not the way i wanna use it,
i wanna use all features of LinuxMCE as a complete and totall control system for my house, using the Ocelot as an interface,
there are a lot of connections that can be made with the Ocelot (rs232, humididy sensors, ir sending/recieving, X10, i/o-boards, etc..)
other Home Automation software does succeed in using the Ocelot as a controled by software device (but the software isn't neer as good as LMCE) so i am thinking LMCE must be adaptable to using the Ocelot.
once again super thanks for all your replies,
any help is greatly apriciated,
if someone is willing to help me get this GSD programmed in any way i would be very greatful,
thanks Raymond