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RS232 & Sharp Aquos not working in LMCE, Only Windows

Started by tortho, February 22, 2010, 12:35:20 PM

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On my laptop:
With windows running Putty I do control my Sharp Aquos LC52X20E with e.g. "POWR1   " & "POWR0   " or any other command from the manual.

On my Core:
Have 2 serial ports (one on the Motherboard which is not connected and one on a pci card which is connected to the TV)
Found the serial card which is connected to be /dev/ttyS1 (Port 0xdc00)
Only these 2 serial ports are reported with UART 16550A when I run setserial -g /dev/ttyS[012345678]

When issuing the below commands nothing happens:
/usr/pluto/bin/TestSerialPort -p 2 -P N81 -b 9600 -t "POWR0   \r\s500mPOWR1   \r\n" -i 1 -s "OK\r"


/usr/pluto/bin/TestSerialPort -p 2 -P N81 -b 9600 -t "POWR0   \r\n" -i 1 -s "OK\r"

Any suggestions on where the issue might possibly be is highly appreciated.

My setup: [url=""][/url]


Hi tortho
my aquos has always been pnp, (except for dodgy serial cable & pl2303 ) so I know very little, but

could it be that

/usr/pluto/bin/TestSerialPort -p 2 -P N81 -b 9600 -t "POWR0   \r\s500mPOWR1   \r\n" -i 1 -s "OK\r
should be 8N1   ?



Thanks for the reply.
Nope 8N1, was a typo and does not make any difference.

Tried the bottom not on the Sharp page with minicom and no commands do work.

As additional info I can inform that I have the exactly same issue on my MD with another pc with another Sharp model LCD.
The MD does also work perfectly with my other laptop and putty under windows.
My setup: [url=""][/url]


My Sharp Aquos LC-46D85U was plug and play with LMCE also.
Techstyle UK Ltd

Techstyle US Inc.


take your system back to its basic state

1 pull your pci card with comport out
2 re enable your comport on your mobo and reconnect rs232 from tv to comport
3 do not specify comport setting from within lmce but let lmce detect the port for you, if you have to change speed settings etc... do that from within the bios
4 make sure that you can test with the commands there after and make sure the cable is null modem

For a Current List of Plug and Play Capture Cards/Devices


rock your home - [url=""][/url] home automation



Thanks a lot Hari, that worked.

Then the big question.
- Why is it not auto detected?
- Why does it not respond to com port numbers "1" or "2"...?
and assume it will be a lot more easy to "install" the tv if it is auto detected.
My setup: [url=""][/url]



Finally the cable for the motherboard is in house and the pci RS232 card has been removed.

Still no luck.

TestSerial works and turns the tv on/off, but no autodetection in LMCE.

Any further hints?
My setup: [url=""][/url]


In webadmin under Media Directors find the MD and look in the box titled 'Serial Ports' (or something like that) is there anything in the box?
Techstyle UK Ltd

Techstyle US Inc.



On the core/hybrid there is nothing in the available serial port box.

On my other MD I have "/dev/ttyS0," That one is not working either, only TestSerial..., but no autodetect
My setup: [url=""][/url]


Tortho, I had to recently rebuild my entire system and my Aquos TV did not get auto detected. I had to manually add it and specify the serial port in the webadmin. So I can confirm that autodetection sometimes doesn't work, it could be just my system thought. (I couldn't even locate the auto detect shell script anywhere)


The auto detection files are at


you shoud have a bunch of .sh files including

which should read:


echo "Sharp TV Detection script queue $2"
/usr/pluto/bin/TestSerialPort -p $3 -P N81 -b 9600 -t "POWR0   \r\s500mPOWR1   \r" -i 1 -s "OK\r"
if [[ "$?" -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "It's not a Sharp TV"
/usr/pluto/bin/MessageSend dcerouter -r 0 $1 1 806 224 $2 13 "$4" 44 0
echo "It is a Sharp TV"
/usr/pluto/bin/MessageSend dcerouter -r 0 $1 1 806 224 $2 13 "$4" 44 1856

I am not sure how they are triggered but when they are you can see them all being run until the correct one is found and then Sara comes up and asks how the TV is connected and basically helps you set up the audio and video pipes.  You could, as Stallione said, add it manually and set up the pipes yourself and see if that works the template you want is:

QuoteAcquos LCxxD6U / LCxxD7u
Device template #1856

Techstyle UK Ltd

Techstyle US Inc.