Thanks Sambuca.
Below is is the 33_ZWave.log and DCERouter.log during a failed command.
21 03/11/10 13:30:44.473 lock(0x8247e40) (>34646) interceptor: DCERouter.cpp:884 <0x7e1cbb90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:44.473 acquired(0x8247e40) #0 (>34646) interceptor DCERouter.cpp:884 <0x7e1cbb90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:44.473 unlock(0x8247e40) #0 (>34646) interceptor: DCERouter.cpp:884 <0x7e1cbb90>
10 03/11/10 13:30:44.473 DCERouter calling message interceptor for msg type 1 id 193, device 8 <0x7e1cbb90>
10 03/11/10 13:30:44.474 Executed query UPDATE Device SET State='OFF/0',psc_mod=psc_mod WHERE PK_Device=37 (0 rows) <0x7e1cbb90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:44.474 lock(0x8295bfc) (>34648) Lighting Mutex: Lighting_Plugin.cpp:446 <0x7e1cbb90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:44.474 acquired(0x8295bfc) #0 (>34648) Lighting Mutex Lighting_Plugin.cpp:446 <0x7e1cbb90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:44.474 unlock(0x8295bfc) #0 (>34648) Lighting Mutex: Lighting_Plugin.cpp:446 <0x7e1cbb90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:44.474 removed from map (0x8295bfc) #0 (>34648) Lighting Mutex: Lighting_Plugin.cpp:446 was: 107 size, now 106 Rel: Y Got: Y <0x7e1cbb90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:44.474 removed from map (0x8247e40) #0 (>34646) interceptor: DCERouter.cpp:884 was: 106 size, now 105 Rel: Y Got: Y <0x7e1cbb90>
08 03/11/10 13:30:44.474 Received Message from 44 (Windows XP PC/tablet (Horiz) / Home Theater) to Table Lamp(37), type 1 id 193 Command:Off, retry none, parameters: <0x7e1cbb90>
08 03/11/10 13:30:44.475 Parameter 97(PK_Pipe): <0x7e1cbb90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:44.475 lock(0x8247e7c) (>34649) messagequeue: DCERouter.cpp:1847 <0x7e1cbb90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:44.475 acquired(0x8247e7c) #0 (>34649) messagequeue DCERouter.cpp:1847 <0x7e1cbb90>
10 03/11/10 13:30:44.475 AddMessageToQueue(ProcessQueue) adding message from 44 to -2002 type 1 id 193 to queue size was: 0 <0x7e1cbb90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:44.475 unlock(0x8247e7c) #0 (>34649) messagequeue: DCERouter.cpp:1847 <0x7e1cbb90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:44.475 end cond wait DCERouter.cpp:1862 (0x8247e7c) <0xb6d21b90>
10 03/11/10 13:30:44.475 ProcessQueue woke up with size: 1 <0xb6d21b90>
10 03/11/10 13:30:44.475 ProcessQueue sending message from 44 to -2002 type 1 id 193 to queue now size: 0 <0xb6d21b90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:44.475 unlock(0x8247e7c) #0 (>2) messagequeue: DCERouter.cpp:1862 <0xb6d21b90>
10 03/11/10 13:30:44.475 ProcessQueue Calling realsendmessage from queue <0xb6d21b90>
10 03/11/10 13:30:44.475 begin realsendmessage before lock <0xb6d21b90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:44.475 lock(0x8247e04) (>34650) core: DCERouter.cpp:2140 <0xb6d21b90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:44.475 acquired(0x8247e04) #0 (>34650) core DCERouter.cpp:2140 <0xb6d21b90>
10 03/11/10 13:30:44.475 realsendmessage from 44 to 37 type 1 id 193 <0xb6d21b90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:44.475 unlock(0x8247e04) #0 (>34650) core: DCERouter.cpp:2140 <0xb6d21b90>
10 03/11/10 13:30:44.475 realsendmessage after core release from 44 to 37 type 1 id 193 <0xb6d21b90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:44.475 lock(0x8247c98) (>34651) listener Router Dev #0: ../DCE/SocketListener.h:96 <0xb6d21b90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:44.475 acquired(0x8247c98) #0 (>34651) listener Router Dev #0 ../DCE/SocketListener.h:96 <0xb6d21b90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:44.475 unlock(0x8247c98) #0 (>34651) listener Router Dev #0: ../DCE/SocketListener.h:96 <0xb6d21b90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:44.475 removed from map (0x8247c98) #0 (>34651) listener Router Dev #0: ../DCE/SocketListener.h:96 was: 108 size, now 107 Rel: Y Got: Y <0xb6d21b90>
10 03/11/10 13:30:44.475 realsendmessage before device conn mutex from 44 to 37 type 1 id 193 <0xb6d21b90>
13 03/11/10 13:30:44.475 Ready to send message type 1 id 193 to 33 ZWave on socket 130(0x83387d0) using lock: 0x83388b4 <0xb6d21b90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:44.475 lock(0x83388c4) (>34652) connection Incoming_Conn Socket 157 dev 33: DCERouter.cpp:2198 Device 33 ZWave <0xb6d21b90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:44.475 acquired(0x83388c4) #0 (>34652) connection Incoming_Conn Socket 157 dev 33 DCERouter.cpp:2198 Device 33 ZWave <0xb6d21b90>
10 03/11/10 13:30:44.475 realsendmessage after device conn mutex from 44 to 37 type 1 id 193 <0xb6d21b90>
10 03/11/10 13:30:44.475 Socket::SendMessage type 1 id 193 from 44 to 37 <0xb6d21b90>
13 03/11/10 13:30:44.476 Response 1 to realsendmessage type 1 id 193 socket 157 using lock: 0x83388b4 expected response: 0 <0xb6d21b90>
13 03/11/10 13:30:44.476 Got response: 1 to message type 1 id 193 to 33 ZWave on socket 157 using lock: 0x83388b4 <0xb6d21b90>
13 03/11/10 13:30:44.476 No response expected. returning <0xb6d21b90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:44.476 unlock(0x83388c4) #0 (>34652) connection Incoming_Conn Socket 157 dev 33: DCERouter.cpp:2198 Device 33 ZWave <0xb6d21b90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:44.476 removed from map (0x83388c4) #0 (>34652) connection Incoming_Conn Socket 157 dev 33: DCERouter.cpp:2198 Device 33 ZWave was: 108 size, now 107 Rel: Y Got: Y <0xb6d21b90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:44.476 removed from map (0x8247e04) #0 (>34650) core: DCERouter.cpp:2140 was: 107 size, now 106 Rel: Y Got: Y <0xb6d21b90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:44.476 relocking (0x8247e7c) (>2) <0xb6d21b90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:44.476 lock(0x8247e7c) (>2) messagequeue: DCERouter.cpp:1862 <0xb6d21b90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:44.476 acquired(0x8247e7c) #0 (>2) messagequeue DCERouter.cpp:1862 <0xb6d21b90>
10 03/11/10 13:30:44.476 ProcessQueue finished Calling realsendmessage from queue <0xb6d21b90>
10 03/11/10 13:30:44.476 ProcessQueue going to sleep <0xb6d21b90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:44.476 start cond wait DCERouter.cpp:1862 (0x8247e7c) <0xb6d21b90>
10 03/11/10 13:30:44.476 AddMessageToQueue(ProcessQueue) sent broadcast <0x7e1cbb90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:44.476 removed from map (0x8247e7c) #0 (>34649) messagequeue: DCERouter.cpp:1847 was: 106 size, now 105 Rel: Y Got: Y <0x7e1cbb90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:50.000 end cond timed at 1268332250.23000 wait result: 110 AlarmManager.cpp:102 (0x9822d174) <0x969fcb90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:50.000 unlock(0x9822d174) #0 (>3496) alarm: AlarmManager.cpp:102 <0x969fcb90>
12 03/11/10 13:30:50.000 Calling callback for alarm 0x9822d130 id 5 param=(nil) entry->when: 1268332250 time: 1268332249 <0x969fcb90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:50.000 lock(0xa3c299d4) (>34655) Media Plugin: MythTV_PlugIn.cpp:2730 <0x969fcb90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:50.000 acquired(0xa3c299d4) #0 (>34655) Media Plugin MythTV_PlugIn.cpp:2730 <0x969fcb90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:50.000 lock(0xa3c299d4) (>34656) Media Plugin: MythBackEnd_Socket.cpp:181 <0x969fcb90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:50.000 acquired(0xa3c299d4) #1 (>34656) Media Plugin MythBackEnd_Socket.cpp:181 <0x969fcb90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:50.000 unlock(0xa3c299d4) #1 (>34656) Media Plugin: MythBackEnd_Socket.cpp:181 <0x969fcb90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:50.000 removed from map (0xa3c299d4) #1 (>34656) Media Plugin: MythBackEnd_Socket.cpp:181 was: 108 size, now 107 Rel: Y Got: Y <0x969fcb90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:50.000 lock(0xa3c299d4) (>34658) Media Plugin: MythBackEnd_Socket.cpp:59 <0x969fcb90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:50.001 acquired(0xa3c299d4) #1 (>34658) Media Plugin MythBackEnd_Socket.cpp:59 <0x969fcb90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:50.001 lock(0xa3c299d4) (>34659) Media Plugin: MythBackEnd_Socket.cpp:204 <0x969fcb90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:50.001 acquired(0xa3c299d4) #2 (>34659) Media Plugin MythBackEnd_Socket.cpp:204 <0x969fcb90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:50.001 unlock(0xa3c299d4) #2 (>34659) Media Plugin: MythBackEnd_Socket.cpp:204 <0x969fcb90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:50.001 removed from map (0xa3c299d4) #2 (>34659) Media Plugin: MythBackEnd_Socket.cpp:204 was: 109 size, now 108 Rel: Y Got: Y <0x969fcb90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:50.054 unlock(0xa3c299d4) #1 (>34658) Media Plugin: MythBackEnd_Socket.cpp:59 <0x969fcb90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:50.054 removed from map (0xa3c299d4) #1 (>34658) Media Plugin: MythBackEnd_Socket.cpp:59 was: 108 size, now 107 Rel: Y Got: Y <0x969fcb90>
10 03/11/10 13:30:50.054 MythTV_PlugIn::ConfirmMasterBackendOk got 39390 <0x969fcb90>
35 03/11/10 13:30:50.054 MythBackEnd_Socket::ProcessIncomingString 39390 <0x969fcb90>
12 03/11/10 13:30:50.054 Cancel Alarm by type: 5 <0x969fcb90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:50.054 lock(0x9822d174) (>34677) alarm: AlarmManager.cpp:309 <0x969fcb90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:50.054 acquired(0x9822d174) #0 (>34677) alarm AlarmManager.cpp:309 <0x969fcb90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:50.054 end cond timed at 1268332250.54103000 wait result: 0 AlarmManager.cpp:102 (0x9822d174) <0x961fbb90>
12 03/11/10 13:30:50.054 Alarm manager notified of a change <0x961fbb90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:50.054 start cond 0x9822d1ac timed wait till 1268333885.0 now 1268332250.54175000 AlarmManager.cpp:102 (0x9822d174) <0x961fbb90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:50.054 unlock(0x9822d174) #0 (>34677) alarm: AlarmManager.cpp:309 <0x969fcb90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:50.054 removed from map (0x9822d174) #0 (>34677) alarm: AlarmManager.cpp:309 was: 108 size, now 107 Rel: Y Got: Y <0x969fcb90>
10 03/11/10 13:30:50.054 AlarmManager::AddRelativeAlarm current time 1268332250 delay 30 type 5 <0x969fcb90>
10 03/11/10 13:30:50.054 AlarmManager::AddAbsoluteAlarm time 1268332280 type 5 <0x969fcb90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:50.054 lock(0x9822d174) (>34678) alarm: AlarmManager.cpp:185 <0x969fcb90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:50.054 acquired(0x9822d174) #0 (>34678) alarm AlarmManager.cpp:185 <0x969fcb90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:50.055 end cond timed at 1268332250.54526000 wait result: 0 AlarmManager.cpp:102 (0x9822d174) <0x961fbb90>
12 03/11/10 13:30:50.055 Alarm manager notified of a change <0x961fbb90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:50.055 start cond 0x9822d1ac timed wait till 1268332280.0 now 1268332250.54593000 AlarmManager.cpp:102 (0x9822d174) <0x961fbb90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:50.055 unlock(0x9822d174) #0 (>34678) alarm: AlarmManager.cpp:185 <0x969fcb90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:50.055 removed from map (0x9822d174) #0 (>34678) alarm: AlarmManager.cpp:185 was: 108 size, now 107 Rel: Y Got: Y <0x969fcb90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:50.055 unlock(0xa3c299d4) #0 (>34655) Media Plugin: MythTV_PlugIn.cpp:2730 <0x969fcb90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:50.055 removed from map (0xa3c299d4) #0 (>34655) Media Plugin: MythTV_PlugIn.cpp:2730 was: 107 size, now 106 Rel: Y Got: Y <0x969fcb90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:50.055 relocking (0x9822d174) (>3496) <0x969fcb90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:50.055 lock(0x9822d174) (>3496) alarm: AlarmManager.cpp:102 <0x969fcb90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:50.055 acquired(0x9822d174) #0 (>3496) alarm AlarmManager.cpp:102 <0x969fcb90>
21 03/11/10 13:30:50.055 start cond 0x9822d1ac timed wait till 1268333885.0 now 1268332250.54882000 AlarmManager.cpp:102 (0x9822d174) <0x969fcb90>
36 03/11/10 13:30:44.476 Received command for child <0xb6911b90>
36 03/11/10 13:30:44.476 OFF RECEIVED FOR CHILD 4 <0xb6911b90>
40 03/11/10 13:30:44.570 Sending job 0x9d48168 (cb 100) - 0x1 0xa 0x0 0x13 0x4 0x3 0x20 0x1 0x0 0x5 0x64 0xa1 (#\n#### ###d#) <0xb7913b90>
41 03/11/10 13:30:44.578 0x1 0x4 0x1 0x13 0x1 0xe8 (######) <0xb7913b90>
36 03/11/10 13:30:44.578 ZW_SEND delivered to Z-Wave stack <0xb7913b90>
41 03/11/10 13:30:45.042 0x1 0x5 0x0 0x13 0x64 0x1 0x8c (####d##) <0xb7913b90>
36 03/11/10 13:30:45.042 ZW_SEND Response with callback 100 received <0xb7913b90>
36 03/11/10 13:30:45.042 Error: ZW_SEND failed, retrying <0xb7913b90>
40 03/11/10 13:30:45.142 Sending job 0x9d48168 (cb 100) - 0x1 0xa 0x0 0x13 0x4 0x3 0x20 0x1 0x0 0x5 0x64 0xa1 (#\n#### ###d#) <0xb7913b90>
41 03/11/10 13:30:45.150 0x1 0x4 0x1 0x13 0x1 0xe8 (######) <0xb7913b90>
36 03/11/10 13:30:45.150 ZW_SEND delivered to Z-Wave stack <0xb7913b90>
41 03/11/10 13:30:45.554 0x1 0x5 0x0 0x13 0x64 0x1 0x8c (####d##) <0xb7913b90>
36 03/11/10 13:30:45.554 ZW_SEND Response with callback 100 received <0xb7913b90>
36 03/11/10 13:30:45.554 Error: ZW_SEND failed, retrying <0xb7913b90>
40 03/11/10 13:30:45.654 Sending job 0x9d48168 (cb 100) - 0x1 0xa 0x0 0x13 0x4 0x3 0x20 0x1 0x0 0x5 0x64 0xa1 (#\n#### ###d#) <0xb7913b90>
41 03/11/10 13:30:45.662 0x1 0x4 0x1 0x13 0x1 0xe8 (######) <0xb7913b90>
36 03/11/10 13:30:45.662 ZW_SEND delivered to Z-Wave stack <0xb7913b90>
41 03/11/10 13:30:46.086 0x1 0x5 0x0 0x13 0x64 0x1 0x8c (####d##) <0xb7913b90>
36 03/11/10 13:30:46.086 ZW_SEND Response with callback 100 received <0xb7913b90>
36 03/11/10 13:30:46.086 Error: ZW_SEND failed, retrying <0xb7913b90>
40 03/11/10 13:30:46.189 Sending job 0x9d48168 (cb 100) - 0x1 0xa 0x0 0x13 0x4 0x3 0x20 0x1 0x0 0x5 0x64 0xa1 (#\n#### ###d#) <0xb7913b90>
41 03/11/10 13:30:46.198 0x1 0x4 0x1 0x13 0x1 0xe8 (######) <0xb7913b90>
36 03/11/10 13:30:46.198 ZW_SEND delivered to Z-Wave stack <0xb7913b90>
41 03/11/10 13:30:46.702 0x1 0x5 0x0 0x13 0x64 0x1 0x8c (####d##) <0xb7913b90>
36 03/11/10 13:30:46.702 ZW_SEND Response with callback 100 received <0xb7913b90>
36 03/11/10 13:30:46.702 Error: ZW_SEND failed, removing job after three tries <0xb7913b90>