Hey Guys,
Sorry for the delay.
@ladekribs, posde's advice is the best way to revert to the current template. Once done you can try again. Below is #373 Private Method Listing if you're sure that is your problem. This is simply the send command with additional arguments.
# Private - Date: 28.02.2008
# the docs are wrong. they say responses are terminated with a \r. In reality some sets do, others don't.
def SendCommand(command,timeout,retransmit)
for i in 0...retransmit
conn_.Send(command + "\r")
# wait up to 8 seconds since it may be very slow if this is an 'on' command
buf = conn_.RecvDelimited("x", timeout)
if( !buf.nil? && (!buf.index("01 OK").nil? || !buf.index("01 NG").nil?))
print "Received good reply in less than ", timeout, "ms: ", buf, "\n"
buf = conn_.Recv(1000,1000);
print "Flushed buffer: ", buf, "invalid resonse in ", timeout, "seconds\n"